While on the topic of unconditional love, a while back FCSLC posted something to the effect that he couldn't meet the standard in one of the parables to go and sell everything. I thought to myself I didn't understand that parable either and found myself asking what does it really mean. Then kBoy came along commenting on the Prodigal Son Parable (Charles Dickens and Ralph Waldo Emerson said this was the greatest short story ever written.) I told a friend that I was going to start reading all the parables. Next thing in my inbox, my friend sent me the link below, The Most Misunderstood Parable. I really enjoyed it....the message is not heavy on the use of words like sinner or obedience, just a little bit at the end of the message, in case that might turn you off.
Disclaimer: John MacArthur (Calvinist) author of the message is not without controversy or blogging criticism such as heretic or even cult like. I've never taken a look at his doctrines (not interested), but like I said, I enjoyed his comments on the parables and found them helpful. I don't think I picked up a bad spirit from reading him; however, I wouldn't want to lead anyone to a control freak so just be advised that he has critics should you decide to visit the link.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2016 09:37AM by lily rose.