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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: LLG ()
Date: March 02, 2011 08:24AM

@SelahSelah - I cleared some space in my inbox, sorry about that. .. frogla, yours is full again :-)

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: frogla ()
Date: March 02, 2011 09:14AM

@salehsaleh thnx! Mine is clearer but I still need to work on getting it back to empty.

I want to say that today realized that I because I'm human stepped out of where He wanted me to do. I need to focus on changing myself & quit taking the log out of Trent's eye. I was knocked off balance by possibly the enemy & instead of being consistent & sticking to God's plan I took the bait. I'm a good sprinter but suck @ marathon's. There are no "experts" out there because can & does use anyone in my path. I'm gonna let go & trust in the long haul. I'm human. God will tell me as many times as I need to hear. I know my mistakes don't effect His unconditional love & acceptance of me, I know it doesn't take away my salvation, it doesn't make God angry with wrath or condeming. I have a very secure foundation & relationship with the Lord so when I mess up I see it am sorry & thank Him.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: March 02, 2011 01:37PM

frogla, if you haven't already, please delete any and all posts you may have in your "private messages" from me (sparky). My posts would be of no big use compared to the others here begging to send you things.

I hope Trent realizes he was bamboozled by the cult leader Speed T. Rathbun and returns to both you and the true Church.

I say the "true church" as I firmly believe Speed T. Rathbun is a false prophet (an anti-christ, if you will and therefore not of YHWH) which is why I expect Speedo's murderous and magical direct-from-god (small "g") "hate-rays" have failed against all of his critics. I'm still here, asshat. You keep failing!

It would seem to me that Rathbun, who "speaks for god(small g)" and writes letters of such importance that they do what is Biblically impossible...they actually REPLACE the Bible in their "importance" could kill me with a word. Oh, you can? Prove it, faker.

I hope Trent and others escapes with limited damage when the con-artist Rathbun is exposed for the false prophet he is.

Time's a-tickin', Rathbun. Your flock will soon see you as we do. A liar.

What will you tell your flock when you inevitably fail? (and you will fail, loser).

That the Rapture actually occured when everyone is still on Earth? Did only a few folks magicially float up to the Heavens and nobody noticed?

Isn't this ass-opposite of what The Book of Revelation claims? Perhaps you are more important than the Apostles who lived during the time of Christ and spoke to him, not to a dream-demon.

I supect you are so unimportant that the only thing keeping your stupid name alive is this forum.

You are a complete failure and death; nothing more. No one will remember you...or your false mental-illness induced letters.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/02/2011 01:43PM by Sparky.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: frogla ()
Date: March 04, 2011 01:21AM

my inbox is empty my inbox is empty! Yipee!!!

@sparky have you seen other groups like this in your lifetime fall apart because the rapture didn't happen & if so how so? There are other ppl besides timothy who are claiming they know the rapture is coming this year or by the end of the next. Why is that? Why is God allowing this to happen? i've prayed alone with prayer partners along with others and nothing. maybe like wendy's book title he can't hear god anymore. idk.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: March 04, 2011 01:52AM

I think it is the whole "Mayan Calender" thing...the calender ends in December 2012. I think on the 21st but I could be wrong.

Nuts, authors and thieves take advantage of the fearful for $$$ and power.

The funny thing is the Mayan descendants don't think the world ends on that date.

I remember in the 70's, a prayer group I attended had a special guest lecture to us about the sun blowing up in 1980 so prepare for the rapture. Oops.

I remember in the 80's hysteria around the "disappearing hitchhiker". Apparently many believed Angels were hitchhiking and telling people "Jesus is coming back soon"! Oops.

This "prophecy" of Speed and Trent is only designed to keep people in line and under control. Classic cult mentality.

When "prophets" fail some of their flock drifts away but sadly not all. (Seven Day Adventists, Jehovahs Witnesses, etc.) Considering the small size and abusive nature (mentally) of the Blow Hards Trumpeters I am thinking they will just shrivel up and go away into the dustbin of history.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2011 01:53AM by Sparky.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: frogla ()
Date: March 05, 2011 02:56AM

I just wonder how much time we have, until there is concrete evidence, that the "prophecy" of speedothy has failed.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: frogla ()
Date: March 05, 2011 12:53PM

I'm missing Trent so much it hurts.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2011 01:10PM by frogla.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: frogla ()
Date: March 05, 2011 01:40PM

Profile of Cult Leaders

1. Glibness/Superficial Charm

Glibness is a hallmark of psychopaths. They are able to use language effortlessly to beguile, confuse, and convince. They are captivating storytellers. They exude self-confidence and are able to spin a web that intrugues others and pulls them into the psychopath's life. Most of all, they are persuasive. Frequently they have the capacity to destroy their critics verbally or disarm them emotionally.

