Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Date: September 10, 2016 12:59AM
On page 17 of “Experiment in End Time Apostasy: The Walk of John Robert Stevens -- The History, Beliefs, and Spiritual Dynamics of a Christian Cult by Woodrow Nichols,” there is the following quote from JRS himself:
“But we did enjoy this and during that, that chicken house was converted into a small sanctuary for the Lord to meet my heart. We sought the Lord and He began to speak to me concerning the time that we would leave this traveling through the churches and that the Lord would give me a church and people."
[[Stevens, John Robert "How God met me in Psalm 144," Living Word Tapes (17 AUG 1975)]]
It’s disturbing to me when JRS says, “The Lord would give ‘me’ a church and people.” The concept of a human owning or being given ownership of humans is not in agreement with the teachings of Jesus. It’s no wonder so many atrocities have occurred. God owns the Creation, giving agency to each individual. Anyone not recognizing this truth is dangerous and should be avoided.
For me, going to church was never equated with giving myself to the pastor---giving away my rights and agency. This forum is helping me take back the high ground.
Thanks to all.