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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: Leslie Read ()
Date: July 15, 2024 11:54PM

“Byron Katie says, “You are your only hope, because we're not changing until you do. Our job is to keep coming at you, as hard as we can, with everything that angers, upsets, or repulses you, until you understand. We love you that much, whether we're aware of it or not.””

Many of her teachings are, of course, in accord with unified Truth...yet, as with many who have awakened spontaneously there is the possibility that they hand out instruction that is quite often harmful.
I have seen this far too often with BK.
When the balance of those who have been helped vs those who have been harmed has tipped too far off course it's time to take notice.
When do the ends no longer justify the means??

Some examples: “Boundaries are an act of selfishness,” and my personal non-favorite, “Victims are violent people.”

We are now at the point where we no longer need a teacher...or, at the very least, it may be FAR safer to NOT have one:


-Leslie Read

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) Stever Robbins, Steven Sashen, Self-Deception
Posted by: DaveDDM ()
Date: February 01, 2025 01:00PM

Going through these posts again, I found this quote. I figured I'd give it a go, and pick out of it what I can by way of an analysis...

"Now I know you're supposed to clear your mind and experience reality,"

Awareness predicate, and a negated direct command. It seems to be an indication that clearing your mind will cause you to experience reality. Of course, no statement is an island unto itself.

"but I'm not very good at that."

Notice the you-I shift. In this case, instead of making it personal, he's making it dissociated, to be more palatable.

"I dive right into deep self-deception."

Reminds me of the use of, "downright" elsewhere. Notice the directioning language. This is putting someone into a deep trance, and an embedded command to go into self-deception.

"Most people indulge in negative self-deception."

Another you-I shift, this time from the personal, anchoring the experience to himself to gain rapport when the audience does it too, to more dissociation; this time, saying most people experience this in the present, as if to not only presuppose it, but also make it a common experience, so it's acceptable. Furthermore, "indulge" is an invitation. This is inviting people to engage in a vaguely stated, "negative self-deception". This could be anything. Anything they experience in this moment then becomes classified as a negative self-deception.

"'I'm worthless. Nobody likes me. My head is too small.'"

Through the journey from "You", to "I", to "Most people", the effect has been to make such quotes part of the person's own inner voice.

"This seems limiting."

Vague language in this whole sentence. Unspecified noun, comparative deletion, and lost performative. What seems limiting, compared to what, and according to whom? For all we know, those thoughts that were reframed as negative self-delusions could include skepticism about this program, and that could be what is being connected here.

"If you're going to do self-deception, why not do it so you end up having a good time?"

This sounds like something Bandler would say. It's also a presupposition, an embedded command to do self-deception, and do it so you end up having a good time. But, how? Why, by taking this training, of course.

"Try pleasant, wonderful, fun self-deception."

Commentary adverbs: a type of presupposition. "Pleasant", "wonderful", and "fun" are what he wants to label his product as. He's also labeling it a self-deception, perhaps ironically... or perhaps, because he wants you to think all thoughts are self-deceptions, so you might as well deceive yourself by having fun, which you will surely do by buying in.

I'm sure I missed some things, but I've been told that I have a knack for analysis, so maybe this will be helpful to anyone wondering...

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