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15 years ago
QuoteMartinHone reality TV feature on BBC and they are gone in London as well. Is this foreshadow about something to come ?
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuoteVegiegardenerHi all I am curious to know about LEBD/Vanto, and wondering which companies they have got their tentacles into. Has anyone else noticed any patterns in this regard? Looking at the list on the Vanto website, it looks like they've got their tentacles well into the energy industry. Has anyone else thought this? If I'm correct, this could explain why a good percenta
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuoteblujayneIn the winter of 1997 I took the Landmark Forum. I went on to sign up for the advanced course and took it in the spring. By the end of the Advanced course, I was cataonic and non-communicative. Graduation was on Tuesday and by Friday I was in the Psychiatric unit at my local hospital. I have very limited memories of what happened, but the psychosis was eventually attributed to post t
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
From: Mr. Skolnik will also appear in a documentary being completed for RAI Italian television, discussing his successful First Amendment pro bono defense of cult expert Rick Ross, in defamation litigation brought by Landmark Education about criticisms of Landmark’s “Forum” that appear on Ross’s internet web site. ---- Any further information on this documentary?
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuotemysticjawLike Rapologist I too had direct contact with Werner. Unlike him I do not support him or any of the organizational offshoots such as Landmark Education. They are coercive, manipulative and totally suppresive of critical thinking and fredom of personal difference. At the hand of my mother, I was pushed into taking the EST training at the tender age of 12 years of age. I will say
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuoteNext to KlemmerYou sir are a fraud and a liar. My brother is #2 at Klemmer and it is very definately as described. It is a cult and you are a plant from there. K and A is out for your money period. Think no further. They want your $$$$ and your loyalty to get more of your friends and familie's $$$$$ as well. Any further information? As someone who knows the #2 in the organization it w
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
15 years ago
QuoteVigilantMonica Pignotti was a practitioner of TFT and VT. She has just published an insightful, honest revelation of her work with Roger Callahan with regard to Thought Field Therapy. Thought Field Therapy: A Former Insider's Experience TFT and its direct offshoot Gary Craig's EFT are both fraudulent and bogus derivations based upon Cognitive Bahavioral Therapy. The problem i
Forum: Clergy and Therapy Abuse
16 years ago
New Landmark youtube vids by bradbavarde Check it out: bradbavarde's channel Landmark Forum: An Insider's Final Perspective The Landmark Forum for Cats Landmark Education and the "C" word Landmark Education:Pay up vs. Pay off Landmark Education Makes Goodwill Gesture! An interesting perspective on things.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteAcid Reindeerall of yesterday I played the part of a participant in a thinly veiled version of Landmark. the most challenging part involved me screaming abuse at the main character and at the camera representing her POV. (in the film we go off in groups of four with three yelling of us yelling at the fourth person.) I screamed so long and much that I can only talk in a croaky rasp today.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteThe Anticultalso, her website does directly promote all the New Wage LGAT crap, starting with Landmark dis-Education. hmmm....that would be a brilliant angle. Promote Landmark using comedy and ironic criticism, yet at the same time still promoting its goals, and directing people to it. That would be extremely crafty. Just look at that list of junk...Landmark, Byron Katie, Eckhart Tolle,
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoterrmoderatorEveryone should get a kick out of this. Received a letter Federal Express from Werner Erhard's old buddy and lawyer Art Schreiber. It seems Mr. Erhard didn't like the sound clip of him rapping to Reggae music, which has been linked below his photo on the EST page. See It will be taken down per Schreiber's urgent request, in which he claimed "copyri
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
An Intimate Evening with Vanda Mikoloski When: Friday, September 26, 2008 Where: unity church, Portland Cost: Category: Comedy Description: A Spiritually Incorrect Comedy Show about one Woman’s Journey toward Enlightenment! QuoteThe Show: Join Vanda for her irreverent & hysterical stand-up show that comes from LOVE! – Referencing the wisdom, knowledge and nonsense she's
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteexImpactI feel like a direct beneficiary of all of these resources I have not payed for (other than my involvement with an LGAT). My gratitude is profound. What exImpact said.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Quotenettienow my first video has reached over 10,000 views. One landmarker said that nobody listens to a grumpy old man like me. Maybe that is so but still I do get some positive feedback and some not so positive. Most landmarker never comment on the content of the video. They just say that I am repeating hearsay. Some attack me personally. Some just cannot take that there is a darker side of
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Quotenettiewhen I was involved (1994-98) there was this buzz about a mining company in south america that had "transformed" their whole business. The employees where all being subjected to landmark (vanto) technology and suddenly the company was being profitable again. This story about that company was used to make us (the landmark devotees) think that we were part of something bigge
