This poster is either not being honest, or is perhaps dangerously naive. (notice how they took the one word "make" and ignored the words about "Influence", to distract.
On the most banal level, salespeople have dozens of techniques to Influence your beliefs to buy their products. Dozens of books on that subject.
Advanced Salespeople are much better, and literally do as I have described, they have complete COURSES which teach that.
In cults, they have the LOVE-BOMB technique, which goal is EXACTLY what I have said. (Carol Skolnick pre-frames people for that).
In NLP and modern hypnosis, they also have PRECISE TECHNIQUES to ENGINEER beliefs into people.
THAT IS A FACT. That is not an opinion. Its a clear FACT. Look at the literature.
Richard Bandler has a book out called PERSUASION ENGINEERING.
Robert Dilts has techniques called "Sleight of Mouth". One could list 100 examples.
People better WAKE-UP and get their heads out of the Love-Bomb.
Read the books below.
And please stop the endless lies, thanks. (see below)
(Library of NLP)
NLP Hypnosis Influence Persuasion patterns
NLP Hypnosis Influence Persuasion patterns
A Robbins - The Power To Influence (Sales Mastery).pdf (7.04 megabyte)
Bandler - Tranceformations 17pp - book summary.pdf (73.17 kilobyte)
Bandler_La Valle_Milton Patterns.doc (26.5 kilobyte)
Charles Faulkner - Creating Irresistible Influence.pdf (387.76 kilobyte)
Donald Moine - 1990_six tapes - summary.pdf (1.2 megabyte)
Donald Moine - 6 audiotapes_Summary page 01.doc (22 kilobyte)
Donald Moine - Unlim Selling Power - Ocred.pdf (10.68 megabyte)
Donald Moine - What it Takes SuperSellers.pdf (6.39 megabyte)
Donald Moine_ OCR Unl Selling Power_manual.pdf (102.82 kilobyte)
Donald Moine_Unl Selling Power_179 pages OCR.doc (1.01 megabyte)
Focus Directing Questions.doc (43 kilobyte)
Gaining compliance_Gass&SeiterCh11.doc (114.5 kilobyte)
Igor Ledochowski - Deep Trance Training - contents.pdf (2.38 megabyte)
Igor Ledochowski - Deep Trance Training Manual Vol 1.pdf (31.75 megabyte)
Igor Ledochowski - Street Hypnosis (Mentalism Course Notes).pdf (339.69 kilobyte)
Igor Ledochowski - ad for Conversational_Hypnosis.pdf (282.86 kilobyte)
James Prochaska Five Stages of Change_overview.txt (6.81 kilobyte)
John Overdurf _Training Trances_summary.doc (34.5 kilobyte)
John Overdurf and J Siverthorn - Training Trances_OCR.pdf (543.37 kilobyte)
Kenrick Cleveland - Influencial Spinning.pdf (91.36 kilobyte)
Kenrick Cleveland - Magical Objection Mastery.doc (368.5 kilobyte)
Kenrick Cleveland - Magical Objection Mastery.pdf (613.12 kilobyte)
Kenrick Cleveland - Max Persuasion 2000.pdf (190.31 kilobyte)
Kenrick Cleveland - Sales Techniques (7 Pages).doc (69 kilobyte)
Kenrick Cleveland - The Dark Side Manual.pdf (156 kilobyte)
Kenrick Cleveland - The Dark Side Transcript.pdf (123.56 kilobyte)
Kevin Hogan - (2.35 megabyte)
Kevin Hogan - The Psychology Of Pers How To Persuade Others.pdf (14.28 megabyte)
L Michael Hall - Mindlines.pdf (1.38 megabyte)
L Michael Hall - Sourcebook of Magic.pdf (1.14 megabyte)
L. Michael Hall - Mind-Lines - Lines for Changing Minds (2nd Edn).pdf (1.37 megabyte)
L. Michael Hall - MindLines Book_ summary on Reframing.doc (58.5 kilobyte)
