The following commentary from the Apologetics Index contains some extracts from the Jesus Christian website which appear in red here.
Its Message
The Group's theological message is based on poor Bible interpretation
[[color=#FF6633]Our message is this: God sent his Son, Jesus, to earth about 2,000 years ago, not only to die for us, but also to tell us how to live our lives. The entire world now measures time from the birth of Jesus Christ. Although his name has become very popular and there are so-called Christian denominations which number their membership in the millions, the fact is that none of these are following him. They have taken his name, ''claimed'' his promises, sung ''Lord, Lord!'' in almost every song they sing, but they stubbornly refuse to obey him. And God is not happy with that.
This same Jesus is going to return to earth very soon... but probably not as soon as you think! Before he returns there will be a false Christ who will be followed and worshipped by the entire world (including these false churches). It is almost certain that you too will worship this false Christ. In fact, it is almost certain that you already worship him. You see, his power over the world will be represented by a ''mark'' without which you will not be able to buy or sell anything. Every time you express the belief that you cannot survive without money, you are voicing the praises of this false Christ, this Antichrist.
Jesus Christ taught that we cannot work for both God and money at the same time (Luke 16:13-15), that we will end up cheating one in order to be loyal to the other. The world today (including all the churches in it) has been more loyal to the god of this world (money) than to the Creator of the universe. Jesus Christ said that the test of loyalty to (i.e. faith in) him is our willingness to give up everything that we own (Luke 14:33), stop working for the food that perishes (John 6:27), take no thought for food or clothing (Matthew 6:19-33), and go into all the world sharing this good news with others (Mark 16:15).
This is not some cunningly devised doctrine based on obscure and isolated proof texts. This is the heart of the teachings of Christ, and it has been thrown out, along with all of the other teachings of Christ. The churches today are full of adultery, lies, rebellion, and idolatry. And it is all justified on the basis of the ''grace of God''. You have been told that you can disobey Christ all you like as long as you attend mass or say a little prayer ''asking Jesus into your heart''. But nowhere in the teachings of Christ does he support such myths.
Your eternal salvation dangles on the slender thread of hope offered by the most obscure proof texts. Ephesians 2:8-9, for example, is the cornerstone of this whole perversion of Gods grace. But you only have to read the next verse (''For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.'') to realise that such ''faith without works is dead'' (James 2:26).
The time when you can hide behind your pastor, priest, or denomination is fast disappearing. If you want to be a part of God's family, then you, like us, must forsake all others and cleave only unto Christ and his teachings. He said that when the storms come, only those who have heard his teachings and obey them will survive. Those who heard his teachings and disobeyed them will be like a foolish person who built on sand and was destroyed in the storm. (Matthew 7:24-28)
You will hear many lies about us. If you believe them without hearing our side, God can forgive you for that. But if you reject the voice of God's Spirit of Truth speaking through the message that we deliver, then there is no hope for you at all, not in this life nor in the next.[/color] Our Message
End-time Focus
Among other things, ''Jesus Christians'' believes that in the last seven years before Jesus returns, "America will be destroyed in a sudden military attack by Russia, which will result in communist control of the United Nations.". The group believes a "universal identification system will be enacted, which will probably take several years to become fully functional. ". In a drawing accompaying its online book, Armageddon for Beginners (written by David McKay), this identification system is equated with the universal product bar codes.
On the term ''Cult''
Like other high-demand groups, Jesus Christians attempts to explain the meaning of the term ''cult'' in effort not to be identified as one:
The religious masses are controlled by a universal fear of something called ''cults''. Few dare to openly discuss what the word actually means; but they all fear it. The dictionary says the word ''cult'' has no objective meaning; it's an emotional term used to put down anyone who does not conform with mainstream society. A religious cult could be anything from a group of Satan worshippers to a Baptist Church that worships on Saturdays instead of Sundays. The masses can't tell the difference; but then they don't need to tell the difference. They just run from anyone whom their masters say is a ''cult''.
And where does Jesus Christ fit in with all of this cult paranoia? He did not conform with the religious mainstream of his day. He was hated and killed because he represented a threat to orthodox Judaism. And he was considered a ''cult'' leader. (Acts 24:5; 28:22) So, in order for anyone to follow him, they needed to have the courage to step out from under the safety net of status quo respectability.
Followers of the Lamb were rugged individuals, able to tell the difference between real truth and superficial religious double-talk. The Bible says that when Jesus finished his famous Sermon on the Mount, the crowds were amazed because he spoke "as one having authority" (Matthew 7:28-29) and not like the scribes and Pharisees.
But wait a minute! The scribes and Pharisees were the religious authorities in the eyes of the general public. So there must be more than one measure of religious ''authority''. The real message of this book is that if you want to follow Christ, you must recognise that real authority only comes from speaking the truth in obedience to the ultimate Authority, which is God. The underlying revelation of all Bible prophecy is that authority which comes only through acceptance by the political powers of a godless world is not authority at all in God's eyes.Summing Up , Armageddon for Beginners
» Information about the term ''cult''
- Contact Info -
Note: The publisher of Apologetics Index considers this group to be a cult, both theologically (from an evangelical, Christian point of view) and sociologically.
In an Update to its online book, ''Armageddon for Beginners,'' the following names and addresses are listed:
Christians, Box A678, Sydney South 1235
In India, it is:
D. McKay, Box 8617, Thiruvanmiyur, Chennai-41
In the United Kingdom it is:
Christians, Box 580, Guildford, GU1 1GR
The groups also goes by the name ''Followers of the Lamb'' and advertises comics under the name ''Godstuff Comix.''
- News - Current -
» Jesus Christians News Tracker News about religious cults, sects, alternative religions and related issues.
- News Archive -
» Database of archived news items
(Includes items added between Oct. 25, 1999 and Jan. 31, 2002. See about this database)
Newer items:
» Jesus Christians News Tracker News about religious cults, sects, alternative religions and related issues.
Older Item:
(Jul 16, 1999) Mother slates police for not preventing her son going off with religious cult
- Sites -
Jesus Christians Home Page Secondary official web site. A popup window at this site includes the
The material on this site is not for the fearful. As you read through what we are saying, you will be spiritually assaulted with fears about things that do NOT appear in what you are reading. Whatever your own worst thoughts are will be transferred to us, and you will IMAGINE that we are the ones doing what you would secretly like to do. Please proceed in FAITH, and with much prayer and confidence that the TRUTH will set people free... even if it proves to be a bit uncomfortable along the wayZeuszor, please post this link on the AR forum []
Thanks for the update on the JK show. They also have a forum at the link you posted which requires registration.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2007 07:25PM by matilda.