Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Date: August 20, 2007 12:00AM

Now that it appears that the Quaker epsiode may possibly be over, I suggest that all the JC's who spurioulsy joined the Quakers in order to milk them for whatever they could, be subsequently re-named "QUACKERS"........(well if you "c" what I mean that is .......... their leader is frankly no more than a quack!!)

And speaking of the Devil (speaking himself)…..heres a snippet from the Australian Quaker Forum posted Sun March 25 2007 in “Some numbers about our forum”

“I’m actually ashamed of my confidence at times, and my outspokenness, because I know that it could be a false confidence, and I know that amongst Friends I am very likely losing the respect of others the more I ramble on.

I’ve said it before: Those of us who find it so very easy to mouth off probably need to learn to shut up more, and those who find it difficult to speak up probably need to learn how to speak up more, So thank you for your courage to say as much as you have said here, and maybe it will inspire me to say a bit less”

Yeah!.....well for Gods’ sake just SHUT UP then!!

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: apostate ()
Date: August 20, 2007 05:27AM

Malcolm Wesley WREST

Why I think the similarities with David and Blackbeard are astounding...(sails the high seas looking to loot what he what he can from whoever he can, taking hostages now and then and if can't turn them into villains like himself, makes them walk the plank)......yes I'd definitely see David as a fititing "captain" of that (pirate) ship...he runs!

All together now... "15 men on a dead man's chest" ho ho. Tie em to the highest yard arm ya land lubbers and then Keel haul em.

Hello Malcolm, just taking time out from my pitcher of rum. I can just see his motley crew now: "So where to next Captain,... aaaah boys let's go to the other side of the world". I think there be Cooneyites and Mormons over thar. Thar she blows. Break out the harpoon. A pound of blubber to the first one that spots our next whale. Blast that last one, that got off yonder hook. Where those newest recruits? set em to scrubbing the deck and cursing their own. I love the sound of em cursing their own. It's like music to my ears. Yes sir Captain, get right onto it.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: Josh ()
Date: August 20, 2007 11:40PM

Jinny and Josh are trying to belittle the movement against the JC's (...and at the same time stealthily extract a little private information...)

What information are we trying to extract exactly?

(Also I don't get all of your phallic references, but I don't care to have them explained to me either)

private eyes
We are not about publicly publishing people’s personal details, just to appear clever or to try to win some argument. Although, we sometimes tease with a bit of information to demonstrate that we know what we know.

private eyes
To remind peope Glenn G...also know as Ptolemyy Glenn is a 28 Melbourne Security Officer, who wouldn't look out of place at an Elvis look a like competition.

private eyes
Wow, I’ve even got my own blog and My Space. As if anyone, other than your cat, really gives a sh.t.

private eyes
Stick to collecting the train memorabilia. It causes people less harm.

My comment on the JCs forum had to do with you being rude to two people, Glenn and Jinny, for no good reason on a public forum where they're not allowed to respond. When I made my post I assumed you found the details for your insults against Glenn and Jinny from Google and their myspace pages. Is that not correct? Was the comment about Elvis, Jinnys blog and trains meant to show off your abilities as a private detective or were they ment to be personal digs? If you made those comments about Glenn and Jinny "to demonstrate that you know what you know" I stand by my lack of impressedness that you were able to find their myspace pages. If you made the comments just to make fun of them in a place they can't defend themselves then I think you are being rude.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: August 21, 2007 11:36AM


I will make this as simple as I can for you:

There has been a lot of research conducted on the Jesus Christians that goes beyond Googling. We chose not to publish everything publicly, but what is learnt will be submitted to the appropriate bodies and authorities at the right time.

Now can you understand the first paragraph?

Okay, moving on.

In relation to Glenn and Jinny, we also have information that goes beyond Googling. Got that?

In relation to our public posts however, the information that was obviously posted (yes, to have a bit of a dig at them) was already in the public domain. So nothing was revealed that anyone else couldn’t have found out by visiting their own blogs, etc. Although I stress we have other personal information that we chose not to publish, as it is personal.

Believe it or not, we are actually fond of Glenn and hope his situation at work improves. We were trying to give a tongue in cheek hint to lift his game. Also, he got a mild taste of what fair game, might look like, so he might be less likely to support it in future. Nobody wants him mixed up with Dave.

Your comments in relation to the posts were designed to infer that are abilities were only related to Goggling.

We gave you one example that helps to prove you’re wrong. The dates provided will be significant to those who know, but they won’t make sense to those that don’t.

I stand by my comment, we know what we know. We’re not out to impress you Josh, however, we are fairly confident that the people we want to impress with our research will be.

Rick can correct me if I am wrong. But the site is designed for people to comment on cults, their experiences, etc free of harassment from cult members. It promotes and alternative view from the PR spin produced by the cults themselves.

