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2 years ago
Truth wins
Conspiracy theorist is a term that the CIA has come up with. Tehe same CIA who is behind MK ultra is surely not my friend and a source I trust. The so called conspiracies that the devotees are interested in, such as fake moon landing, 911… are still quite minor. It serves no purpose. And devotees would not even dare look at very dark subjects. They are even afraid of ghosts. Besides, invest
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Run forets Run, I would not worry too much about those guys you associated with in the PI. Look at this Wailana video. At the beginning you see the actors devotee. With their kids, smiling and happy. Some people are very well treated and they enjoy their lives. They brag about their international travels on Insta. Post about the color or their lipstick on FB with their mini skirts and high
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
It is surely not easy for us to imagine what went on thousands of years ago. We can rely more on what has been left behind than what has been written. And it is very clear that some advanced civilizations were built in different parts of the world. While some parts were left in a basic tribal state. Most religions trap you in a box and keep you narrow minded. One no longer looks for deeper
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I have been attacked through my psyche since I was 7 years old. And I know for sure that the gita does not even scratch the surface when it comes to the complexities of how our minds, senses and bodies function. The teachings of the vedas give some minor guidance that can free one to a certain extent. The whole truth and picture will never be revealed. Those teachings are like letting you in
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Imagine some beings sitting around and coming up with all these stories. Wondering how far they can push the enveloppe with naive humans. The joke is on us truly for blindly accepting all the mythologies. I think I would be quite good at the job since I like writing as you can see it. They have highjacked our imagination by feeding us prefabricated stories. Lies mixed with truths. At the e
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
This open letter from Lalita is one of the best things I have ever read on butler. Also what is the story about him coming face to face with authorities in 1995? Never heard about it.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
When it comes to the R rated lectures, shame of the stupid parents and those who run the PI schools to let kids listen to that crap. That shows how brainwashed and mindless these people are and how irrational butler is. How do you even mention such things to people who are supposed not to think about sex and hear about it much? It was absolutely not necessary to make a point. He could have be
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I believe that at the end of the day, we cannot truly interfere much in the scripts that are written for each individual soul. Maybe I cannot truly judge either not seeing the full picture. As we come into this realm with amnesia and so much is hidden from us. We are just given many different stories. Each culture has its own stories and beliefs. What will always remain a mystery is why the
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
OMG! Missed part 5. What an absolute actor and liar this guy is. We all know how he treated his gay disciples. I doubt that any devotee would openly dare decalre they have auch tendencis to butker or any other devotee after his lectures. This is just way too much. How does this liar live with himself? I must say that he is really good with words but he ain’t fooling us.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Krishna consciousness in the wrong hands is like landing on snake island. It is extremely concerning to see what him and his disciples have done with this philosophy. And the problem is that not many will be able to see the demonic side of SoI because they always compare with Iskcon. If they only knew that the fear of offenses is just the boogyman, it would be game over for the bhakti yoga c
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Great find. Butler recognizes that he has been arrogant his whole life. Of course it was all Tulsi election damage control But still, a good thing he can express it. He also speaks of the harsh language he uses for the gay people, in the other questions. Oh man! What a bunch of hypocrit clowns these people are. He thinks that he can seriously fool us so easily? Why the hell does an Acarya
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I think that if there is truly a divine justice, they are in charge of judging our actions. When I said do not give him too much credit, I meant that he is being seen as a pure Acarya with the help of illusion as well as some extraordinary forces that are beyond him. I meant he did not get to that position by charisma alone. SoI does not have ill intentions in general. They are just misled
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Let us not give this little punk butler too much credit. A person who is afraid of his own shadow cannot possibly lead thousands of people without the help of unseen forces. Yes turned out to be as it turned out to be. Like any other religion out there. Enter at your own risk. You may end up with a good wife, husband, post your amazing life on Instagram. Be related to the likes of coward midgett
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Why did Jesus say forgive them as they do not know what they are doing? Because imho, he knew that his ennemies were acting under some dark forces influnences. We are all capable of terrible as well as amazing things. Bhakti Yoga and the mantras are a tool to push one towards going beyond their so called demonic influences. How many humans are so spiritually mature that they can just walk ar
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Ultimately none of us is here to please others by validating each other. We just share our experiences and views. I have explained that from my experiences, what keeps most devotees prisoner is the mystical aspect of this path. And I believe that it is a very important and valid factor. And I explained many times that I am not the only person who has experienced it. I have listend to many o
