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2 years ago
Truth wins
People often speak of second hand smoke. There is nothing worse than second hand mental and personality disorders. Nothing more destructive and dangerous. Now mix both personality disorders with the mental ones and you get quite a bomb. I truly know this subject very well. Many people who deal with such materialistic issues are constantly seeking help and support to deal with those who ar
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Feeding the homeless is not fancy enough for these materialistic devotees. The kind that make butler proud such as Atmasfera and Tulsi are worth being mentioned. The lowly servants better serve in the kitchen and clean toilets. I remember when someone was very useful and talented, the leader of our center took so much pride in it. It was almost as though she was a talent agent and that she c
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Culthusiats, I guess that the devotees are mostly worried about Atmasfera in the Ukraine. Because as we know it, in this group only the useful, talented, pretty… and the elite are important. Others are just another bowing head. Who cares if a bimb falls in your head. It will just mean graduation and going back home. But let us save the musical demigods of SoI at all cost.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Voxveritas Vita Das, these past 1.5 years have made me sick to my stomach. I already knew this group was non sense but after studying it deeper in here, it became almost a horror movie. I am absolutely ashamed that I was part of that criminospiritual organization. Well finally butler has found his field: Politics. Where all the dishonest people such as himself roam. It is unfortunate he did
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I have decided that what I experienced at SoI is not something I will call Bhakti Yoga. So I am not qualified to judge this practice because I have never been exposed to the real deal. What I experienced was a perverted version. A so called guru who has not conquered his own lower self trying to take others to higher planes is absurd. There are a few pearls that has been thrown to swines i
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Hi Haley. Henri Jolicoeur has a youtube channel on cult exposure. He is also active in this forum. Try to reach out to him on FB.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Run forest Run, Consider yourself fortunate in your misfortune for not having experienced any transcendence. This makes it easier to turn your back and have no doubts that it was all bogus. In my case I could never have that certitude as my experiences could only be featured in scifi movies. Apparently this path and deities relate to everybody in different ways. So your views and conclusio
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Run Forest Run, you are truly educated in this area. It is really good as you can debate about it. I truly believed absolutely everything when I was chanting. And unfortunately my faith was based in the internal feelings mixed with the mystical. Now that I am outisde looking in, I feel so sorry for those who are being used. We can say whatever we want about the philosophy. But it was not desi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Run Forest Run, let me tell you something. I know that this is not something you have experienced yourself in that process. The number one motivation of any devotee in general is bliss. It is the happiness they get from relating to Krishna. They are blissheads instead of potheads. And instead of wake and bake, they wake and bliss out. The fact that a person walks around with oozing eczema and
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I found this comment by a poor guy named jake on the net: “Siddha swarup is a pure devotee of Krishna, if iskcon accepted him in the beginning, it could have avoided fall down, he is the most dear disciple of bhaktivedanta swami”. Same illusion I was sold. That butler was the only good man left behind by ABC. Imagine how bad Iskcon is when they make butler look so good. Let us rem
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I spent all these years goving credit to buthead for leaving Iskconk when it went down the toilet. I first though he cared formhis guru. Then I found out he was nevee too pleasing to his guru. I now think that he did not want to be the 12 th naked emperor. That he wanted his own kingdom. And then he found his plastic queen. There were not enough female disciples around. He had to have anothe
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
So I found another gem of wisdom from Bhaktivedanta. Dictatorship is good if the dictator is highly qualified spiritually. Yes those ideals of the good king like the Lord of the Rings are amazing and maybe it existed 10000 years ago. If we want to brainwash ourselves that the myths are correct. However how can one even mention the benefits of a dictatorship in this age of Kali? I have
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
What have they realized other than they are free labor slaves of a non sensical master. They have always been in a painful cruel illusion. The protection of Maya and Krishna come at a very high cost. People basically sell their souls completely. Why do I say protection of Maya? Because only illusion can allow one to stand following 9 pages kitchen rules to serve an abusive guru. I was blin
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
Duality pushes us to the ultimate soul test. What is a greatest test than to recognize evil in those who are supposed to be the pure of the purest. The moral codes of those who think abuse in spiritual setting is fine, must be questioned. Iskcon and SoI are playing their role really in bringing evil unto the surface. These souls have embraced corruption, slavery, fear, lies, secrecy… But t
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
The level of spiritual mental illness SoI members suffer from is beyond repair. So god will never encourage vigilantes to try and take down such rotten and corrupt institutions. Having his names dragged into the gutter. However he is fine with watching abuse and pedo gurus. I have never seen such level of ignorance. And how they deliver those statements with absolute authority. They want to gas