2. Manipulative and Conning

Cult leaders do not recognize the individuality or rights of others, which makes all self-serving behaviors permissible. The hallmark of the psychopath is the _psychopathic maneuver_, which is essentially interpersonal manipulation "based on charm. The manipulator appears to be helpful, charming, even ingratiating or seductive, but is covertly hostile, domineering... [The victim] is perceived as an aggressor, competitor, or merely an instrument to be used ... The manipulation inevitably becomes the end-all and is no longer qualified by the reality principle." In other words, there are no checks on the psychopath's behavior -- anything goes.

The psychopath divides the world into suckers, sinner, and himself. He discharges powerful feelings of terror and rage by dominating and humiliating his victims. He is particularly successful when, through an overlay of charm, he makes an ally of his victim -- a process sometimes described as emotional vampirism or emotional terrorism.

3. Grandiose Sense of Self

The cult leader enjoys tremendous feelings of entitlement. He believes everything is owed to him as a right. Preoccupied with his own fantasies, he must always be the center of attention. He presents himself as the "Ultimate One": enlightened, a vehicle of god, a genius, the leader of humankind, and sometimes the most humble of the humble. He has an insatiable need for adulation and attendance. His grandiosity may also be a defense against inner emptiness, depression, and a sense of insignificance. Paranoia often accompanies the grandiosity, reinforcing the isolation of the group and the need for protection against a perceived hostile environment. In this way, he creates an us-versus-them mentality.

4. Pathological Lying

Psychopaths lie coolly and easily, even when it is obvious they are being untruthful. It is almost impossible for them to be consistently truthful about either a major or minor issue. They lie for no apparent reason, even when it would be easier and safer to tell the truth. This is sometimes called "crazy lying". Confronting their lies may provoke an unpredictably intense rage or simply a Buddha-like smile.

Another form of lying common among cult leaders is known as _pseudologica fantastica_, an extension of pathological lying. Leaders tend to create a complex belief system, often about their own powers and abilities, in which they themselves sometimes get caught up. "It is often difficult to determine whether the lies are an actual delusional distortion of reality or are expressed with the conscious or unconscous intent to deceive."

These manipulators are rarely original thinkers. Plagerists and thieves, they seldom credit the true originators of ideas, often co-opting authorship. They are extremely convincing, forceful in the expression of their views, and talented at passing lie detector tests. For them, objective truth does not exist. The only "truth" is whatever will best achieve the outcome that meets their needs.

5. Lack of Remorse, Shame or Guilt

At the core of the psychopath is a deep-seated rage which is split off and repressed. Some researchers theorize that this is caused by feeling abandoned in infancy or early childhood. Whatever the emotional or psychological source, psychopaths see those around them as objects, targets, or opportunities, not people. They do not have friends, they have victims and accomplices -- and the latter frequently end as victims. For psychopaths the ends always justify the means. Thus there is no place for feelings of remorse, shame, or guilt. Cult leaders feel justified in all their actions since they consider themselves the ultimate moral arbiter. Nothing gets in their way.

6. Shallow Emotions

While they may display outbursts of emotion, more often than not they are putting on a calculated response to obtain a certain result. They rarely reveal a range of emotions, and what is seen is superficial at best, pretended at worst. Positive feelings of warmth, joy, love, and compassion are more feigned than experienced. They are unmoved by things that would upset the normal person, while outraged by insignificant matters. They are bystanders to the emotional life of others, perhaps envious and scornful of feelings they cannot have or understand. In the end, psychopaths are cold, with shallow emotions, living in a dark world of their own.

Hiding behind the "mask of sanity," the cult leader exposes feelings only insofar as they serve an ulterior motive. He can witness or order acts of utter brutality without experiencing a shred of emotion. He casts himself ina role of total control, which he plays to the hilt. What is most promised in cults -- peace, joy, enlightenment, and security -- are goals that are forever out of reach of the leader, and thus also the followers. Since the leader is not genuine, neither are his promises.

7. Incapacity for Love

As the "living embodiment of God's love," the leader is tragically flawed in being unable to either give or receive love. Love substitutes are given instead. The leader's tremendous need to be loved is accompanied by an equally strong disbelief in the love offered him by his followers; hence, the often unspeakably cruel and harsh testing of his devotees. Unconditional surrender is an absolute requirement.

