Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by:
Date: January 24, 2019 12:14AM
JezTheBelle Wrote:
> Onion Wrote:
> -------------------------------------------------------
> > If, along the way, some of us with
> > loud mouths and nothing to lose can take aim at
> > seeing to it that those who perpetrated
> wrongdoing
> > will face consequences then that is a lovely
> > addition to the goal of healing.
> I love you right back, Onion. And I'm so thankful
> for ALL of those who are taking that aim from so
> many different directions right now. I wish I
> could do more. And I hope you all out there on the
> front lines know what a tidal wave of support you
> have behind you. I'm not the only one with a valid
> reason for keeping my head down a little longer.
> So, if you think of things we can do to help
> without putting families at risk, I hope you'll
> speak up about that too.
> If we stick together, there's nothing we can't do.
> Heck, look at the empire we ALREADY built? With
> far less motivation!I'm pretty sure we can take it
> down again too.
Yes, I'm sure Hargrave, with his ample resources, is searching for every vulnerability within our ranks, looking to divide and weaken the resolve of those who want him to held accountable for his role in enabling and covering up decades of abuse within TLWF. He has a great deal of cunning, honed through years of turning the tables on anyone who dare take him on. Perhaps this time he'll get his comeuppance. It's a worthy effort on our part, regardless of outcome.
p.s. apparently there was no basis for the threat of a mass shooting at the Grant's Pass church. It appears that someone made up the threat, and made sure it got posted on social media. Welcome again to the misinformation age.