Byron Katie powerfully persuades her attendees to not tell anyone what happened at the seminar.
Most LGAT's do this, and that is where she copied that technique, from the other LGAT's where she got most of her techniques.
This is because pre-knowledge of what is going to happen at the LGAT, makes the persuasion far less powerful. That has been understood for decades.
Notice, I did not say anything about a non-disclosure in this context.
Its all "voluntary" self-censorship. From the sounds of it, she get's them to make a promise to keep their yappers shut, and almost all of them have, so far. (they would also delete any key details posted in a Byron Katie official forum).
Hey, Byron Katie can get people to pay her around $600 a day, for a seminar where people beg for food on the streets.
Getting people to not tell others about the LGAT seminar methods, is childsplay for someone like Byron Katie. People are handing over their wedding rings, and family heirlooms and laptops, on the spot.
But here's the facts.
[] QUOTE: "We were sworn to secrecy about the events that go on there so as not to "spoil it for others" who would attend in the future."
Another BK supporter, asked many of her BK associates what happened at the BK School seminar, NONE of them would tell her. How sick is that, for one BK supporter, to not tell another BK supporter, what goes on in the seminars? Its almost like a type of sandbagging of your own friends, or setting them up. She had to find out from a recent post.
The irony is that those who are opposing and speaking out against the methods of Byron Katie, are WAY better friends to Byron Katies supporters, than Byron Katie is!! That's the truth.
QUOTE: "The experience I have had with those who have gone to the (Byron Katie) school is a sense of secrecy... and I never knew why. If it is joyous, share it with the world, right? They seem to have a "I know what you do not" energy about them. My thoughts have been, "It's only 4 questions. It's not hard to understand, what am I missing?"
Rick Ross' [] sharing of the school made me feel sad. Maybe that is what I was missing... what had happened to these people while at the school. Cult, fraternity or abusive family; or whatever you call it... anything that asks you to keep secrets for any reason, is going to create separatism with others and suffering in your spirit."
TAC writes:
"It might work better as a WARNING to people beforehand, before its too late.
To plant a seed in the mind, and if they go to the LGAT, (please don't go), they see what was said here is accurate. Then the LGAT is not going to be as powerful.
BK knows this, which is why she SWEARS SEMINAR ATTENDEES to secrecy.
Secrets and surprise hold power. Its a common tactic many LGAT's use."
How does BK do that...swear her seminar attendees to secrecy? Did I miss something? I thought THEY PAY BK! As a consumer, if I buy your product, it's mine now. I may have to honor your copyright, but that's it. Elsewhere on this board, I've seen that someone supplied the written paperwork for her school, and there was nothing there about secrecy or nondisclosure. I'd love to see that document! She may be able have employees and the "credentialed" folks sign something, but what leverage does she have with the school attendees...other than her obviously powerful influence?