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
Run Forest Run, all these philosphies and theories are programs. People like to un on one program that will give them solace. One gains nothing from reading the 1000 bhaktivedanta books if they are still in an illusion. The religious programs offer a decent guidelines for humans to act in a more decent way. They cannot be dismissed for sure. However all religious programs still want to kee
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
When getting in touch with these devotees,I feel sick for a few days. To see the passivty of these people and their obsession to ony dwell in peace and bliss. They want you to just put all the damn abuse under the rug, to never look at any ugliness and just focus on that fake relationship with god. One is just based on worship exchange and obdedience. They think that this is the only side an
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
Run Forest Run, I have no doubt that people do not make things up. I just needed to have someone who witnessed with their own eyes to confirm it. So today I got an email from a good friend in the community. I will not copy and paste her email out of respect. I was told that I am playing vigilante. That I see myself and others as victims. That a vigilante has no faith that god is in control a
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
Haley, have you ever considered going public about it? Like on some cult podcats? I got really bad vibes from him on youtube. One thing he totally lacks is charisma. Even if the world ends, we do not need gurus. Glad you escaped. It is very hard to wake up those who stay.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
What is really outrageous is that some people are forced to surrender their business to them. Like the Cassava chips that were an independent devotee company. It now has the property of WL. With her picture. Or the cookbook devotees have such a hard time putting together. They take credit for everything. What a scam. I wonder if the poor devotees who started the business get a bit of money o
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
Fohr, in the past years I have realized that sticking to just one path is not the way to fully grow. I feel as though bhakti yoga is kind of a lala land illusion that protects us from the outside world. They tell you never to look at anything else. Not to google butler… So basically if you are in the cult and never google butler, you will think till the end that he is the pure and only Rep. o
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
Thanks Cuthusiast. Maybe we know the same person. I had a friend from Poland who left chanting gradually after she returned from krchen duty. You know the saying: “If you cannot take the heat, stay out of the kitchen”. Imagine the irony how they sing the praise of mother earth. So if they care so much, imagine the amount of tin foil, masks, gloves… that are used to serve thes impure devotees
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
I know a lot of old timers have left the conversation. I need to know about the paper bag. Has anyone witnessed it directly? Like seeing it with your own eyes and what was the context? Did it happen often? Cuthusiast, are people in Poland also recruited to slave day and night for wailana. I guess those who speak english? Are there any insiders they can confirm if people are still being fine
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
It is not that complicated. If the gods of religions turly exist, they want us to be subordinate. If one has a dog, they will expect the dog to act like a dog and not take owner the whole house. Unless they are weak owners. Krishna just happens to be the most demanding of the deities. Or at least this is how Iskcon introduced him to the western world. You must always think of him day and night
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
My instincts tell me that her account is possibly related to SoI. Until I hear her version, in case she answers, I have to consider that possibility. Then 9 pages kitchen rules is the greatest proof that devotees are being treated like slaves. And that there is a huge psychosis going on. But thankfully you have that list too. I did not take shots of it unfortunately. Noone and nothing can bre
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
Hi Fohr. Welcome to the butler vortex. Nice to have you in here. Glad to see you are feeling more normal. How do devotees lose the sense of self? I personally was thrown into it so hard, I will never understand. And in all honesty nothing in life will ever compare to the happiness I got from relating to Krishna. I would get up at 5 the same way a mother should be pleased to go through aust
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
Ok. So I have some interesting news. The twitter account of the journalist who wrote meanwhile in Hawaii has been deleted. Why? I suspect it is because of the 9 pages kitchen rules that without any doubts proves that this false idol is an abusive lunatic. Imagine their distress when they found out about it. Oh poor soldiers of lord chaitanya. The demons have rained on your heavenly parade of l
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
When I speak of a safe place, I am not referring to trauma alone. I just wanted to make sure that chastisment does not become a norm on this forum. I am not as fragile as I sound in here. As I said it befre, we are all many sides to us. Yes the spiritual trauma that has been installed in me, has affected me very badly but it is not the end of the world. I see my passage at SoI as an inf
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
3 years ago
Truth wins
Run Forest Run, frozen nick who is not even an ex SoI member was quite clear as to how I come across: Holier than thou Iskcon fanatic. You see, I find it absolutely amazing that someone who has not even been affected by butler directly uses such familiarities with me. This forum is not a spiritual tourist attraction. It must be a safe place for those who have suffered in the hands of butler.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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