A different way to look at Hare Krishna
Date: April 15, 2019 12:15AM
Iskcon says that 10 per cent of souls "fell" to the material world due to a desire for independence. Iskcon calls this independence being demoniac, but actually independence is a great quality and something to strive for, especially when it comes to critical thinking.
Iskcon is based on a hierarchical, dictatorial model in which we are supposed to accept possible or not true things as absolutely true, and accept that we are not smart enough to "understand". In other words it is not that the statements do not stand up to scrutiny, but that the questioner is "puffed up... has a big ego.... is a demon etc." lol
I have read Gita and all the references to "less intelligent" people and the boast thaT "more intelligent" people will understand. haha Talk about snooty elitist attitude. Is it not enough that Krishna is God, but he has to go elitist too?
Be proud to be someone who actually stood up to God. :-) I mean what kind of God wants all yes men in an absolute dictatorship anyway?
Krishna says he fools around with who is intelligent and who is not, and plays around with what u do or do not remember, then he makes fun of less intelligent people? HE MADE THEM LESS INTELLIGENT. So the Gita presents God as a bully....
Only ten percent stood up to Krishna and came here with all the dangers, according to them.... or more likely, the Gita was written by ancients giving their best explanation of God and life at the time....
So you are one of the rebels :-) The rest of the souls would seem to be "goodie two shoes" straight party line submissive co-dependent worshiping types.
Absolutely literally true? NO, it doesn't even make basic sense. No matter how Iskcon tries to spin it, logic and reality still have an effect on truth. They simply cannot have it both ways.... God is either not all powerful or not all merciful.....
ALL powerful and all merciful are words made famous by dictators..... not the most merciful platform :-) It is good to rebel against those ideas.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/15/2019 12:22AM by Paul T Harrison.