Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Date: June 15, 2019 11:49PM
SunnyFord Wrote:
> I just registered last night but I decided to read
> through the whole forum in October after I read
> through Shalom's post and subsequent comments from
> others. I do remember finding this forum once
> years ago when I left and it helped to read
> through some of it but got busy with babies and
> forgot until Shalom...I think a lot of things will
> be until Shalom for awhile, huh?! Well, I was
> reading yesterday the dictionary of terms you guys
> had put together...I've read most of
> JesusJesusJesus' booklet...I saw the comment way
> back that someone thought there was a list of
> terminology in the 1958 version of the First
> Principles by Robert Stevens. I realized when I
> read that that I might still have my parent's old
> First Principles in the back of my guest room's
> closet and it made me jump up and go look. I had
> completely forgotten that I had anything left in
> the house. I've really not been a part of TLWF for
> maybe 19 years (my heart wasn't in it...except for
> the people) body in it for a few more years
> off and on. So I found it and it was the 1958 copy
> so here is the Terminology, for your viewing
> pleasure:
> THE ANOINTING: In the Old Testament, oil was
> poured on the heads of those set apart for a
> priestly or kingly office by the prophets of God.
> Thereafter they were set apart unto God for that
> service and “anointed” to perform that service by
> the Spirit of God. In the New Testament, the Holy
> Spirit was poured out from Heaven upon the
> believers, and they were thus described as having
> received an anointing, I John 2:27. Thus we
> speak of anyone moving or speaking or ministering
> by the Holy Spirit as being “anointed” of the Holy
> Spirit.
> TONGUES: One of the “signs” to follow the Word
> was the speaking with “new tongues” Mark 16:17.
> The “Tongues” in Acts, chapter 2, was the speaking
> with new languages they had never learned as they
> received the Holy Spirit. There is a Gift of
> Diverse Kinds of Tongues described in I
> Corinthians 12, which is the ability (God-given)
> to speak languages not previously learned. Abuses
> of tongues and restrictions upon their use is
> described in I Corinthians 14.
> PROPHECY: Prophecy is an utterance inspired by
> the Holy Spirit of truths divinely revealed.
> Prophecy in the Bible sometimes meant foretelling
> events, or predicting, but the Gift of prophecy is
> given to edify, exhort and to comfort. See I
> Corinthians, chapter 14. Hence, the prophecies in
> the services may be only for the comfort of the
> people, and not for prediction of future
> happenings.
> THE LIVING WORD: The letter of the Old Law,
> and the Scriptures as taught by men devoid of the
> Holy Spirit is death, and gives no life. II
> Corinthians 3:6-8. But the Word of God,
> illuminated by the Holy Spirit, and spoken under
> the anointing of the Holy Spirit, is living and
> life-giving. Hebrews 4:12. We speak of the
> “Living Word”, now, as that anointed utterance of
> a Word from God, because that Word is living, and
> it gives life.
> “TO BE MINISTERED TO” - To receive help or
> counsel as other believers serve you to meet your
> need through the anointing of the Holy Spirit.
> LAYING ON OF HANDS: One of God’s ways of
> imparting His Deliverance and Gifts to needy
> person through His Servants. Jesus laid His hands
> on the sick and healed them, and promised the
> believer would do the same. Mark 16:18. Gifts of
> the Holy Spirit were thus imparted. II Timothy
> 1:6. Also the Fullness of the Spirit. Acts 19:6.
> Ministries were commissioned and ordained to a
> divine service by the laying on of hands. Acts
> 19:3.
> “TO MINISTER” - To serve or help another by
> means of the anointing of the Holy Spirit through
> some gift of the Spirit, such as a Word of Wisdom,
> Faith, Miracles, or Gifts of Healing, etc.
> “A WORD” - You will frequently hear this phrase
> “I have a Word for you”, or “Brother So-and-so had
> a Word for me.” What is actually meant is this:
> The Holy Spirit had given a brother a “Word of
> Wisdom” or a “Word of Knowledge”, or a revelation
> concerning another person, and they brought that
> Word to them. I Corinthians 12:8. Great
> restraint should be shown in bringing another a
> Word as from the Lord. It is always best to
> minister to another in the presence of other
> ministries in the Church who may confirm that
> Word, if it is from the Lord. Many difficulties
> and much confusion is avoided by ministering in
> authorized groups in the church rather than
> privately.
> “THE PRESENCE OF THE LORD” - This term is a
> a literal translation of the Greek Word Parousia,
> which is usually mistranslated in the King James
> Version as “Coming” of the Lord. The Lord
> promised to do many things during His “Presence”
> in the last days. The word “Presence” implies an
> extended period of time in which He is revealed
> and works His will. The word “Coming” implies
> that all of these things prophesied for the
> Parousia would be done more or less
> instantaneously. This latter viewpoint has led to
> much confusion about the prophetical events of the
> last days.
> THE CHURCH: This word is translated from
> Ecclessia, (Greek New Testament), meaning “The
> Called Out”. The Church is a spiritual body of
> believers called out from the World to serve the
> Lord. The New Testament gives us this picture:
> The Church is the Body of Jesus Christ. He is the
> sole head. The church is not a building or a
> denomination. It is a spiritual body of people,
> not an organization.
> THE LOCAL CHURCH: This term designates the
> group of believers in a certain locality who
> gather to worship and to minister to one another
> in the New Testament plan for the church. The
> local New Testament church is a free,
> non-denominational, spirit-filled body fo people,
> governed and united according to the New
> Testaments instructions for the local churches,
> and they are not to be affiliated with
> denominations.
