Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Date: January 07, 2017 09:25PM
puddington Wrote:
> I was thinking today about the LW principle of a
> "right to a higher confirmation". I recall
> several teachings about it from the pulpit. Maybe
> even a tape or two about it. The idea is that if
> your local shepherd (or Designated Relationship
> person) gives you a word or directive that you do
> not agree with, you have the right to submit it to
> another person higher up in the ladder of divine
> order to see if you can find someone who will
> agree with you.
> This principle is total BS. It never works and
> only pays lip-service in an attempt to appear that
> the structure of submission in the church is fair.
> What really happens is that when a sheep asks for
> a "higher confirmation", the local shepherd types
> up a shepherding memo explaining what the sheep is
> complaining about with their "word". 99 times out
> of 100, the higher confirmation sides with the
> local shepherd. After all, shepherds know what's
> best for a sheep, right? In the memo, it usually
> outlines what is wrong with the sheep and why that
> person is seeing things incorrectly. (like they
> had a "critical spirit" or they were under demonic
> influence).
> In my opinion, the concept of a "right to a higher
> confirmation" is a very false promise. They still
> brag about it today and how a LW member always has
> this right.
> PS: Welcome Tmason
I'm sure a lot of that went on, but I do remember going to John about something and he went overruled the pastor. Plus, I always thought that the ultimate higher confirmation was God. I know things changes before and especially after John died.