Re: Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: Blackhat ()
Date: December 05, 2007 04:56AM



David has published every line of my last posting on his website, except one very telling line which he omitted:

Why so desparate, David? Why suicide threats? Is the Quaker money your only lifeline?

What gets left out tells the story. It's all about the Quaker money.

(I'm finding conjugal rights rather difficult since I became David Lowe's wife!!!!!)

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Re: Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: December 05, 2007 07:16AM

Drama queen or not, these kinds of statements must never be taken lightly, and must always be taken seriously. People's lives are in danger as long as they are with DM.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2007 07:18AM by zeuszor.

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Re: Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: December 05, 2007 07:47AM

I don't see a threat of suicide in his messages. I think he is basically saying if we are so intent on seeing the end of the Jesus Christians, why don't we just get someone to kill them? In this case, he is again suggesting Brian.

He pushing the old message that we hate him, that we want to kill him, etc, etc.

Heard it all before.

As usual he will not address the many, many genuine complaints and concerns raised about him, nor alter his ways. He avoids answering questions put to him and then shouts persecution when he is criticised for it. We and everyone else is wrong, he is always right.

He is hoping people will back off, by suggesting that he might be killed because of our opposition and that then we would be to blame.

It has been explained on this forum many times, that no one wants to see the Jesus Christians physically hurt.

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Re: Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: December 05, 2007 08:53AM

With respect, Eyes, I could not disagree more.

I read his latest communiques as threats, like holding a gun to his captive's head: "Nobody move or the kid gets it!"

He is communicating that he has a group of semi-willing hostages, and that he knows it.

There is too much a pattern of alluding to death, confrontation, etc. in his writings for me to be misinterpreting something.

He knows exactly what he is saying, and exactly what he is doing.

Something must be done, and fast. I don't propose what it should be, but something has to be done to stop him.

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Re: Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: hello ()
Date: December 05, 2007 09:51AM

now those of you who know me- know that I have love for everyone. EVERYONE. I don't like some of what is going on at the moment. David McKay is ILL. He is someone that needs love, compassion and help. He is- as he wrote on his own forum- a person with feelings. Let's try and respect that.
The best outcome of this situation- for everyone- is that Dave comes forward and is provided with help. The Quakers shouldn't be distancing themselves from the JC's- they should be facilitating avenues for Dave to get the help that he needs.
I'm ashamed that we seem far more full of condemnation that compassion. If you meet someone who you believe to be mentally ill- do you leave them or help them? A real Christian helps them.
Dave- if you want to come and stay with me while you get some help- I will be here for you. Why not just try talking to some people and see if your pespective changes. If anyone were horrible to you in my prescence - they would get a kick up the arse from me. We all make mistakes.
I love you lots Dave - and would like to see you and Cherry reunited with your family.x

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Re: Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: December 05, 2007 10:08AM

David McKay has a deeply ingrained personality disorder and is not "sick" IMO. He is bad because he wants, decides, to be and he chooses to be bad.

He will never admit to having a problem and therefore can never be "cured."

The man is a parasite and social scavenger, a shark of the worst order. Sociopaths like David cannot be "cured;" the best we can do is to identify and avoid them in our day-to-day lives. It is possible that he can be taught how to act in socially appropriate ways so as to stay out of trouble, but he can never be taught to experience guilt, nor can he learn to feel empathy.

Do you think that you can just give him a hug or something and that your kindness will just melt his heart and prompt him to change his ways?

Hello, I love you and I respect you but I gotta say that sounds like pretty naive Mary Poppins stuff, and I know that you are NOT naive. Do I misunderstand your position?

People like DM do not "get better". It's (evil) is too embedded in his character and the best we can hope for is to "contain" him and his group somehow, and hope that they won't be able to recruit anybody else's child.

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Re: Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: hello ()
Date: December 05, 2007 10:14AM

And in case you're wondering- Dave is genuinely delusional. He doesn't mean to be offensive- he genuinely doesn't know fact from fiction. He is ILL. Can't we focus our efforts on getting him some help- rather than pointing out the lies. I genuinely believe he's ill- he honestly doesn't know that he's lying. The Quakers should be contacted so that someone can assist him- rather than condemn him. Mercy- not judgment.

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Re: Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: December 05, 2007 10:18AM

Yes, I dig your point. But I still say that I think you give him too much credit.

Maybe it's both: maybe he both is deeply mentally ill and has a deep personality disorder. Yes, why can't it be both? Maybe he is what M. Scott Peck called an "ambulatory schizophrenic."

Check out a book called "People of the Lie."

He (Peck) says Evil people are really people with a personality disorder that includes the following symptoms;

a)consistent destructive, scapegoat behavior, which may often be quite subtle
b) excessive, albeit usually covert, intolerance to criticism and other forms of narcissistic injury
c) pronounced concern with a public image and self image of respectability, contributing to a stability of life style but also to pretentiousness and denial of hateful feelings or vengeful motives
d)intellectual deviousness, with an increased likelihood of a mild schizophreniclike disturbance of thinking at times of stress.


Hmm, maybe I am on to something.


Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2007 10:31AM by zeuszor.

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Re: Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: December 05, 2007 10:19AM

Yes, I dig your point. But I still say that I think you give him too much credit.

Somebody like DM cannot be "fixed" or "cured." The best that we can hope for is training and containment.

Yes, I am onto something. McKay is the ultimate "Person of the Lie."


Since the primary motive of the evil is disguise, one of the places evil people are most likely to be found is within the church. What better way to conceal one's evil from oneself, as well as from others, than to be a deacon or some other highly visible form of Christian within our culture? I mean only that evil people tend to gravitate toward piety for the disguise and concealment it can offer them.

Projection, scapegoating, lack of ability to admit fault, it's all right there. Fits McKay like a glove. Bingo.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 12/05/2007 10:42AM by zeuszor.

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Re: Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: hello ()
Date: December 05, 2007 10:49AM

Well Brian- and you know I love you loads- ( does this mean we're not an item who live together- ha, ha)
my position is this- A. David McKay is an evil sociopath- or B. David is suffering from what is called a Kundalini Psychosis. The symptoms of a Kundalini Psychosis and NCP are almost indiscernible. But the good news is- a Kundalini Psychosis can be treated- though it would mean that Dave might have to re- evaluate some of his beliefs. The other tell- tale signs would be that certain individuals that came into contact with the group might experience certain phenomena- such as Joe and Alfred- but they're too ashamed to talk about what happened to them- or scared. Quite often if someone only has a Christian frame of reference they might over identify with the archytypes- and think that they're John the Baptist or ' God's Annointed Apostle'. They might be mis diagnosed as Bi- polar or Schizophrenic. Basically- you just get to experience your connection with the Divine- but if you come from a very religious or conservative background you might misunderstand it.
It's something natural that only the sincere experience- but joining the JC's or say, perhaps being sectioned or put on medication- you wouldn't be able to go through the whole journey. Either way- the unfortunate people that come across Dave's group and go through it would have a really tough time. It's supposed to be a happy and blissful experience.

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