Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: August 15, 2007 08:44AM

Yes, Dave M was certaintly influenced a great deal by the Children of God. Certaintly a great deal more than he lets on.

In 1962 when Dave M was only 17 he was employed as a carrier boy for the Sacramento Union newspaper.

He married his wife on the 24 July 1964 in Yolo County, California, when he was 19.

His first son was born in May 1965 in Yolo County, California (name and date deliberately ommitted to protect his privacy).

Now depending on which version of David's M's history you want to believe, he immigrated to Australia in 1967/68. He told at least one reporter he was a hospital orderly.

Perhaps that was the reason Pat Boone played the part of David Wilkerson in the film version of the Cross and the Switchblade. David M was either too young or not available.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Date: August 15, 2007 11:38PM

Dear Private Eyes,

I apologize to forever be harking back to the “good old days” (more accurately the “less bad old days”), but is seems to me that we “old-timers” used to actually employ genuine scriptures in defence of the community we had (obviously mistakenly) committed ourselves to……we didn’t simply rely on interminably and incessantly whining about how “shabbily” others chose to treat our “noble and selfless” leader in a lame effort to simply exhaust those who spoke out against him….with the sophistry of one counter-invention of history after another!

…..yet to read Joe’s or Ash’s or Frans’ or (largely any of the JCs) postings of recent years they now have no more depth to their “faith”, than the mindless defence of David at every juncture ….they no longer discuss “issues” (other than where David has authorized “discussion’) as they appear to no longer even have the nounce to defend the scriptures that were purportedly the very reasons why they became involved with the JC’s in the first place…..instead we have the some old tiresome tirades regurgitated again and again, of how Davids’ “rights” are constantly being rudely “infringed” upon……( as Davids’ “rights” are patently the most important thing in the world……for David!!)

(But of course it does strikes one, how much easier it must become for any individual Jesuschristians to defend David when they refuse to acknowledge any need to reference themselves to Christ and his teachings…..doesn’t it!)

In this “light” (…that is, blinkering the “Light of the world” in order to make it more difficult to see just how odious David really is) and with some apologies to Burl Ives, I’ve reworked a couple of verses of one of those old classic numbers that has uplifted many a soul over the years, in order to render it suitable for inclusion as another standard number of the JesusChristians….I’m sure this will prove popular among them…even if they may want to rework it into a “hip-hop” number…..because after all, assuming they choose to continue along the path they are currently travelling, they sooner they forget Christ, why the more often they’ll have to devote to David…!

Apostle David, When I in awesome wonder,
Consider all your words Thy hateful charade;
I see from afar, all that you have plundered,
Young people who, will surely end dismayed.

Then sings my soul, David McKay, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, David McKay, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

When through the woods, and forest glades he wanders,
I hear the birds flee swiftly from the trees.
for God looks down, from lofty mountain grandeur
And sees the crook, He will roast by degrees.

Then sings my soul, David McKay, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art.
Then sings my soul, David McKay, to Thee,
How great Thou art, How great Thou art!

(...and so on!……however…… “great” in what true sense I wonder?)

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: August 16, 2007 01:12AM


I couldn’t have sung it better myself!

I am actually thinking of taking back that suggestion for you to look at David’s participation in a reality TV programme.

David would be far too busy, as he appears to have carved out a successful role for himself in a pantomime.

After all, can you or anyone else, believe the Jesus Christians site at the moment?

Now you know my interpretation of forsake is a bit different from David’s. Must be all that time spent around people who actually understand and have formally studied the Bible.

But I am seriously thinking of getting rid of my TV. The Jesus Christian site has all the drama I need.

There’s something to cater for all tastes. Quizzes, Court room dramas, espionage and more voyeurism then, Big Brother. Occasionally, even religion gets a mention.

Speaking of which, even the one person who I thought was, “earnestly contending for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints”, let them trap her into delving into her bedroom and we ended up receiving more information than we need.

But jokes aside, if Melissa is reading this, keep up the good work; you truly have the patience of a saint.

Now will Franky end up with Alf and will true love blossom? I guess we will have to wait for the next episode.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Date: August 16, 2007 03:48PM

Dear Private Eyes,

Yes I agree if you look at the whole situation from a distance....David's antics do take on the nature of a "pantomine"....I'm wondering if it isn't time for Robin and Christine to alternatively "bow" and "curtsey" and make a graceful exit however.....

David will continue to ham up the role of the "wounded hero" with the Quakers...but if it proves to difficult for him to identify his detractors within the Quakers (.....and stealthily stab them in the back for their troubles), he'll opt for the usual dishonesty of claiming to have been "hounded" out, while all the rest of the JesusChristians hand in their resignations "en masse" in a show of support....

Pious little Christine has of course, been parsimoniously posting on the Quaker website for the past year about the "solidarity" she feels with the Quakers about so-o-o many matters of spirituality; how she has sensed a real "bond" with those of similar inclinations among the Quaker faith: (...and torrential streams of other nauseating toadying...)

