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4 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Oh thanks for asking :-) One way is to have my yoga mat in the floor by my bed. This way I get up and first thing start dong poses on my back while watching TV or listening to music. Then I keep stretching every chance I get throughout the day including in bed and while sleeping. As far as the spiritual side, my realization is about "conscience" or "supersoul" and the
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
Paul T Harrison
4 years ago
Paul T Harrison
WOW... Thank you allalong () :-) So happy to hear how you are listening and being gentle to your body rather than the "cult" approach :-)
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Oh and to be sure, there are many actual certified therapists who are also devotees, and I was helped by them.... Again, the Vedas and bhakti yoga, in my view, taken with a grain of modern updated salt is a really cool thing, and I appreciate the forum to be able to express my opinions and observations:-) I like Bhakti and Hatha and other Yogas, and I feel with this post that I have conclud
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
I am not against study of the vedas, calling out to God, avoiding gambling, staying true to marital vows, being a veggie or vegan, and avoiding intoxication. Being an American, of course I am happy for anyone to be free to believe their philosophy and/or myths that actually helps people in their lives, which the vedic stories are capable of doing, like Aesops fables. My disagreement, an
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Iskcon's premise is that our consciousness has nothing to do with the brain, and instead our awareness is not dependent on our senses but is located in a "spark" inside of us. They believe that this spark was in an original body in a spiritual world with no death and other problems. We "fell down" in our original sin, into regular or "material" bodies due to our
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
The silly thing is that as soon as anyone simply looks at the Vedas as myths with bronze age morals, all of a sudden everything makes perfect sense, and it can become useful even for today. :-)
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
yes, very true.... I knew about the movement from the early days in my neighborhood, and my brothers friend showed me a Hustler magazine that was busting Iskcon for bogus practices in airports back then. Now we are fortunate to have internet info as long one knows how to research. If I had even known the one thing that the swami leader married a thirteen years old, I would have not given the
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Yeah, unfortunately Iskcon misuses words on purpose and uses words to bind people's minds along with free their minds through meditation.... I rarely hear them admit that they are in a faith based belief system with myths and regular knowledge references that everyone already knows to make it all seem true to uneducated or spiritually hyped up people. They just come out and bra
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
They say "blooped" which means you are like a rock thrown in a pond going down down down bloop....
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
I apologize for mentioning Mr. Hamsadhutta by name, although he is a famous and controversial figure as one of the eleven original Iskcon Gurus. I retract my statement that he ruined many people's lives because I do not know that specifically, nor do I believe he intended to ruin any lives, and it was a specific response to the person I was writing the letter to, in reference to a specific i
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
I just wrote my friend that I am so sorry about Iskcon too…. Even though I was careful to qualify statements in preaching, and I never misrepresented what was true or not, still I overlooked so many things that were ultimately hurting people for too long….. I did not believe the Hansadhutta thing at first for example and I apologize for that because he ruined many lives….. I apolo
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Iskcon says that 10 per cent of souls "fell" to the material world due to a desire for independence. Iskcon calls this independence being demoniac, but actually independence is a great quality and something to strive for, especially when it comes to critical thinking. Iskcon is based on a hierarchical, dictatorial model in which we are supposed to accept possible or not true thi
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
I see... Thank you very much for the clarification. :-) I do not find Hindus to be saying weird things like neophyte devotees of Iskcon. lol :-) For me, it is super important that I distinguish the standard of "real" reality from possible realities and from not real. Christopher Hitchens said that if the laws of material nature were suspended, and it just so happens to be in
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
My personal feeling is that if I am making love to my mate, I really do not like the idea of being monitored by an all omniscient all powerful "authority". lol I believe God (supersoul) to be a gentleman. Iskcon presents God as a complete maniac, who is so emotionally needy that he can't even give u personal space with your spouse. So sure, our "conscience" wh
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
If you simply read the Gita "song of God" or the Srimad Bhagavatam without the super lengthy recruitment style commentaries, you will find that the long commentaries are there because Iskcon does not like all of what Krishna says and so they need to speak for God. They say you cannot understand what God says without their sales pitch with each verse. haha Celibacy is not mentioned
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
The humility thing is a con..... She is NOT humble, and humility is not such a wonderful attribute and it can keep people from succeeding. Anyone who cares about the direction of your feet during their lecture is a nut case... she needs counseling, not to be teaching
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Instead of just saying to be careful in life and it's dangers, Iskcon philosophy says, as if to a kid, "No that cookie (life) does not belong to you, so you should not enjoy it unless the person who owns it, who coincidentally I just so happen to represent, :-) says it is OK. They say, "I will let you know when it is OK.... It is only OK if you enjoy the cookie with me, or
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Fortunately I learned Yoga with private lessons in a method that was super gentle. After a few poses or at anytime, I would go in to corpse pose in order for the body to allow the effects to take place. This approach has helped me through my life, and now is a life saver in old age. My teacher changed over the years to accommodate the mpre extreme yoga styles, but I kept going the origina
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
I was in Hare Krishna. My Temple was actually one of he good ones. :-) The movement , or Iskcon, has tons of problems. Most devotees are either non-believers taking advantage of innocents, or a purposefully mis-informed congregation.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Clarification: The bogus thing about any Vedic College is that the correct word is "institute" as college infers that one can apply credits etc. Dictionary: an institution offering instruction usually in a professional, vocational, or technical fiel These Vedic institutes are avocational, or recreational was my point. sorry I kind of sounded heavy, and I love any study facility. I a
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Disclaimer: I do not personally recommend to anyone to take drugs like LSD, or DMT, or peyote.... Huge realization today..... Almost all the original members of Iskcon in the East Village of NYC where I lived at the time, were taking LSD either during Hare Krishna or before they became devotees with a good, long, transition time from LSD to chanting. Everyone knows that LSD, Peyote, an
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Yes, be skeptical because they are selling you on your own bliss, and any decent hypnotist could also do that and more because u r obviously a good subject. Just because u feel some bliss and it is very intense does not mean that anything else is true....
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Yes, be skeptical because they are selling you on your own bliss, and any decent hypnotist could also do that and more because u r obviously a good subject. Just because u feel some bliss and it is very intense does not mena that anything else is true....
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Iskcon started only a few blocks away from my house in 1967 and the followers were mainly LSD taking vegetarian hippies, bohemians and beatniks. Everyone took the Vedic stuff with a grain of salt and most people adopted a progressive "peace" approach to the philosophy, while overlooking any eccentricities of the founder as we would overlook an out of date grandfather. There is a mora
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
Why are they picking on Gays? Maybe because these groups adopt a hierarchical system and they think gays are easy to bully....
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
5 years ago
Paul T Harrison
There are many innocent and super nice devotees in Iskcon and also many have left..... This comment was in response to the Vedic College question about how do we treat ppl who hurt us. Unfortunately Iskcon has hurt a lot of people. As far as handling the ppl and organization who hurt me and others, I realize that it was not just individuals that were bad, but that the mean, bad stuff was due
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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