8. Need for Stimulation

Thrill-seeking behaviors, often skirting the letter or spirit of the law, are common among psychopaths. Such behavior is sometimes justified as preparation for martyrdom: "I know I don't have long to live; therefore my time on this earth must be lived to the fullest." "Surely even I am entitled to have fun or sin a little." This type of behavior becomes more frequent as the leader deteriorates emotionally and psychologically -- a common occurrence.

Cult leaders live on the edge, constantly testing the beliefs of their followers, often with increasingly bizarre behaviors, punishments, and rules. Other mechanisms of stimulation come in the form of unexpected, seemingly spontaneous outbursts, which usually take the form of verbal abuse and sometimes physical punishment. The psychopath has a cool indifference to things around him, yet his icy coldness can quickly turn into rage, vented on those around him.

9. Callousness/Lack of Empathy

Psychopaths readily take advantage of others, expressing utter contempt for anyone else's feelings. Someone in distress is not important to them. Although intelligent, perceptive, and quite good at sizing people up, they make no real connections with others. They use their "people skills" to exploit, abuse, and weild power. Psychopaths are unable to empathize with the pain of their victims.

10. Poor Behavioral Controls / Impulsive Nature

Like small children, many psychopaths have difficulty regulating their emotions. Adults who have temper tantrums are frightening to be around. Rage and abuse, alternating with token expressions of love and approval, produce an addictive cycle for both abuser and abused, as well as create a sense of hopelessness in the later.

The cult leader acts out with some regularity -- often privately, sometimes publicly -- usually to the embarassment and dismay of his followers and other observers. He may act out sexually, aggressively, or criminally, frequently with rage. Generally this aberrant behavior is a well-kept secret, known only to a few disciples. The others see only perfection.

These tendencies are related to the psychopath's need for stimulation and inability to tolerate frustration, anxiety, and depression. Often a leader's inconsistent behavior needs to be rationalized by either the leader or follower in order to maintain internal consistency. It is often regarded as divinely inspired and further separates the empowered from the powerless.

11. Early Behavior Problems / Juvinile Deliquency

Psychopaths frequently have a history of behavioral and academic difficulties. They often "get by" academically, conning other students and teachers. Encounters with juvinile authorities are frequent. Equally prevalent are difficulties in peer relationships and developing and keeping friends, marked control problems, and other aberrant behaviors such as stealing, fire setting, and cruelty to others.

12. Irresponsibility / Unreliability

Not concerned about the consequences of their behavior, psychopaths leave behind them the wreckage of others' lives and dreams. They may be totally oblivious or indifferent to the devestation they inflict on others, something which they regard as neigher their problem nor their responsibility.

Psychopaths rarely accept blame for their failures or mistakes. Scapegoating is common, blaming followers, those outside the group, a member's family, the government, Satan -- anyone and everyone but the leader. The blaming may follow a ritualized procedure such as a trial, "hot seat" denunciation, or public confession. Blame is a powerful reinforcer of passivity and obedience, producing guilt, shame, terror, and conformity in the followers.

13. Promiscuous Sexual Behavior / Infidelity

Promiscuity, child sexual abuse, polygamy, rape, and sexual acting out of all sorts are frequently practiced by cult leaders. Conversely, there is often stringent sexual control of the followers through such tactics as enforced celibacy, arranged marriages, forced breakups and divorces, removal of children from their parents, forced abortions or mandated births. For psychopaths, sex is primarily a control and power issue.

Marital fidelity is rare in the psychopath's life. There are usually countless reports of extramarital affairs and sexual predation upon adult and child members of both sexes. The sexual behavior of the leader may be kept hidden from all but the inner circle or may be part of accepted group sexual practices. In any case, due to the power imbalance between leader and followers, sexual contact is never truly consensual and is likely to have damaging consequences for the follower.

14. Lack of Realistic Life Plan / Parasitic Lifestyle

The psychopath tends to move around a lot, making countless efforts at "starting over" while seeking out fertile new ground to exploit. One day may appear as a rock musician, the next as a messiah; one day a used car salesman, the next the founder of a mass self-transformation program; one day a college professor, the next the new "Lenin" bringing revolution to America.

The flip side of this erratic life planning is the all-encompassing promise for the future that the cult leader makes to his followers. Many groups claim as their goal world domination or salvation at the Apocalypse. The leader is the first to proclaim the utopian nature of the group, which is usually simply another justification for irrational behavior and stringent controls.

