Sorry I have not been around. I haven't been in the best of health lately (been in hospital) and had puter & mobile phone problemz to boot. Not to mention it is rather disheartening to have people on the Rick Ross Forum quoting my words, and taking them totally out of prospective. Not to mention in recent weeks being allowed back onto the Rick Ross Forum but having all my posts rejected by the moderator. It makes me cautious and in fear of posting anything on the JC site at all.
In relation to the banning of Glenn and the accusations that have been flung at Dave, I just want to say how bad I feel about it. As in all truth what went down was because I had a stupid password 12345678 and chose to give it out to people cause I had trouble getting onto the site. People should not be attacking Dave for my mistake.
In fairness to Frankie I just want to clarify one thing. Yes Frankie gave me her password to her account on the Jesus Christian Site but I never accessed her account. At the time she said she wanted to prove something about not being able to send private messages. I must admit that like Frankie I too gave out my password on the Jesus Christian site to more than one person, and therefore take full responsibility for the incident that occurred. I guess since everybody else was passing out their passwords, I did it to, not thinking to question it.
I am not going to blame anyone. All I am going to say is that I did not send out those Emails or sabotage myself on the JC site. For people that know me, know that I have always been open and loving to all races and do not like hatred of any nature.
I don't understand why people would think that I would want to be banned from the JC site after all the work I have put into the study (Rank 2) and the work I have contributed to the poetry, not to mention all the posts. Why would I want all of that wiped off?
Just to say one more time, and hopefully for the last time, I did not send those Emails to Brian and I do take full repsonsibility for them, and told Frankie, Glenn, Brian and the site that it was my mistake, despite the fact that somebody did go out of their way to use my account to try and get me banned from the site. As I have recieved a lot of concern with people saying I am getting too close to the JC's.
I hope this clears the matter up.
Love n Peace 2 u all,
Al, this is all that I am gong to write directly to you; this will be my only response your latest communique'.
Nobody wants your high-school, gossipy antics, he-said-she-said pseudo-intrigue, and assorted whinings here. You obviously do not take the matter of David McKay and his group very seriously. Well, we do. Nobody here welcomes your trolling, Al. This is not a game to me (us.) This is people's lives at stake that we are talking about. I don't know what your deal is and I don't really even care but I just wanted to alert everybody:
Al is an internet troll. He has been banned from this forum twice, under two different names, and is a game player- attention-seeker, and pot-stirrer. He does not actually care one way or another about the JCs and looks at these boards as if they are some kind of video game. He has written me a couple of times threatening to commit suicide and had just been released from the hospital after an attempt, and just seems real unstable, self-destructive and mental all the way around. Be wary of him. Shut up and get lost, Al, nobody wants to deal with your BS.
What does Wayne think about all of this JC stuff, Al?
Actually, if anybody here is "ill" it's Al. Al is drama "queen" number one. Man, Al, I don't hate you or anything but I do find your antics really highly annoying. Get some help. Take a chill pill, or something. It seems like you are in and out of the hospital every few weeks over some vague "bad health." Get back into the hospital quickly, Al. You need some serious Prozac (it's done wonders for me.) And if you ever try and infiltrate here again you'll get banned fast.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/09/2007 06:16AM by zeuszor.