Larry McLauchlin - Adv Lang Patterns ,58.pdf (609.42 kilobyte)
Larry McLauchlin_ Adv Lang Patterns Mastery (1).doc (434.5 kilobyte)
Marshall Sylver - Hypnotic Selling manual.pdf (727.56 kilobyte)
Maximum Influence The12 Universal Laws of Power Persuasion.pdf (1.67 megabyte)
Michael J. Brooks _Power Of Business Rapport.doc (50 kilobyte)
Milton Erickson by Sidney Rosen - My Voice Will Go With You _The Teaching Tales Of .pdf (2.48 megabyte)
Milton Model and hypn patterns_Apr 2001.pdf (287.08 kilobyte)
Milton Model misc notes_Apr 2001 (8).pdf (328.96 kilobyte)
Milton NLP Model of Hypn.doc (55 kilobyte)
Moine_1990_6 audiotapes.pdf (1.17 megabyte)
NLP Workbook -Joseph o'connor.pdf (21.31 megabyte)
NP WorkBook by Joseph O'connor Excellent OCR.pdf (1.95 megabyte)
Paul Mckenna - The Secret Language Of Influence - Manual.pdf (429.92 kilobyte)
Qualifiers_Softeners phrases.doc (19.5 kilobyte)
Ray Hyman _Cold Reading.doc (83.5 kilobyte)
Rex Sykes - Ultimate Nlp Home Study Course.pdf (365.45 kilobyte)
Robert B. Cialdini - Influence_ the 7 Compliance Triggers.doc (22.5 kilobyte)
Robert Cialdini - Harnessing The Science Of Persuasion.pdf (996.32 kilobyte)
Robert Cialdini - Influence - Science and Practice, 4th ed1.pdf (2.26 megabyte)
Robert Greene, The Art of Sed.pdf (3.2 megabyte)
Ross Jeffries - language patterns FlashCards.doc (60 kilobyte)
Salad Consulting Ltd - Ericksonian Hypnosis Card Deck.pdf (535.87 kilobyte)
Salad Consulting Ltd - Irresistible Influence Card Deck.pdf (698.24 kilobyte)
Shelle R Charvet - Words that Change Minds - the L of Influence.pdf (6.8 megabyte)
Tad James - Ericksonian Manual.pdf (491.18 kilobyte)
Tad James - Hypn - Deep Trance Phenomena Ocr.pdf (5.76 megabyte)
Tad James - Hypnosis Practitioner - Manual.pdf (233.4 kilobyte)
Tad James - NLP Master Practitioner - Manual.doc (7.54 megabyte)
Tad James - NLP Master Practitioner - Manual.pdf (3.07 megabyte)
Tad James - NLP-Ericksonian Manual.pdf (487.67 kilobyte)
Tom Hopkins_Official Guide to Success_summary.pdf (90.3 kilobyte)
Zebu Milton_model_zebu cards_2007.pdf (655.79 kilobyte)
Zebu The Hypn Language Card Game FlashCards.pdf (366.17 kilobyte)
Zebu_52 cards_22pp (1992).pdf (5.44 megabyte)
Zebu_Robert Anue_ card deck.pdf (273.08 kilobyte)
pdf hypn Kevin Hogan - Hypnosis.pdf (3.68 megabyte)
pua - Evil Pattern - The Door.rtf (4.37 kilobyte)
pua - Forbidden Pattern - The Gemini.rtf (3.06 kilobyte)
pua - Forbidden Pattern - The Shadow and The Rising Sun.rtf (3.43 kilobyte)
pua - L Systems Routine Manual.pdf (1.98 megabyte)
pua - October Man pattern.rtf (5.05 kilobyte)
pua - theGuruDev - Sed Lang Patterns (SS Quick Reference).pdf (588.75 kilobyte)
Anticult said: "They taught people how to make the client think you are their best friend, with very specific techniques. (yes, they are sociopathic).
And Byron Katie takes that just one step further, she makes you BELIEVE that she is your BEST FRIEND in the world, and even that you LOVE her. he engineers your Love right into her system, its all there in black and white, very clearly if one is looking for it. She literally "fuses" with you."
Makes you believe? She MAKES you believe. NO one can 'make you believe' anything without your permission. Get a grip.