The leader's sense of entitlement is often demonstrated by the contrast between his luxurious lifestyle and the impoverishment of his followers. Most cult leaders are supported by gifts and donations from their followers, who may be pressured to turn over much of their income and worldly possessions to the group. Slavery, enforced prostitution, and a variety of illegal acts for the benefit of the leader are common in a cult milieu.

Psychopaths also tend to be preoccupied with their own health while remaining totally indifferent to the suffering of others. They may complain of being "burned out" due to the burden of "caring for" their followers, sometimes stating they do not have long to live, instilling fear and guilt in their devotees and encouraging further servitude. They are highly sensitive to their own pain and tend to be hypercondriacs, which often conflicts with their public image of superhuman self-control and healing abilities. According to them, the illnesses they _don't_ get are due to their powers, while the ones they _do_ get are caused by their "compassion" in taking on their disciples' karma or solving the group's problems. This of course is another guru trick.

15. Criminal or Entrepreneurial Versatility

Cult leaders change their image and that of the group as needed to avoid prosecution and litigation, to increase their income, and to recruit a range of members. Cult leaders have an innate ability to attract followers who have the skills and connections that the leaders lack. The longevity of the group is dependent on the willingness of the leadership to adapt as needed and preserve the group. Frequently, when illegal or immoral activities are exposed to the public, the cult leader will relocate, sometimes taking followers with him. He wll keep a low profile, only to resurface later with a new name, a new front group, and perhaps a new twist on the scam.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: frogla ()
Date: March 05, 2011 01:43PM

A cult is a group with an authoritarian structure and established, rote methods for stopping thoughts, which centers to the exclusion of other activities on the goals and desires of the group's leader or leaders.

This separates cults from "normal" religions, political affiliations, and belief systems which, although perhaps sharing many of the aspects of a cult, do not harmfully interfere with the lives of their members.

I feel that this use of the word "cult" makes a meaningful and useful distinction between harmless and harmful groups, that it clearly and without ambiguity defines a phenomenon which deserves to have a word which can be used to convey the notion of such groups.

The Cult Leader as Psychopath

Cultic groups and relationships are formed primarily to meet specific emotional needs of the leader, many of whom suffer from one or another emotional or character disorder. Few, if any, cult leaders subject themselves to the psychological tests or prolonged clinical interviews that allow for an accurate diagnosis. However, researchers and clinicians who have observed these individuals describe them variously as neurotic, psychotic, on a spectrum exhibiting neurotic, sociopathic, and psychotic characteristics, or suffering from a diagnosed personality disorder.

"Psychopaths are social predators who charm, manipulate, and ruthlessly plow their way through life, leaving a broad trail of broken hearts, shattered expectations, and empty wallets. Completely lacking in conscience and in feelings for others, they selfishly take what they want and do as they please, violating social norms and expectations without the slightest sense of guilt or regret." Dr. Robert Hare

Cult leaders change their image and that of the group as needed to avoid prosecution and litigation, to increase income, and to recruit a range of members. Cult leaders have an innate ability to attract followers who have the skills and connections that the leaders lack. The longevity of the group is dependent on the willingness of leadership to adapt as needed and preserve the group. Frequently, when illegal or immoral activities are exposed to the public, the cult leader will relocate, sometimes taking followers with him. He will keep a low profile, only to resurface later with a new name, a new front group, and perhaps a new twist on the scam.

The cult leader tends to move around a lot, making countless efforts at "starting over while seeking out Fertile new ground to exploit. One day he may appear as a rock musician, the next a messiah; one day a used car salesman, the next the founder of a mass self-transformation program; one day a college professor, the next the new "Lenin" bringing revolution to America.

The flip side of this erratic life planning is the all-encompassing promise for the future that the cult leader makes to his followers. Many groups claim as their goal world domination or salvation at the Apocalypse. The leader is the first to proclaim the utopian nature of the group, which is usually simply another justification for irrational behavior and stringent controls.

The leader's sense of entitlement is often demonstrated by the contrast between his luxurious lifestyle and the impoverishment of his followers. Most cult leaders arc supported by gifts and donations from their followers, who may be pressured to turn over much of their income and worldly possessions to the group. Slavery, enforced prostitution, and a variety of illegal acts for the benefit of the leader are common in a cult milieu.

They may complain of being "burned out" due to the burden of "caring for" their followers, sometimes stating they do not have long to live, instilling fear and guilt in their devotees and encouraging further servitude. they are highly sensitive to their own pain and tend to be hypochondriacs, which often conflicts with their public image of superhuman self-control and healing abilities.

According to them, the illnesses they don't get are due to their powers, while the ones they do get are caused by their "compassion" in taking on their disciples' karma or solving the group's problems. This of course is another guru trick.