...but if it is anyway true...if any sincerity remain in Robin and will they respond to the inevitable call by David for a resignation "en masse" in the event he fails to completely triumph over the "doubters and nay-sayers" in the Quakers?

Will Robin and Christine then completely rescind all that they have said previoulsy and forgo the work in Kenya with the Quakers merely in order to assuage Davids "wounded" feelings.....(thus branding themselves as utter hypocrites.....)

Come on Rob and Chris....just dump the selfish have a number of brothers and sisters who will welcome you back....boot David out of your lives and remain true to the Quaker principles you have erstwhile committed yourself to....not to mention the God who you may possibly still dimly know...

(Why then in the fullness of time, you will be able to join us, the "lost and depraved" souls who post critically here out of the sheer "pique and spite" that eats away at our souls....)

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: August 16, 2007 09:01PM

Yes, there is a point Jinny, but clearly you’re missing it.

Perhaps if you can’t handle the heat, it’s time to get out of the kitchen.

If you’ve met Dave twice, and on that basis you’re prepared to give him a free voice. At best your discernment is questionable and at worse it’s terribly misguided.

You actually started this. You’re prepared to dish it out and let others dish it out, But it seems you’re not prepared to wear the consequences of your actions.

It’s all look at me, I am Jinny and I am a pot smoking, Christian anarchist. What a radical I am. Viva the revolution and all that. Wow, I’ve even got my own blog and My Space. As if anyone, other than your cat, really gives a sh.t.

We are talking about real people here Jinny. Not Internet creations or cartoon characters.

Families being controlled and/or torn apart. People wasting their lives as David’s booksellers and we aren’t just talking about 40 ex members, a few of us have done the maths and we are prepared to up the ante on that.

You’re worried about your Dad. Well, perhaps now you might like to have a think about the families who suffer the embarrassment of having to communicate with their kids in public, through a medium you’ve created.

You’re 30 years old Jinny. Time to grow up.

Dave’s probably having a good laugh about you behind closed doors, all the while “using” you to achieve his narcissistic aims.

Stick to collecting the train memorabilia. It causes people less harm.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Date: August 16, 2007 11:11PM

You are correct Private eyes in that there have been dozens of little “jinny the squinny”s down through the years…..and there’ll no doubt be more, once the current one reaches her “use-by date” and gets tossed aside for something better……

(Tom, for example, the kindly Anglo-Saxon Muslim, who hosted many an outreach team in his home in Melbourne….and was briefly a member of the JC’s in Rappville…(….and which was the point at which David made the classic comment aside to a few of us one day about him, complaining “what can you do” with someone who only has skills in something as “useless as computers”….even then he took managed to take ignorance of the world around him to the level of an art form)


You mean THAT’S IT???? Jinny has met David McKay TWICE in her life and on that basis is prepared to swallow every lie he indulges in and furthermore willfully assists him “imprison” others in cyber confinement……

She’s got nothing more than THAT behind her blind faith in him?!?!

The overwhelming majority of David’s critics on this forum were subject to the deprivation of their freedoms, possessions and sources of independent income, were under his thumb (through public ridicule, denigration, humiliation and the restriction of access to those who might support them) for YEARS and this tart of his has the nerve to deny the experiences we lived through, on the strength of TWO meetings with the worm….

What were you bought with Jinny?

In their time most of the Nazi’s were probably, pleasant enough to the local shop-keepers down the street, and other menial tradespeople who served them…..and similarly as we can observe, that as long as Jinnys’ not directly down-wind of the local concentration camps’ chimney stacks, she’s quite happy to turn a blind eye to the wagon loads of people being led in the gates….

Fraulein Jinny in her freshly pressed smock and pigtails, would thus be there, happily offering some schnapps and accompaniments to Messers. Himmler and Goering before they leave for work in the morning……

“Enshulingdze…Some more sauerkraut with your Bratwurst, Herr Himmler”

Ya, ya, bitte!......Dankeshon Fraulein…Ahh du bist gutig!!!

I don’t quite understand why limit yourself Jinny…at the end of the day, David is only likely to go down as a minor “false prophet” among many in the last days….there is in fact a world of opportunity awaiting you beyond the JesusChristians, if you would but look…!

(For example, have you ever considered leaving your CV with Professor David Irving?…I believe that he has now been released from prison…..Although you may need to badge yourself more appropriately Jinny…“Lord Haw Haw” might be a far more fitting call sign , certainly much more suitable while you continue to devote the time to David’s cause, that you do!)

But OH NO lets not make waves here and rock the boat of Jinnywinnys’ widdle world, shall we…

“David smiles at me and tells me nice things, hence I’ll just ignore any other indications to the contrary of the cosy little relationship I have going here…”

Of course it matters not a fig that David ( and most any of the other frauds that feature on this forum) are invariably “nice” with people who don’t threaten him….

…and being “pleasant” at the appropriate time is how many of the little “David Mckays” manage to garner enough initial support to grow up into big “DAVID KORESH’s”….thanks to the thoughtful pandering they receive from the little “Jinnys’ in the world that they were “nice” to along the way….

