one other thing...doing this type of cultic investigation is very tricky, and can trigger very strong EMOTIONS in people.
My theory for this, is that people like Byron Katie, and many others, are literally trying to RE-ENGINEER THEIR REALITY in people's brains-minds. Literally.
Now they use the most powerful techniques on earth to do this, in an almost invisible way, using very tricky and dishonest methods, all the way from sales techniques, up to forms of "brainwashing".
They also have the added New Age trick of reverse-shaming.
If a person points out their LIES, they want them to feel guilty for doing it.
If I get angry at them for lying to me, and trying to con me, then they want the subject feel guilt for getting angry at those methods. (of course when Gurus rage at their followers, that is Drunken Crazy Wisdom...)
I think its healthy to have a very very powerful Assertive response to these dishonest tactics. Sometimes the response has to be very powerful due to the deep techniques being used.
Over the years, we can develop very powerful and healthy boundaries, and healthy Anger seems to be what provides the energy for those boundaries.
Of course, Raging is not healthy, and we all can get into some internet flaming after a few coffees, etc.
But having extremely powerful psychological boundaries, seems to be a good way to stay free.
And in escaping from these cultic systems, it does seem that a healthy Anger-Disgust at the perpetrator is part of the process of healing.
Notice how this is the opposite to the Byron Katie New Agey Love-Bomb method, where she flips it around on you.
It does seem that a powerful and even very angry response to this level of "Mind Control" is part of the healing process.
And if the New Age Mind-Control Guru Con-Artists don't like it, they can Fuck Off.
I think Frank Zappa said it best....
COSMIK DEBRIS by Frank Zappa
The mystery man came over
And he said "I'm outta sight!"
He said for a nominal service charge
I could reach nirvana tonight
If I was ready, willing and able
To pay him his regular fee
He would drop all the rest of
His pressing affairs and devote
His attention to me
But I said "Look here brother
who you jiving with that cosmik debris?
Now who you jiving with that cosmik debris?
Look here brother, don't waste your time on me"
The mystery man got nervous
And he fidget around a bit
He reached in the pocket of his mystery robe
And he whipped out a shaving kit
Now I thought it was a razor
And a can of foaming goo
But he told me right then when the top popped open
There was nothin' his box won't do
With the oil of Aphrodite, and the dust of the Grand Wazoo
He said "You might not believe this, little fella
But it'll cure your asthma too"
And I said "Look here brother
Who you jiving with that cosmik debris?
Now what kind of a guru are you, anyway?
Look here brother, don't waste your time on me"
*(Don't waste your time)*
"I've got troubles of my own", I said
"And you can't help me out
So, take your meditations and your preparations
And ram it up your snout!"
"But I got the crystal ball", he said
And held it to the ligh
So I snatched it, all away from him
And I showed him how to do it right
I wrapped a newspaper 'round my head
So I looked like I was deep
I said some mumbo-jumbo, then
I told him he was going to sleep
I robbed his rings and pocketwatch
And everything else I found
I had that sucker hypnotized
He couldn't even make a sound
I proceeded to tell him his future, then
As long as he was hanging around
I said "The price of meat has just gone up
And your old lady has just gone down!"
And I said "Look here brother-who you
Jiving with that cosmik debris?
Now is that a real poncho or is that a Sears poncho?
Don't you know, you could make more money as a butcher?
So, don't waste your time on me"
Don't waste it, don't waste your time on me