Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 16, 2019 12:55AM

kBOY Wrote:
> Continuing with your WHEN PROPHECY FAILS theme,
> I'm posting what I wrote on the community page.
> THE WALK of John Robert Stevens
> I have mentioned previously that the greatest
> disservice done to all, regardless of which
> generation, is what was initially advertised as a
> 'walk with God' devolved into John Robert Stevens'
> (JRS) version of a 'walk with God'. This may seem
> obvious, but it deserves closer scrutiny.
> Many of us who have come out on the 'other side'
> of our TLW involvement have actually found a deep
> personal relationship with our 'still small voice'
> with or without any religious context, much like
> many in humanity have over the ages. Attributing
> this relationship to Spirit, Universe, Creator,
> Higher Power, Jesus, Buddha, Energy, or Donald
> Duck, doesn't really matter. Unfortunately, there
> are also those who feel so lost they have
> completely discounted the idea that there is
> 'anything out there' at all, and thereby fail to
> recognize what is actually 'in here' -- but that
> is a story for another chapter.
> Those of us in the second generation that enlisted
> in the JRS era were actually allowing everything
> to be defined by JRS' 'walk with God', which
> consequently, discounted our own. The current
> JRS-hardliners keep referring to their allegiance
> to 'the word' JRS spoke as equally infallible as
> they believe the Bible is, meaning, even though
> JRS may have had his weaknesses in the flesh, 'the
> word' was still true. This is what needs closer
> examination.
> 1) In both his affair with Naomi Klein in the
> '60s, and his affair with Marilyn in the '70s, he
> fully endorsed praying for the death of his then
> current wife, Martha -- was that a 'true word'?
> 2) Does anyone even today (hardliner or not)
> engage in 'violent intercession' as an accurate
> representation of their relationship with 'god' --
> was that a 'true word'?
> 3) Did the 'kingdom' actually come in 1979 -- was
> that a 'true word'?
> 4) Was he the 'first fruits' to break into
> resurrection life -- was that a 'true word'?
> 5) Did a 1000 prophets march across the land
> taking over the 'seven realms' (which I cannot
> remember) -- was that a 'true word'?
> 6) Did his death 'bring down Satan' -- was that a
> 'true word'?
> 7) Do people really battle principalities and
> powers hiding behind every fire hydrant -- is that
> a 'true word'?
> 8) Are only the people who profess to be
> 'christians' the 'chosen ones' of god -- is that a
> 'true word'?
> 9) Does God demand a 'sackcloth & asses'
> foundation to our relationship -- is that a 'true
> word'?
> 10 ) Did any of his 'lofty visions' chronicled in
> the 'Shape of Things to Come' ever manifest -- was
> that a 'true word'?
> 11) Feel free to fill in all the ones I am failing
> to remember . . .
> The point being, there was quite a bit of the
> 'word according to JRS' that held no water at all,
> and with so many holes in the bucket, one would be
> hard-pressed to justify carrying his water at all,
> in spite of all his frailties, deceptions,
> cover-ups and cons that are now coming to light.
> What is even more painfully clear, he spoke out of
> one side of his mouth and 'tickled our ears' while
> loving the limelight, but made little or no effort
> to demonstrate an adherence to walk in the very
> word he spoke.
> I would venture to say that all those I served
> with for decades had/have more integrity in their
> little finger than the very man we professed to
> follow as the 'apostle to the kingdom'. God only
> knows how this even got translated into the G&M
> era when the 'lamp' was more of a 'tramp', with
> little more to say than narcissistic babblings
> that made little sense even to the most
> simple-minded, which we had obviously become after
> being worn down for decades by 'words from God'.
> I for one can say my relationship with the 'still
> small voice' looks NOTHING like the 'walk of JRS',
> for which I am thankful on a daily basis. Those
> who know me well know that I 'walk my talk',
> something TLW leadership has failed to do from the
> start--with a few exceptions.
> Thus endeth the epistle.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 16, 2019 01:26AM

I have scouring old posts for the link to the magazine article about the Hargraves lovely $3.5 mil home in Hawaii. I wanted to share it on FB

I have been having great mini-discussions with my old friends on FB. That made me realize that if I had been in Iowa when I left the walk I may not have left the TLW. I never wanted to leave my friends whom I trusted.

