Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: April 15, 2011 11:20PM

Dave has been shy to be a little more honest about his involvement with the COG.

Now (yesterday) he admits he was in contact with the COG soon after they arrived in Australia and that they often used to visit him Queenbeyan.

He was probably in contact with COG even before he arrived in Australia, but this is a big first step in his admissions.

He's now admitted he was the person who paid for those COG ads to appear in the Broken Hill newspaper. He says maybe THIS (in capitals) was the 1976 date Brian talks about.

Dave knows full well the dates and the dates are clearly on the advertisements themselves, they were all towards the end of 1976. That is my information.

He almost gloats,


"...As a consequence, both Kevin and I had been listed a couple of times amongst the top ten "shiners" in the world for the COGs...because we were distributing them to virtually every house in Broken Hill and being paid to do it!"

That's right Dave, gloat publicly about being paid to promote the COG sex cult! If he was the Editor of a newspaper and he was aware of a sex cult in his midst, why didn't he write a story about them? Well the obvious answer today is...he was too busy promoting them.

Now here's the kicker. Google flirty fishing and when did it start? 1974. Two years later, in 1976, Dave McKay is running ads promoting the COG in a regional newspaper and is now gloating about being amongst the top ten "shiners", when he says he left the COG because of their sexual teachings.

What have we been saying all along? The dates didn't add up.

Robin was 15 when he joined the JC and let's not forget Rachel, 11 years old, the girl he and Cherry adopted from India.

As Dave was in posession of Mo's letters, as witnessed by Malcolm, then he would have been aware of this directive for flirty fishing since 1974!


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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: April 15, 2011 11:24PM

I have also had reports that he really used to upset ex COG members as he basically downplayed reports of sexual activity and paedophilia in the COG as he said (if the reports were true) there would have been more charges arising.

I can't confirm this, but will endeavour to do so shortly......

Yep that sounds about right Blackhat..

Dave McKay wrote:

I have to inform you that "heinous paedophilic crimes" were not the standard faire in the Children of God

Dave McKay wrote:

in the many swoops on Children of God colonies many years later (when children were taken away by the busloads to be examined by psychologists), there were relatively few arrests for paedophilia.

Dave McKay wrote:

I may be wrong, but I would venture to say that the rate of paedophilia was not much higher than that amongst Catholic priests.

...sweep sweep.


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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: April 15, 2011 11:39PM

Paedophile Apologist Dave McKay
But a better example is paedophilia. Kids are not FORCED to have sex, and yet society says it is wrong. I know, I know, they are not adults. But you see, we each have our restrictions that we think makes it wrong or doesn't make it wrong. And so what we decided to experiment with is just trying to follow the rules as we honestly and humbly think God wrote them.

Paedophile Apologist Dave McKay
But a better example than bestiality, to show that sex can be immoral (and even illegal) without the kind of force that we traditionally equate with rape, is paedophilia. Kids are not (as a general rule) PHYSICALLY forced to have sex by paedophiles, and yet society says it is wrong. I know, I know, they are not adults, and so the argument that any form of sex between "consenting adults" is okay does not apply to them. But the topic was force, and this just further illustrates that there are other grounds besides force on which to measure morality

Paedophile Apologist Dave McKay
I go on to say (below) that you don't get very far with a pedophile who does not use physical force, and you confuse the victim, if you try to tell them both that what happened was the same as rape. The only "force" used by most pedophiles is their abuse of their superior power/experience/influence.


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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: April 16, 2011 02:47AM

The persistent fixation McKay has with deflecting criticism of paedophilia,

does make one wonder what his own "sexual history" with the COG's, was exactly...

(prior to Cherry forcing his staged exit from the organization, as she refused to have herself or her children prostituted for the cause,
while McKay reluctantly needed her to justify opening up his own cult franchise, independent of the mainstream COG's, no-one else caring to join him)

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: April 16, 2011 03:30AM

It begs the question....

Why does this loathsome individual feel it is his duty to fight the corner of paedophile's?

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: April 16, 2011 07:26AM

'Why does this loathsome individual feel it is his duty to fight the corner of paedophile's?'

There is a rather obvious parallel between his own desires for domination over others and the paedophile exercising domination, intimidation, deceit, guilt, secrecy etc to get his way with an underage child.

