Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Date: January 15, 2019 03:59PM
dear amos, changedagain, onion, et al,
today was a usual, by my regular store hours, day off - store closed for the day. but because i've several other outlets for my wares, i attended to one of those outlets. this eventually resulted, given i am a dutiful person, in a 12 hour workday on my off day, mind you. ah, the joy of self-employment. so when i got home an hour ago or so, my intent was to have a glass of merlot and do some reading or do a more mind numbing activity like watching a movie. i implored myself to resist the siren call of logging onto this forum for this evening given the late hour. obviously, i failed! oh yeah, i've my glass of merlot (at present, just the first) but have dispensed with reading my present novel, jane eyre" or movie watching. and then i intended to just read the posts of today, i.e., i my thinking, only partially subject to the siren call. again, given that i am pounding away on this keyboard, regardless my previous resolve, i have failed that previous resolve. but why?
in some ways, it is difficult for me to know where to begin at this moment, hence, i will begin with the easiest. readers unacquainted with my narrative, i have been virtually removed from any participation with lw/shiloh for over 30 years - that is until a few weeks ago after i learned of this forum. since then, i have spent many, hopefully, thoughtful hours in reading posts and contributing my own. as a result, i have been fortunate to be reacquainted with long ago acquaintances whom i have not been in contact with for decades. so to begin, methinks it essential, supremely essential, to thank the person responsible for this site and forum. so, to you sir/mamm, i say thank you. secondly, i wish to thank all of those that have contributed their thoughts, concerns, fortitude and support for each other. i chose to believe, and i certainly may be errant in such belief, that all or most of you, a diverse gathering of souls, have a primary task, and i sense that is what you are doing, to serve each other in the process of healing. to me, so far removed from the pain, abuse and being used, as many of you have been, you are each others' healers. i believe, from my outside looking in, that healing is tantamount to the essence to the health of your souls so far beyond earthly or divine justice or sticking an iowan corncob up hargrave's and minions porthole, if you get the drift.