What I cared about most in TLW what the people I loved - the good people I had bonds with.
I don't think it was ever the "word" that held my attention.
With that said, it must be so hard for my old friends to figure out what side of the fence is best for them- especially if all they have known is the love and friendship- many old timers who have stayed may have very well have not been privy to the "junk"- the bad stuff may have only been rumors.

I worry that I might offend my dear friends- I tend to be harsh with what i know for fact is reality- but, my old friends may not have been exposed to the same things that I was exposed to and saw first hand.

If my old dear friends had seen and knew what I knew- they would have reacted today as I react with great negatively and alarm to TLW. Step by step I am doing my best to point out how we had thew wool pulled over eyes for decades.

Something to think about.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 16, 2019 01:57AM

This from GSchaeff back in April of 2018. It's touches upon some of the properties owned & sold by G.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: GSchaeff
Date: April 28, 2018 08:47AM

It could be a way to move money around between trusts. I remember hearing complaints about when people wrote 'APCO Trust' in a check memo the money wouldn't go where leadership wanted it at the time. From what I can gather, it's illegal to sell a property to yourself at a markup so again it's perplexing to say the least.
All in all, I counted about a dozen properties solely held in Gary's name from the 2000s to the present. His last house in Hawaii sold for $3M. Isaac systems sold in '90s for approx. $500K. Two on Blix Street appear to have been sold between '07-'09 for around $700K each, with another on Blix street sold in '14 by Gary and purchased by the Hargrave Family Trust when it was valued around $800,000. It's now worth $1.2M.

Again, this may be incomplete or inaccurate but it's by no means the only property Gary resides in--rather what he appears to have in his name. He also stays in a condo at TLW, one at Shiloh, and in a large residence at Monte Siao in Brazil, none of which appear to be in his name.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 16, 2019 02:00AM

And then, of course, a reference to the infamous ornate coffee table purchased by the fellowship for G's birthday:

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: JesusJesusJesus
Date: December 24, 2018 08:43AM

As for the furniture reference - I don't know about the coffee table of Israel, but I do vividly remember the whole fellowship raising funds for some big birthday that G was having. All he wanted was this expensive, ornate coffee table with sea turtle carvings in it. I don't remember the exact amount, but it was in the thousands (if not tens of thousands) of dollars. I scanned the pics of the house G is selling in Hawaii, but I couldn't find it there. I just wanted to see what my offerings had gone to buy. Guess I kinda did with the house itself, though…

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 16, 2019 07:47AM

This from Apostle Dog, referring to TLWF as "Babylon on steroids."

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Apostle Dog
Date: June 01, 2016

The Living Word Fellowship is famous for many decades now, they don't pay but certain pastors, they don't pay for "volunteer" work they that people are "encouraged" to perform in their for profit sweatshops, and they don't pay any pensions except to certain people.

The Living Word Fellowship seems to me to have been Babylon on steroids, they were just the thing they said they were against. The whole thing to me is something I would rather forget, even the very professionally done scripture twisting of John Robert Stevens. All of it start till now has been a disaster and has done a thousand time more harm than good. That is not what a church should be.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2019 07:48AM by changedagain.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 16, 2019 11:32PM

This post from 'Walked' early in the year:

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Walked
Date: January 12, 2019

> Below is a link to his Honolulu home (or so I have
> told...correct me if I'm wrong). As I said, it is
> now for sale.


If only more had seen this palace while we were still duped, and living hand-to-mouth to afford G & M these absurd luxuries. What do 2 people need a house like that for? And how many "sheep" ever set foot in it? How could anyone have seen this and known that it was one of (how many?) houses they "owned" and not been suspicious or questioning of their true motives? I for one wish I had seen the luxury they lived in. My guess is that Gary is selling off U.S. assets and fleeing to Brazil where he might be safe from U.S. prosecution? The poor Brazilians have probably not quite caught wind of the typhoon hitting the States. To think that I ever thought anything good of Gary or Marilyn makes me feel like such a naive fool. They're the basest of con-artists. Marilyn got away with it, but I hope Gary pays.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Reepicheep ()
Date: June 17, 2019 12:38AM

