The List of concerns about David J McKay compiled by posters to this site ... updated 1. David teaches and utilises deception (see past discussions about thefts and welfare fraud)
2. David teaches his group to IGNORE the teachings of Jesus in favour of his own interpretations (see Killers for Jesus thread where Dave justifies killing people when circumstances dictate)
3. David teaches his followers to run roughshod over the top of the feelings and concerns of family members by teaching them that they no longer have to have any contact with family members unless they accept JC doctrines of the group having final say on who comes in to there house.
4. David uses emotional blackmail on members families, ex members, and his own children by stating that they will not be permitted to see loved ones unless they comply with his dictates.
5. David teaches his members that it is OK to whip people for sins they have committed against his group (see discussion about the Kenyan volunteer they whipped on their "Quaker" community)
6. David teaches his members that there is no force involved in sexual relations between a child and an adult paedophile (see discussions on his forum under the "sex thread")
7. David teaches that third world women are intrinsically bad because their lust and wantoness for western materialism motivated them to seduce their husbands away from Jesus
8. David teaches that he is an "annointed apostle" without which all would be led astray.
9. David has reversed his original "Churchianity VS Christianity" teachings by teaching the above "annointed apostle" doctrine as it negates previous teachings about each member having a direct connection to God without the need of hiearchial structures.
10. David directed his community to "break" one of his children, while ignoring the emotional crisis the son was experiencing.
11. David has created an atmosphere of peer pressure for males to receive vascetomies.
12. David teaches that biblical passages related to "living sacrifices" and "He who has two should give to those who have none" relate to body parts.
13. David undermines the goals of families by covertly meeting with children, legally minors, to sow seeds of doubt in their minds about their parents motivations. The end result is that the family is ripped asunder, resulting in them experiencing loss and grief.
14. David takes people to court for money if they criticise him
15. David teaches his members that begging for donations on the street in order to meet a strict distribution quota is not working for money. In reality his has become the like thief master in Oliver Twist teachings the kids how to rob passerbys.
16. David falsely claims to have "forsaken all", while having NEVER relinquished his position of authority within the JC's or having ever worked as an equal in a community. He also happily lives in government flat provided by Australian welfare while members live in vans.
17. David teaches that manipulation is good, and proves the point by pretending to be a concerned mother writing to cult busting groups about her son who had been sucked into his group (see discussion about "Anita Foster").
18. David teaches that ex members have fallen away from God, because they disagree with his teachings.
Well that should do for starters. The list really seems to go on and on and on. But, I think there a few there, and I am only one member. I am sure the others have more.
Excellent list Apostate
19. David teaches that Sincerity is the same as Faith.
20. David teaches others to manipulate situations for the benefit of the group. He claims that manipulation is just good management.
21. David teaches that the end justiifies the means.
22. David promotes double standards,insisting that recruits forsake all private property. The group has just purchased land they are building on in Kenya, in his daughter's name. (ic website)
23. David does not admit to new recruits that most of his teachings are based on Berg's.
24. David promotes double standards by holding other people accountable for their actions and manipulating situations where he might be held accountable himself.
25 David teaches that it is permissible to have harmless grieving relatives arrested to get them out of the way, rather than lose a potential recruit.
26. David teaches that having a conscience is bad.
27. David teaches that the end of the world is coming soon. This orobablty coincides with Family teaching.
28. David, unlike inspiritional leaders, has a very bad temper.
29. David teaches recruits to tell lies.
30. David vets communication.
31. David demands frequent and intrusive reports.
32. David expels/ isolates recruits from group when they are 'out of the spirit' / weak leaving them fearful for their salvation, having been convinced there is none outside the group.
33. David gets the best food for himself
34. David insists that ex members do not take literature out of the group when they leave
35. David teaches others that he has the "gift of spiritual discernment", even writing in books boastfully that his young disciples are "amazed" by it.
36. If David cannot get a false accusation to stick he accuses the person of thinking about the act "subconsciously", telling his followers to trust his "gift of discernment" in the matter.
37. Members of David's family, including his mother have voiced serious concerns about his activities. David interprets this concern as insane HATRED and discounts their concerns, insisting that they are really just opposed to the teachings of Jesus.
Quoting Dave here
Brian said that Alice said that my "grandmother" had predicted that I would be mightily used by God. Perhaps Brian misunderstood, but it is just as likely that Alice said "grandmother" when she meant "mother". (She IS well into her 80s, remember!) See, Alice herself (KEVIN'S grandmother, not mine) is the one who made extravagant predictions about me being used by God in some great way, and she made them repeatedly over several decades, putting me up on a pedestal to taunt my older brother, Ron, until one day many years ago, when I discovered the teachings of Jesus. Then, like Kevin, she turned against me in a way that was so over the top that it leaves more doubts about her sanity than it does about whether I really am the monster that she says I am.[]
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/10/2009 11:05PM by muppet.