Dave and Jinny are free to publish whatever nonsense they want on their own site and they usually do. If you can take your rose coloured glasses off for a minute, you will realise that anyone that questions or is critical of the Jesus Christians usually ends up being belittled or treated in a rude manner. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Date: August 21, 2007 08:32PM


The information I presume you and Jinny (and Dave!) wants is a precise estimate of the numbers involved here of the people actively involved and prepared to speak out against the JC's...whatever number we quoted (if we chose to do so.......) would of course then be ridiculed by David as "insignificant" will no doubt remember that I ridiculed the "numbers" he is now able to interest in the "lifestyle" he champions....

You may also recall Jinny entering the realm of sexual allegory with her earlier remarks about David's opponents being motivated by "homo-erotica"...

You will of course now produce the email that you posted to Jinny, as well, chiding her on her use of a "phallic reference" or you can just piss off..... because we can get more than enoughh bullshit from David McKay at any time we choose without the need for a supplementary source!!

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: Josh ()
Date: August 21, 2007 09:37PM

private eyes
Dave and Jinny are free to publish whatever nonsense they want on their own site and they usually do. If you can take your rose coloured glasses off for a minute, you will realise that anyone that questions or is critical of the Jesus Christians usually ends up being belittled or treated in a rude manner. They can dish it out, but they can’t take it.

I'm not wearing rose colored glasses. I agree with you about both sides being rude to each other on the flame thread on the JCs site. That's why I won't for the most part participate in that section of the forum. The difference is over there the people who are getting rude treatment have the option of responding to it, here Glenn and Jinny don't.

private eyes
In relation to Glenn and Jinny, we also have information that goes beyond Googling. Got that?

Ok, I will take you at your word that your investigation into non-JCs also goes beyond googling (just like I already believed your investigation into JC members did). I am sorry that I made an incorrect assumption and belittled your detective skills based on that (Seriously, not tounge in cheek, I try to think before I post and I shouldn't have said things based on something I didn't know for sure to be true).

But don't you think it's a little bit weird and creepy that you are collecting files on people who aren't part of the JCs as a way to encourage them to keep out? I personally would be less than endeared to someone who I found out was collecting information about me and keeping a file on me so they could 'influence' me in the future. That goes for anyone on this forum and anyone in the JCs, just so you know I'm being fair.

The information I presume you and Jinny (and Dave!) wants is a precise estimate of the numbers involved here of the people actively involved and prepared to speak out against the JC's...

I can't speak for Dave or Jinny (and neither can they on this forum anyway), but I could care less how many people are involved. The only reason I even made one post on this whole topic is because I saw comments over here about Glenn and Jinny that I felt were rude and then they seemed to have hurt Jinnys feelings and that didn't seem right that they weren't allowed to respond themselves.

About the sex references, I didn't chide you on all those refernces, I said I didn't get them. The only reason I mentioned it at all is because it seemed to take up the majority of the post you wrote that mentioned me. Jinnys post, 1 didn't have anything in it to do with me, and 2 only had one statement down at the end that hinted at something sexual.

Also if you took exception to something Jinny wrote over there I think you're allowed to respond to it yourself over there. I'm not involved in the site (other than posting sometimes), but I'm pretty sure you're allowed to post.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: private eyes ()
Date: August 22, 2007 12:08AM

Josh, you are being over dramatic when you speak of collecting files on people who aren’t members of the Jesus Christians. We simply stated we had additional information on two individuals that hadn’t been Googled.

However, it is fair to say that when you embark on research that spans over 60 years and involves cells activity in many countries, USA, Australia, India, Israel, Kenya and the UK. You’re going to receive lots of information. Some information will be pertinent, others part won’t.

People on this site are probably thinking to themselves right now. Who is this Josh, what does he do? Is he a supporter of the Jesus Christians.? There will be some natural curiosity. Some might email or private message each other. Information becomes available.

If you are a potential member, some people may even be concerned enough about you to try and make contact (if they knew you) and warn you, based on their experience. Nothing creepy about that. What you would find even creepier is, if you actually joined.

Others may just try to use information to better answer you on a forum site.

In regards to the Jesus Christians site, I guess anyone, including you, could chose to participate on their flame thread. But for the most part, if you disagree with something on their site, that’s where you’ll end up regardless.

Over there, you will hear of the private exchange of information being referred to as gossip. All part of the plan to stop critics, discussing, writing or disseminating information that doesn’t meet with Dave’s approval.

Yes, I am sure that Dave and Jinny would love to have us tightly controlled; only making comments on their site and being able to respond as they like. But that hasn't stopped them making comments on their site, so I wouldn't get overly concerned about Jinny's hurt feelings.

If you do want to hand Jinny a hanky, because we’ve upset her, that’s fine. But I wouldn’t take her attention seeking complaining too seriously. If she wants to shed a tear, it should be for the people whose lives she will ultimately end up ruining, by helping to promote membership in Dave’s cult.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Posted by: Josh ()
Date: August 22, 2007 02:03AM

private eyes
Josh, you are being over dramatic when you speak of collecting files on people who aren’t members of the Jesus Christians.

