“Byron Katie says, “You are your only hope, because we're not changing until you do. Our job is to keep coming at you, as hard as we can, with everything that angers, upsets, or repulses you, until you understand. We love you that much, whether we're aware of it or not.””
Many of her teachings are, of course, in accord with unified Truth...yet, as with many who have awakened spontaneously there is the possibility that they hand out instruction that is quite often harmful.
I have seen this far too often with BK.
When the balance of those who have been helped vs those who have been harmed has tipped too far off course it's time to take notice.
When do the ends no longer justify the means??
Some examples: “Boundaries are an act of selfishness,” and my personal non-favorite, “Victims are violent people.”
We are now at the point where we no longer need a teacher...or, at the very least, it may be FAR safer to NOT have one:
-Leslie Read