Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: October 13, 2008 11:48AM
Thank you Furry Farie for fill out the picture for us here. I do note however that Talamasca merely said that the "keywords" INCLUDE (not comprise in full...) "Children of God, McKay, masturbation, greed, money, antichrist, 666, mark of the beast, Armageddon, endtime prophesy and end of the world" ...
It possibly also would help give a "complete" picture of your posting, if you could also go to the trouble to IDENTIFY yourself as a current member of the JesusChristians
However, despite the fact that you are not a "disinterested observer" (as you appear to want to deceptively imply) as you note I too agree that we should do full justice to the "keywords" that the JesusChristians have purposely selected in order to win interest in themselves....I believe that these are literally as follows (having followed Talamascas instructions to the letter)....
<meta content="A live-by-faith, work-for-God-not-money Christian community. We distribute Bible-based comics and other tracts, and do free (voluntary) work. Against hypocrisy and self-righteousness in the church. In favour of honesty, humility and love." name="description" />
<meta content="Jesus Christians, jesuschristians, forsaking all, endtime prophecy, Godstuff comix, living by faith, teachings of Jesus, children of God, McKay, greed, money, commune, alternative lifestyle, Gandhi, Tolstoy, end of the world, Liberator, materialism, Easy English, Rappville, mark of the beast, Armageddon, 666, Excommunicated, hypocrisy, Australia, India, radical, sincerity, pacifists, masturbation, tracts, comics, anti-greed, cult, Nullarbor, Bible, evolution, cartoons, community, Revelations, antichrist, forsake all, apologetics" name="keywords" />
As we are fortunate to have access to someone with such in depth knowledge as you would have Furie Farie, in addition to the full range of "keywords" that somehow the JesusChristians seek to associate themselves with, would you be able to add some further (specific!!) explanatory clarification to the "self-introduction" that proceeds these keywords...some of the wordings of the terms, confuse me....but I guess I'm just not getting the "full picture"....
A live-by-faith, work-for-God-not-Money Christian Community (Do you, or do you not, have mandatory literature targets for the sale of Davids' written work...What average donation do you look for from your members in their sale profiles....How many hours a day do you spend "retailing"?... .Do you or do you not claim "lost income" when you settle for the "costs" involved in your supposedly altruistic organ then perhaps "A loathe of Faith, work for Davids' money Christian Community would perhaps be more accurate...?) We distribute(for a price?) Bible-based comics (very occasionally it seems...usually you distribute David efforts to emulate the novels of others, for his own self-aggrandisiment), and do free (voluntary) work. (As the bible in the Sermon on the Mount states not to "let your right hand know what your left is doing" is it genuinely "voluntary" where you are plainly seeking to buy publicity for yourselves....) Against Hypocrisy and Self-Righteousness in the Church (..but not against hypocrisy and self-righteousness within yourselves?). In favour of honesty(How much money did you return to Vicki and her children when you threw them out on the street, after the years they put into working in unpaid servitude for the JesusChristians.? What do you usually return to those who for whatever reasons, choose to discontinue their membership of your religious organization?), humility(Why does David describe himself as an "Apostle" when the bible states not to even as much as call any man "Master") and love (...whipping those where you think you can bluff them into submitting to you, suing anyone with the invention of vexatious claims in order to silence them....May I "love" you in a similar fashion, Furie Farie?)
<meta content="A live-by-faith, work-for-God-not-money Christian community. We distribute Bible-based comics and other tracts, and do free (voluntary) work. Against hypocrisy and self-righteousness in the church. In favour of honesty, humility and love." name="description" />......hmmm.....I wonder???
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2008 11:54AM by Malcolm Wesley WREST.