Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Date: January 17, 2019 12:25AM
Welcome to the fray.
The Kjos' (alias Choses) were brought to my attention by someone they were recruiting a couple of years back. Lou & I had some early history together working the graveyard shift at the Blix house back in the 70's, so I used that to 'innocently' approach him about his blatant plagiarism. He actually had YouTube videos bringing 'his' word while sitting in front of the bound-volume sets of ThisWeeks.
He, of course, took great umbrage at my questioning, which included whether or not TLW was even aware of what he was doing, or if they had attempted to stop him in any way. I believe their name-changes from Lou & Judy to Edward & Anne, along with from Chose to Kjos, were attempts to keep TLW off their asses.
Information I had received about him from the same source said he claimed to have had actual 'visitations' from JRS both pre & post death, with JRS confiding in him that The Walk had already gone off course and that Lou should lead a parallel effort to counter that. Lou claimed to have a 'world-wide following', but when I went to see his YouTube views, they were small in number.
Strange days indeed, pretty mama, strange days indeed.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/17/2019 12:27AM by kBOY.