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I am sorry to disagree. It is not up to us to judge if our insights will or not benefit anyone else. I have been in truth seekers circles circles for years. I can assure you that we appreciate insights very much as we seriously try to decode this very complex reality. Even though imho, we will never be able to find out the whole truth. Appologies again if my stories or views may be annoying a
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
butler, his minions, maya, kali yuga, demonic natures… Will always be the perfect scapegoats. I will keep exposing them. But I know all quite well who is pulling the strings of this puppet show. The name of the game is to keep souls broken and traumatized so that they will never realize who and what they truly are. And noone does this job as well as butler and his mini demonic disciples. but
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I miss the days when I blindly accepted the religious narrative. I wish I could be like most humans and that I had never been exposed to the fringe side of this reality. Life is so much easier when you have faith that you deserve all that happens to you. And that there is a greater plan. That god is control. We deserve all that happens to us, including spiritual abuse… Until I have very solid
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I heard that BV Narayana encouraged 64 rounds a day. Imagine that. The butler devotees could barely keep up with 12 rounds and sometimes they were backed up and would catch up the next day. I remember the I am behind my rounds being used so often. Why? Beacuse all their time was spent on Wailana “service”. And now add Tulsi’s campaign. All they have really are kirtans and Appearance days. An
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Interesting story anout an ex Iskcon guy who threatened to kill Tulsi few years ago.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I would trust a Pitbull to protect me more than this process. What protection do you have when you get abused day and night within the juristiction of krishna? When you serve him 24/7 with love, give your time, your love, your life.. I will never trust these deities again if they descended themselves to invite me back. Unfortunately the whole submissive dog and spiritual masochism does not ap
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
To be honest with you, I have no trust in anything and anyone. Why didn’t the so called divine forces take care of butler. They have shown me their full power. And I have no doubt that they can arrange absolutely anything. Imagine how easy it would have been to have a white shark take a good bite out of butler in the ocean. Problem solved. Same thing with all the Iskcon gurus. All roaming arou
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
What is quite amazing is that they try to promote the philosophy and krishna after literally destroying the reputation of krishna. I see so many strangers commenting as to how much Hawaii locals load them. How disrespectful they are… They kind of just do whatever the hell they want. The deities will still reward anybody who worships them. I remember when I was changing with these clowns, I
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Tulsi’s answer to journalist On whether she thinks it’s inappropriate to ask a presidential candidate about growing up in a home with shrines to a man who is considered a cult leader “I do. I think that is a very religious bigoted question to ask because it just shows the lack of even interest or understanding about what Hinduism, Vaishnava Hinduism, is about. Right now you're taking m
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Just came across a young woman who said that her mom was kicked out of SoI for being gay (old timer). She has actively tried to expose the Tulsi scam. Another kid victim such as Rama. Not all who fight them have come on this site apparently. Odd fact: Vishwananda and butler share the same birthday. Unlucky 13. Funny how he is not even truthful about his birthday and they made it the 14. lo
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Culthusiast, that is grand of BV Narayana to try and reach out. He owes this dude nothing. He did not go steal his disciples. They were smart enough to see that he was more genuine than their imitation guru. But if this is true, it is to BV Narayana’s advantage not to have associated with such a corrupt person. Maybe they were embarrassed to ask him to wear a mask and do a parasite cleanse b
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Vera City, I have gone down the rabbit hole for many years now and aware of the WEF. Very informative post. Thank you. I have seen a few people mention it in youtube comments. Those who are smart can see through TG’s BS. Unfortunately most are under the spell of her youth, average decent looks, the fact that she served in the army, hold spititual and moral values… What makes me smile is when
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I remember the narcissist and manipulator butler shaming the disciples who looked for other gurus. What an amazingly smart ass this butler dude is. He never praised any living genuine bhakti masters. He made himself look like the hottest deal on the planet. We just kep praising the departed vaishnabas from hundreds of years ago. F course the dead cannot compete with him. He should have actu
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
Did you stay in touch with the devotee from Poland who became a follower of BV Narayana?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
2 years ago
Truth wins
I am not sure there is a spiritual path on earth that is as abuse and narcissist friendly as Krishna consciousness. The physical abuse (lack of sleep, maxing out people like mules) is seen as austerity. The emotional and verbal abuse is seen as mercy and chipping the false ego. And everything under the moon and the sun is seen as Karma (including SPIRITUAL abuse). The guru, no matter how demo
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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