Hare Krishna "Iskcon" philosophy debunked from the foundation of it's core belief. FOR REAL :-)
Date: May 26, 2019 02:04AM
Iskcon's premise is that our consciousness has nothing to do with the brain, and instead our awareness is not dependent on our senses but is located in a "spark" inside of us. They believe that this spark was in an original body in a spiritual world with no death and other problems. We "fell down" in our original sin, into regular or "material" bodies due to our attempt to try and take the place of God, or to compete with God. The example is with the story of the Gopis, who got all conceited due to being friends with God, so as a result of their pride, God left them alone and then they started re-enacting the fun they had with God with some of them playing the role of God.....
Iskcon is one of the few groups that actually promotes and physically does exactly what they believe that our original sin was. They ask people to practice worshiping God by actually worshiping them. For what? Because they are some kind of a spiritual vedic teacher? Because they twisted the vedas and mistranslated in order to include celibacy as a principle when it clearly is not more than regular societies' sexual rules? The Iskconites are not life long celibates, they have kids, they are not monitored or certified celibate, and so they cannot be classified as celibate.
Should we bow down and worship them as perfect because they like to be vegetarian and pray before dinner? Should we worship people who do not gamble? Should we worship people who do not drink or smoke, or take coffee? Should we lie down on the floor, in a physically vulnerable position, in order to worship people because they call out to God in praise?
None of these are good reasons to go right back to what is, according to them, the original mistake that got us here. What is worse is that they have the nerve to tell us on no uncertain authoritarian terms, that we should repeat our original sin, with them playing the "stand in stunt man role of God" then that, they claim, will lead to being accepted back into the spiritual world and into our original bodies, because by worshiping our yoga teachers and getting ourselves worshiped in the process, is the way to show God that we are not trying to take his place. Wha? :-)
So let's say you steal a book and get kicked out of heaven. What makes them think that stealing a book with someone who is, or was, also a book thief will be a good rehabilitation? Their claim that some Gurus are eternally liberated and perfect and never tried to be God (steal a book) is stupid because they are physically acting like they are trying to be God now. LOL
Also their idea is that when we fell, Krishna took our memory away, giving us full on amnesia, which is counter productive to any rehab program. LOL
So if we follow their scenario, "surrender" and worship a teacher called "Guru" then only due to the teacher having an exclusive ticket program to go back to heaven (spiritual world) we get to be returned to our original bodies and home. The problem is that our rehab was done in amnesia, so as soon as we wake up in the spiritual world, in our original bodies, remembering who we are and who God is, then we are back to square one, dealing with the original reason why we fell down, which is that we worship other people rather than God including ourselves as part of the succession of people being worshiped. But now we just spent a lifetime doing exactly the thing that got us kicked out. See the contradiction?
The problem is that once we are in the spiritual world again, according to Iskcon, we cannot leave, even though we have not solved the problems for which we originally needed counseling. After all the worshiping of teachers as God in order to go back to Godhead, now we are "conditioned" even worse then when we were thrown out.
They say "no problem" because Krishna again messes around with our paradigm and framework of our existence and makes us forget all that, so we can become the role we play in the spiritual world and love him thinking we are that character that Krsihna put in our heads using yoga maya or illusion given by God. Is this a healthy scenario? Imagine if your parents kept wiping your memory like M.I.B? lol
Iskcon is having us do the exact "sin" that caused our fall down, according to them, so if you care about logic or reality, then it is obvious that these vedic concepts are made up and they are not only illogical but they make God out to be a mean spirited manipulative megalomaniac, who plays with the minds of His kids, and even comes and kills them just for fun... all that is only due to Krishna 's inability to give good counseling in the first place. Iskcon says it is OK because God gives liberation. LOL The spiritual world is said to have everything one desires, however they evidently have no shrinks.... instead they throw us into a world of death and take our memory away so we can never get our equilibrium back, if we ever had it at all....
If iskcon wasn't so dictatorial and demand no questioning of authority, then the philosophy would have been cool, like a hippie trippy beatnik philosophy thing which goes along with the veggie idea. They took a spiritual idea and turned it right back into a material one by doing the exact same activity that supposedly got us into trouble with God in the first place...excuses and weird raps of theirs aside. LOL
All one has to do is to bring a dictionary to a Hare Krishna meeting or discussion and quickly you will realize they do not even use words in their real meaning, and if you point it out they get personally mean to you and blame you. Why? Because the cornerstone of the philosophy, due to being from the bronze age, is to blame us for the lousy job that God did with the creation as they believe He made it purposefully bad because we wanted it . haha I'll buy that and the Brooklyn Bridge please.. to go LOL :-)
If you want chanting without so much cultism, try Bhaktifest.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/26/2019 02:18AM by Paul T Harrison.