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteMarmatI figure I am "incomplete" with them (sorry - a little lekkie humour). I think I just threw up a little bit in my mouth and tasted it.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteThe Anticultby the way, if anyone thought it was important to do some "Whistleblowing" in this area, and release any type of documents to They could just take any manual or documents that might be on paper, and then SCAN it into a computer, using Adobe Acrobat (full version). Also, most print shops have ways to scan paper directly into software that turns them int
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
June 5, 2008 Huffington Post - My Landmark Experience by Diana Odasso QuoteMy Landmark experience begins the day a trusted friend recounts his weekend Landmark getaway. Quietly, I think to myself, "Poor kid. He has up and joined a cult." I have heard the rumors - the strict bathroom policy, the no eating/ no drinking rule, the endless hours of class, the forced enrollment of y
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
The Group - A World Premiere Performance QuoteThe Group, a new performance piece created by Robert Quillen Camp and performed by Dodeska Performance Ensemble, is an Enacted Self-Empowerment Workshop that combines a charismatic leader with an immersive audio experience. Inspired by the largely American tradition of packaging and selling self-improvement, (from EST and the Landmark Forum to No
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Pique newsmagazine, May 29, 2008 Aspen remembers est QuoteIn Aspen, it was estimated that half of residents had taken est, reports The Aspen Times. The other half called graduates “est-holes” and vowed never to be taken in by such a huckster. Discuss.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuotezastdboxHopefully I am posting this in the correct forum.... He has NEVER missed a sales goal, and has been instrumental in the growth of the company. What I am trying to say is that he is not being let go based on performance. So, after this lengthy explanation, my question is: Has anyone heard of this happening before? Is it legal? Has there ever been any documented unlawful terminati
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteZorroI'm interested in knowing how many people have decided to not take the Landmark Forum and even decided to quit taking Landmark Education Seminars after they read the information on this web site and other websites and the posts that people have made in this discussion Forum or other discussion groups? Surely everyone of the regulars on here wonder the same thing. We would all
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteajinajanQuoteajinajanQuoteajinajanQuotecaligariLars, an opera singer and former Introduction Leader to the Forum speaks on YouTube on what he's come to know about Landmark Education. Part I: Part II: Simply incredible stuff coming out. Perhaps this will open the floodgates? Landmark Education - Lars Bergwik on Randy McNamara - FL 3rd YouTube video by Lars Bergwi
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
"A Remarkable Day", by Steve Farber May 13, 2008 QuoteFor example, my table group included the legendary Werner Erhard whose original claim to fame (and some would say infamy) was his development of the EST program/movement. I found him to be a warm, smart and very accessible teammate for the day's conversation. And in damn fine shape for 72 years old. For any age, actually.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteajinajanSuit Against Sperm-Bank Firm Claims Sexual Harassment and Cult-Like Behavior by Graham Rayman May 20th, 2008 The Village Voice QuoteLandmark Education, a for-profit progeny of Werner Erhard's EST program, runs weekend-long seminars at which participants are asked to unburden themselves of intimate life events in often-confrontational exchanges. The pricey sessions can
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteajinajanQuoteajinajanQuotecaligariLars, an opera singer and former Introduction Leader to the Forum speaks on YouTube on what he's come to know about Landmark Education. Part I: Part II: Simply incredible stuff coming out. Perhaps this will open the floodgates? Landmark Education - Lars Bergwik on Randy McNamara - FL 3rd YouTube video by Lars Bergwik about Landm
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Suit Against Sperm-Bank Firm Claims Sexual Harassment and Cult-Like Behavior by Graham Rayman May 20th, 2008 The Village Voice QuoteLandmark Education, a for-profit progeny of Werner Erhard's EST program, runs weekend-long seminars at which participants are asked to unburden themselves of intimate life events in often-confrontational exchanges. The pricey sessions can last 15 strai
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
Lululemon boss rides creative wave: Athletic clothier keeping abreast of social trends and changes By Monte Stewart - Business Edge News Magazine Published: 05/16/2008 - Vol. 8, No. 10 Quote11. How do you try to spread that philosophy in your day-to-day operations? ?Well, we have some courses that we send people to, the Landmark education course, called the Forum. That would be the one
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteajinajanQuotecaligariLars, an opera singer and former Introduction Leader to the Forum speaks on YouTube on what he's come to know about Landmark Education. Part I: Part II: Simply incredible stuff coming out. Perhaps this will open the floodgates? Landmark Education - Lars Bergwik on Randy McNamara - FL 3rd YouTube video by Lars Bergwik about Landmark Education
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
16 years ago
QuoteZorroAwesome! I like what Lars has done. I think it is so incredible because sofar as I can tell it is the first time someone with inside experience like his has come forward publicly in a video testimonial on the Internet.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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