…but you know Jinny, with the benefit of the history of so many other David-like “wannabe’s” on these pages, I at least can understand that like so many others previously…what really matters for you….is that even if you don’t have what it takes to personally run with the wolf-pack yourself,…..well, you know, ….at least you can console yourself a little for the time being, …..faithfully being one of the lap dogs!!!

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: August 17, 2007 10:47AM

I have been asked by quite a few people, to respond to Jinny and Josh’s comments over at Jesus Christians:

There is potentially a pool of over 60 ex members (yep, we’ve upped the ante again) to draw on, throughout the world. Then start adding their relatives and friends and others that may have been affected by their experience with the Jesus Christians. Churches that were infiltrated for example.

Then add other people concerned about the Jesus Christians. Counter cult organizations throughout the world, law enforcement, hospitals, Quakers and even people involved in kidney donation programmes.

Then add those presently involved. The ones who are questioning.

Then ask yourself, just how many current relatives are actually supportive of their children’s involvement?

You might start to get the picture that this goes beyond, Googling.

We are extremely well informed we are just careful about what we post.

But rest assured, the right information, will get to the right people at the right time.

We are not about publicly publishing people’s personal details, just to appear clever or to try to win some argument. Although, we sometimes tease with a bit of information to demonstrate that we know what we know. You could ask the US team the significance of these dates: 12 September 1978, 5 September 1978 and 30 July 1985 to mention just a few. Good luck trying to obtain those through Googling.

By the way, thanks to everyone co-operating and sharing information. Please keep it coming.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: August 17, 2007 01:03PM


Sorry, I meant to respond to your comments the other day.

You’re quite right, when people don’t give Diva Dave what he wants, he becomes nasty.

As you also quite rightly pointed out, maybe the Quakers will recall the analogy of a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I actually recall another story about a big bad wolf that didn’t reveal his true nature, until little Red Riding Hood started to ask him questions. “My, what big teeth you have?”

I guess she could have just accepted the big bad wolf was her old sweet Grandmother. But then she just would have ended up being eaten.

Let’s keep encouraging people to develop some critical thinking skills and keep asking the questions. Every time he answers, he does tend to reveal a little bit more about his true nature.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Date: August 17, 2007 06:21PM

Dear Private Eyes,

Jinny and Josh are trying to belittle the movement against the JC's (...and at the same time stealthily extract a little private information...) in the same infantile fashion that teenage (..and amazingly even some adult men!) compare their genitalia....

"Ohh....look you're no where near as big as you said you were! Ha-ha!"

Given the deceitfully wicked and increasingly illegal behaviour in which the JesusChristians continue to wilfully engage in, there need only be ONE "plaintiff" against them, for the seriousness of the allegations on this site to stand (...and from the quality of your research we acknowledge that there are in fact dozens and dozens of such spiritual "litigants") …….(So according to authorities, “size” doesn’t matter Jinny and Josh!)

However if Jinny and Josh want to engage in the futile comparisons that amuse the empty minds of immature adolescents.....let the JC's now unveil what sort of numbers they have coming through their doors as potential full-time disciples....( here I disregard the part-time "escort" services provided by the motley assortment of those who titillate themselves by lingering on the outside of it all)....

How many people are seriously looking at the JesusChristians as genuine options now....their last “intake” of course being Joe Johnson last part due to the work of this site and to the personal dedication of people like Apostate and Private Eyes (to name a few!)....I think that the "size" of those passing over the welcome mat of the JC's is comically small these days….

....but let them drop their “pretences” and "reveal" themselves to all, if they are in fact so confident that we are "trumped-up"....

(" that IT?....No, seriously....REALLY!!.....My God!!!...Umm...Do you know that I….umm… believe, well…. some surgical procedures are available these days....)

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Date: August 19, 2007 02:39PM

Dear Apostate,

So there you ARE!.....Oh I have enjoyed your postings in relation to the (what looks like) the Quaker "core meltdown".....( Do you know how one might contact the "Ministry and Oversight Committee of the NSW Regional Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends...I'd like to mail a good bottle of wine to "J"!!!) the sound of the debate, all the "rats" are preparing to jump ship, now that the master rodent faces pest removal....

Aas we stated all along on this site....NONE of them joined the Quakers for genuine was only on David's "bidding" in order to buy some sorely needed "legitimacy" for the JC's.....and as David is the genuine "treasure" of their heart, once he can personally no longer benefit from any association from the Quakers....the JC's, despite the year or more of cringing fawning to Quaker "ideals", will desert them for the "god" they always really held dear.....

However, I must say that I otherwise tend to agree with Davids' image (and David's syncophants image) of himself as "Captain of the ship"..... It's quite a fitting metaphor to my mind...

Why I think the similarities with David and Blackbeard are astounding...(sails the high seas looking to loot what he what he can from whoever he can, taking hostages now and then and if can't turn them into villains like himself, makes them walk the plank)......yes I'd definitely see David as a fititing "captain" of that (pirate) ship...he runs!

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