The things you said making fun of them showed you looked them up on google and myspace, then you said you had additional information on them that went beyond google and myspace without elaborating on what that information was or how you got it.

In trying to run a good investigation I would think you are writing this information down somewhere rather than just keeping it all in your head. Whether this information you're gathering on people, JCs and non-JCs alike is stored on your computer or in an actual manila folder doesn't matter to me. I get creeped out just the same by it. You may not think that's creepy. That's fine, that's your opinion. I think it is creepy and off putting, that's my opinion.

private eyes
In regards to the Jesus Christians site, I guess anyone, including you, could chose to participate on their flame thread. But for the most part, if you disagree with something on their site, that’s where you’ll end up regardless.

I've openly disagreed with the JCs several times about different things. I never ended up on the flame thread, but I try to be polite about it.

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Date: August 24, 2007 12:43AM


Pyschologically we all have "ideals" to which we apsire up to....when we want to attain those ideals we look to "role models" to emulate.....thus when I want to be the best spiritually, I look at Christ,.....when I want to have the best interactions with other I may disagree with , I try to look at Christ through the life of Ghandi or Mandela....

...however when I want to an utter bastard towards those I may diagree with (and really towards all and sundry)....I need a "different" role model....and that's when I choose to use David Mckay as an "ideal" to aspire DOWN to....

while I thank Josh for the time he has put into his response (and if he wishes to communicate further on this forum in the "polite" manner he writes of, I will also endeavour to be equally "polite" ), I'm a little miffed he hasn't written to congratulate using the term "pissed off" I have of course based my behaviour according to the standards with which David Mckay addressed Zeusor......I mean, I've been erudite to quote, not simply some hackneyed old phrase from the bible, but a veritable living Apsotle.......and someone who Josh defends as a "personal standard" for others!!

and Josh (sniff....sob!!!) has failed to acknowledge this in his reply.....

I feel personally devasted!!

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Australian cult: Anyone recognize this?
Date: August 24, 2007 12:48AM

There are a number of tribal cultures where , in the face of “incomprehensible” natural phenomenon, (e.g. volcanic activity or seismic movement) peoples seek to be reassured by the delusory convictions of the likes of witch-doctors who ascribe such occurrences to the wiles of wicked demonic forces who seek to disrupt the natural harmony of the world…….such conjecture consoles those who know no better, and comforts them into thinking that they still retain some measure of “control” over these calamitous events….(they have at least been able to identify the source of the problem and if they are able to ultimately devise a way in which to placate or overcome the evil spirits who torment them, they will be able to find some respite from the oppressive circumstances in which they find themselves……

In this respect I note, David “biting” public retort to Apostate on the JC website dated August 6th:

Surprise, surprise, surprise! We were actually going to run a book with bets on how long it would be before you turned up here, Craig, since the list of questions from the Quakers had your name written all over it! For someone suggesting we take some time to stop and meditate, it took you just six hours to discover (without any notification from us) that this thread existed and then to come on with what you have printed above.

Has it, by all appearances, finally dawned on David that Apostate is far from what he seems at first reading….that the mephistophelian powers Apostate wields is more than a simple human could reasonably be expected to be capable of.....David has at last gathered, that Apostate is in fact none other than one of the Immortals, who (when he is not temporarily pre-occupied by his day job)……may be seen in the nightly constellations in the small hours of the morning, grimly surveying his domain with the all the fierceness of his smoking eyes of amber coal, astride his might steed, the dragon Eragon…

…that is why the oversight committee of the Quakers produce questions that (in David s’ eyes) are suspiciously like those that Apostate (in his mortal guise) has previously harangued David’s not just that the Quakers have simply repeated the questions EVERYONE has of David, due to the fact that his Godless chicanery clearly violates universally shared values ….No!! is of course because Apostate actually immediately CONTROLS them, directing their thoughts where he will, through the supernatural imposition of his volition upon the supposed “free intent” of lesser beings….

….and be it the nature of the questions with which Quakers assail David, the incidence of criticism in general, the fact that people in general just won’t “listen” or even that his corn flakes are always the first to turn soggy, and the ungodly price of fish in China, …’s ALL the work of Apostate (or Private Eyes…..or Rick Ross….or whatever Satan’s latest incarnation may be!)….that’s why the JC’s can all remain reassured that David still has matters under his “control”……(even if its not!) , David can always conjecture so “accurately”……due to his extensive experience of human nature and his personal insights into the ungrateful souls who dared pointed out his glaring faults…..

I’ve always imagined that it must be rather sad watching someone that you know well, gradually succumbing to one or another of the dementia’s that afflict the elderly….where with every passing day they need to increasingly dilute the amount of “reality” that they permit to intrude upon the cozy “fantasy” that the world as they imagine it, genuinely exists… endure seeing the tragedy a living personality that you could once engage with, increasingly swallowed up in the delusional solace they have created for themselves…

…but in David’s case I must say that I can’t help but enjoy it…..!

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