Cult members identify with their leaders, and these identifications supplant previous identifications made with parental figures early in life. Because cult leaders generally are paranoid individuals, they indoctrinate their members into a paranoid vision of the world. (Tobias & Lalich, 1994) That is, cult leaders tend to ascribe the worst motives to the behavior of others. When individuals leave the cult, some may continue to have the paranoid feelings of the cult leader. For others, an awareness exists that their trusting nature prior to the cult made them more vulnerable to cult recruitment. For most former cultists, at a time that their sense of self is quite fragile, this paranoid attitude protects them from being unduly influenced by others.

However, in marital relationships, this paranoia can be destructive. When an individual who has been in a cult starts a relationship with someone with no prior cult involvement, the former cultist might interpret his or her partner’s behavior suspiciously or see negative motives behind the partner’s behavior.

if there is a conflict about certain feelings, those feelings experienced but forbidden often are projected onto the marital partner. The cult leader made members feel as though they were selfish for any expression of self-interest. The leader’s attitude that a cult member should have no self-interest can be projected onto the marital partner.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2011 02:03PM by frogla.

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Re: Trumpet Call of God
Posted by: frogla ()
Date: March 05, 2011 02:04PM

Important Techniques of Mind Control

* Group pressure: Discourages doubts and reinforces the need to belong through the use of child-like games, singing, hugging, touching or flattery. Enhance their need for recognition by telling them "You just never tried hard enough", or if they threaten to quit, "You were never truly committed enough anyway", works very well.

* Isolation/Separation: Creates inability or lack of desire to verify information provided by the group with reality. Get them to live in your philosophy with few people supporting that reality. Never let them get close enough to others to really be known intimately. Works best if they create posters of their new philosophy and post them in every open space of their environment.

* Thought Controlling and Feeling Stopping Techniques: Introduce recruit to meditating, chanting, and repetitious activities which, when used excessively, induce a perfect state of high suggestibility. Teaching time control maintenance techniques should be intertwined with cults mindset for full effective results. When they are scheduling every minute of they're life with you in mind, they are on they're way. When certain emotions come up, have subject keep those feelings locked out with the use of "state control techniques" until they are ready to explode at the appropriate time for breakdown and surrender themselves completely to you.

* Fear and Guilt: Induced by eliciting confessions to produce intimacy and to reveal fears and secrets, to create emotional vulnerability by overt and covert suggestion or threats, as well as alternation of punishment and reward. Subject should easily "Fall In Love" with 1 or more fellow cult participants to ensure commitment to the group and each other. This makes it easy to get them to leave their old lives behind and follow you. Exercises requiring facing extreme fear or death defiling "Metaphorical Breakthrough Experiences" helps in faster and easier conversions.

* Sleep Deprivation: Encourage under the guise of spiritual exercises, necessary training, or " To stretch your personal boundaries" or in urgent projects. Works best when dance music is playing really loud. When they can't stop dancing and are in complete physical exhaustion, they're yours.

* Inadequate Nutrition: Sometimes disguised as special diet to improve health or advance spirituality, or as rituals requiring fasting. Require extreme changes in eating, such as "Vegan" or as part of the group or cult regime. Control subjects feeding times at unpredictable and unexpected times throughout the day and night, if at all. Result: They will not be able to eat eventually until you tell them to, and only if it is what you tell them they can eat. The ultimate result is when you teach them how to breath, and they think of you whenever they do.

* Sensory Overload: Forces acceptance of complex new doctrine, goals and definitions to replace old values by expecting recruit to assimilate masses of information quickly with little or no opportunity for critical examination. The perfect recruit will let go of all their past beliefs overnight to follow you.

How To Know Your Successful. The truly converted will show signs of:

* The exact same goals and values as the cult leader

* Loss of free will and control over one's life.

* Noticeably more visits to the dentist.

* Excess amounts of organic broccoli in refrigerator

* Loss of family and home.

* Development of dependency and return to child-like or teen-age behaviors.

* Inability to work or be responsible.

* Posting, and of cults philosophy all over environment.

* Noticeably ugly ties or snappy dresses.

* Loss of spontaneity.

* Compulsive audio tape listening.

* Loss of sense of humor.

* Ingestion of growth hormones and speed inducing pharmaceuticals.

* Inability to form intimate relationships or friendships.

* Physical deterioration and abuse.

* Psychological deterioration (including hallucinations, anxiety, paranoia, disorientation, and dissociation).

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/05/2011 02:06PM by frogla.

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