I think, in his constant defence of paedophile behaviour, he is also using it as a way to undermine any lingering moral sense in the followers of the rightness of protecting the weak, immature and powerless from the predations of the stronger, older and so more powerful predator.
He is using it to turn their previous moral education (most are from christian cultures) on its head--the confusion that results from a worldview turned upside down gives him an inroad to manipulate and persuade his followers to believe more strongly in his bullshit version of the world.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/16/2011 07:26AM by Stoic.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: April 17, 2011 08:05AM

I was influenced by David Berg (and still am influenced by David Berg) in much of what I do and teach in the Jesus Christians.

''Apostle'' David confesses that he was and still is influenced by ''Moses'' David Berg (leader of the notorious ''Children of God'' paedophile cult).

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: April 20, 2011 06:16AM

I have heard through the grapevine that they have reconvened in an online forum that they are calling The Rock, which is located here:


However, it's a private-access forum that the public cannot view. So I do not know whether this bit of information is actually true, or if it is a red herring. Might be worth looking into, though.

I think they must have a private-access forum. I wouldn't be surprised if they're now using Mrs Doubtfire's FIS forum. Dave needs a platform to influence and control his victims/followers (many of whom may be overseas) and a forum offers this.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: April 20, 2011 10:58PM

Jose David, who appeared in the Fox News Report, describes the guilt and emotional turmoil he suffered after taking part in the whipping trial.


David J
Hi all

it's jose-david in case anyone's wondering.

So lately I've been thinking over the last exchanges I've had with Dave and the rest of the JCs.

All I can say is that no matter how much I try to rationalize it, i still feel just as angry as I did before with the concept of the group and especially at how Dave continues to manipulate it.

And with this I think I should say something

I'd like to apologize to Kevin and Sheila for my participation in the trial. It's easy to tell my friends that at one point i joined a cult and that I literally gave everything up for this group. But it's really hard to tell anyone that I whipped someone. To date, no more than three people know of it, and most of the time, I have a hard time thinking about it. I hate that video, I wish it would disappear. What was I thinking? I wish I could tell you, but even I understand that I can be quite distant and cold at times.

I say Kevin because of Cherry and Sheila because of Joe. But even then, my apology extends to Cherry and Joe as well as anyone who was affected by the trial. It was abuse and though others would say that it might have been a very small and insignificant type of abuse (as the JCs would probably say) it is nonetheless abuse. I'm sorry.

To sheila specifically: I'd like to again apologize for anything I've said against you even after I had left the JCs.

On the part of the violent attack on Reinhard, I can only say that it was all very unfortunate. I was not there, and I can't say much about it without feeling like I'm not seeing the whole picture. Yes it hurts to see someone that I had known and grown to appreciate beaten so violently. And if I was there I would have tried to do everything i could to stop the fighting. But (and I hesitate to say "but"), I also understand what one feels when they feel that a loved one is in danger (I'm not a mother but I do know my mother). It's all very human, we shouldn't think that anyone is exempt from it. I do hold a difference in opinion in how I would act in that particular situation, but I can't say anything beyond a difference of opinion. It's all very gray. It was all very emotional. Maybe later I can say something more worthwhile on that whole issue.

No Dave, the whole whipping mock trial was unnecessary. If you hold yourselves up to a standard of genuine forgiveness, then just saying that might have sufficed. The whipping only added fuel to the fire and I'm pretty sure you yourself knew that. You wanted attention, that's it. You wanted people on your side, or else why are you so defensive when people call you a cult?

Anyway, once again, I include Dave in a post without wanting to.

That's all for now.


Here's the Fox Undercover news report where Jose David discusses the ''Apostle'' and his prophet-like status within the cult.

Take a bow son!!!!

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Apollo ()
Date: April 21, 2011 07:22AM


Nice to see Kevin doing well. He is one extremely talented individual. I'd certainly buy his artwork. It seems his chosen career has now taken him to the beautiful city of Rome, good on him. It's always nice to see ex cult members making a success of their lives.

I think a lot of Dave's bitterness towards his son is down to jealousy. I don't believe for a second that Dave felt his son could go on and live a fulfilled life post-cult but Kevin has proven him wrong. Dave will always put his own spin on things but it's clear Kevin is a happy family man with an extremely successful career.

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