If only more had seen this palace while we were still duped, and living hand-to-mouth to afford G & M these absurd luxuries. What do 2 people need a house like that for? And how many "sheep" ever set foot in it? How could anyone have seen this and known that it was one of (how many?) houses they "owned" and not been suspicious or questioning of their true motives? I for one wish I had seen the luxury they lived in. My guess is that Gary is selling off U.S. assets and fleeing to Brazil where he might be safe from U.S. prosecution? The poor Brazilians have probably not quite caught wind of the typhoon hitting the States. To think that I ever thought anything good of Gary or Marilyn makes me feel like such a naive fool. They're the basest of con-artists. Marilyn got away with it, but I hope Gary pays.

Not only were few people invited to the princely estate, but congregants visiting the islands needed pre-approval to set foot in Grace Chapel, Honolulu. Atmosphere, you know.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2019 12:40AM by Reepicheep.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 17, 2019 01:02AM

I would like to share this on Facebook if no objections. Reep? Changed?
I know there is a magazine link somewhere.

What would be interesting to side line would be pictures of the run down communal houses many kingdom business workers lived in or room at Shiloh.

Of course there would be no pictures of the convalescent home for the aging that was promised at the beginning Shiloh. - oh wait- that looks like an amphitheater.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 17, 2019 01:31AM

paleface Wrote:
> If you look at Hitler's organization during WWII,
> he had a close group around him that executed his
> madness. While Hitler gave the orders, it was
> these SS officers that made sure these plans were
> carried out. Guys like Goebbles, Himmler, and
> Goring did the dirty work. Hitler insulated
> himself a bit from close contact with the
> atrocities that were being conducted in the name
> of the Third Reich. But it is wasn't for this SS
> organization, Hitler would not have been the mass
> murderer that he was. Someone else did the leg
> work. Likewise, Jim Jones didn't mix or serve the
> Kool-aide. That was done by his inner group.
> These inner zealots are what gives these madmen
> their power.
> In a similar way, Gary and Marilyn have an inner
> group that does their dirty work for them. This
> is sometimes called "Marilyn's Army of Women",
> (but at times includes men as well). At one time,
> it was called "The Purples". This inner group
> are the ones that will do anything for Marilyn.
> Anything. Maybe its because of religious zeal, or
> maybe a fear of rejection that motivates their
> behaviour. There is a fear of being rejected by
> her and being "sent to your room", (a partial
> shunning that occurs inside the LW). This is
> where the cool guys end up not being the cool guys
> anymore, so hardly anyone will relate to them.
> Sometimes they become strangers in their own
> church. If it gets really bad, they leave. This
> inner group consists of people like Phyllis
> Haworth, Deby Grill, Chris Sayer and Gilee Larson.
> There are others, of course. They pride
> themselves on their "Killer Spirits". Their
> behaviour to date suggests that they are capable
> of doing anything for Marilyn. Even things that
> has deeply harmed people emotionally and mentally.
> Phyllis Haworth used to be married to Bill Maybe
> and I suspect this got very difficult for Bill
> after JRS died. I suspect that Marilyn had a big
> part in their breakup. I hope and pray that God
> reaches this inner group and opens their eyes to
> what they are doing in the name of Marilyn.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 17, 2019 01:57AM

paleface Wrote:
> It is interesting reading the Wikipedia entries
> for "John Robert Stevens" and "The Living Word
> Fellowship". Certain LW members must be assigned
> by G&M to monitor and try to keep these sites
> sanitized. If you click on the "talk" tab, you
> can read the edit notes. Back and forth it goes.
> It's a tough job because most of the Christian
> world regards TLWF as a cult. Maybe they should
> just give up and call a spade a spade. A while
> back, I recall Gary saying " you know, we aren't
> really Christians anymore."

Thanks paleface. I had no idea Gary actually said "not
Christian anymore". I was long gone when Gary came into, why do the website call Gary's Kingdom Christian? That's a big lie from the minute someone opens the website to check it out.

it also read in 2013 where someone stated that men were set in that were not Christian- I knew it! What deception to the people who came in as Christians and still believed they were in a Christian organization. Very sad.

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