> BABYLON: In Genesis 11, Babel was the origin
> of religious confusion. Thus Babylon in the book
> of revelation, chapters 17 and 18, is a symbol of
> Romanism and Protestantism in all of its
> denominational aspects, a source of confusion and
> unfaithfulness to the Lord Jesus Christ. Babylon
> of Revelation 17 and 18 is in contrast to the true
> church, the Bride of Christ of Revelations 19.
> SUBMISSION: Is the accepting the control or
> authority of another, being obedient and compliant
> to those over you in the Lord. Ephesian 5:21 to
> 6:9 and Hebrews 13:17 teach the New Testament
> pattern for submission to divinely, appointed
> authority in the home and in the church.
> REBELLION: Resistance to authority, or
> defiance of authority. This spiritual condition
> of rebellion is the problem of this age - II Peter
> 2:9-19, and seems to be the greatest problem in
> the lives of God’s people, that hinders their
> walking in a true ministry before the Lord.
> GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: These Gifts are
> endowments of the grace of God upon the individual
> Spirit-filled believer, and by these gifts they
> minister and serve the other members of the Body
> of Christ. I Cor. 12:8-10
> These are the ministries of the Apostle and the
> Prophet, which are the foundational ministries of
> the church. Ephesians 2:19-22. Often the
> Apostolic and Prophetic ministries may be found in
> those who will be later designated by the Spirit
> to be Apostles and Prophets, although that
> ministry is only in part at present.
> IMPARTATION: The bestowal on another of a
> share or portion of that which God has given to
> you. In Romans 1:11 Paul longed to impart
> spiritual gifts to the Roman Christians. God is
> raising up ministries today that can impart to
> other believers that which God has endowed them.
> “IN THE WILDERNESS”: A term taken from the
> e experiences of the Israelites who were forced to
> go through a proving in the Wilderness before they
> were allowed of God to go into their inheritance
> in the land of Canaan. Jesus also was tempted in
> the wilderness before He entered into His
> ministry. Those who have received personal
> prophecies and been appointed a ministry usually
> go through a time of testing which we have
> referred to as “our wilderness.”
> THE KINGDOM OF GOD: God’s KIngdom has always
> been a spiritual kingdom, “not of this world”, but
> in these days the truths of the Kingdom of God as
> taught in the New Testament have been particularly
> emphasized by the Holy Spirit, for the KIngdom of
> God is to fill the whole earth in these days ahead
> of us, and the “kingdoms of this world will become
> the kingdoms of our Lord and of His Christ.”
> DISCERNMENT: Insight that the Holy Spirit
> gives into the need of problems or circumstances.
> It is a spiritual penetration into the underlying
> problems or bondages or oppressions of peoples.
> Discernment may be given through the Gift of
> Discerning of Spirit, or through the Word of
> Wisdom, or through the Word of Knowledge. I Cor.
> 12:8-10 or 2:8-10. (not sure)
> REVELATION: The mainfestion by God of His will
> and truths to man. I Peter 1:10-12 shows that the
> prophets received these revelations from God that
> constitute the Bible. God is still showing His
> will and His truths to man.
> ILLUMINATION: The enlightenment that the Holy
> Spirit gives the Word of God. Thus the Holy
> Spirit may reveal a truth to one, and as he
> declares the truth to others, the Holy Spirit
> illuminates that truth to them so they may
> understand it.
> God’s bringing back the church to its New
> Testament condition (Acts) and glory. Acts 3:21.
> The correct translation of this verse reads,
> “until the time for the establishing of all of
> those things spoken of by the mouth of all the
> Holy prophets…” What God is doing today is more
> than a Restoration of the New Testament church -
> it is the establishing of His KIngdom on earth
> through the ministry of a church restored to its
> New Testament glory and more.
> THE GLORY: The glory of the Lord is the
> manifestation of God’s presence and splendor to
> the spiritual and physical faculties of man. Thus
> when the prophets prophesied that God’s temple in
> the last days (Haggai 2:9) would have greater
> glory than the glory that was seen in Solomon’s
> temple, they meant that God’s presence would be
> revealed not only to the heart of man, but also to
> his eyesight. Isaiah 4:5-6
> THE VISION: In Numbers 12:6 God says that He
> reveals Himself to the prophet by a vision or a
> dream. Old Testament prophets were sometimes
> called “seers” because of this faculty of
> spiritual sight. The realm of spirit actually
> became visible to many of them. II KIngs 6:15-17.
> This spiritual sight will be given to many of
> God’s servants in these days.
> spirit-beings, such as angels, demons, Satan, as
> well as God and our Savior. In this spirit realm
> our great struggles take place. Ephesians
> 6:10-12.
> THE LEADING OF THE LORD: God’s servants were
> always led and directed by the Holy Spirit as to
> what they were to do and to say. Today God is
> raising up a people who will be led of the Holy
> Spirit in everything they do or say. Romans 8:14.
> FIRST PRINCIPLES: In Hebrews 5:12, this terms
> is used to describe the foundational, fundamental
> teachings of the Scriptures which every believer
> should know.
> WORSHIP: A spiritual veneration, adoration,
> exaltation, and reverence of the Lord God,
> accompanied with thanksgiving and praise to the
> Lord. John 4:19-24 shows that God is looking for
> true worshippers who will worship Him in Spirit
> and in Truth. True worship is from the heart, and
> is not formal. It is not ritualistic, it is not
> mere thanksgiving, or praise, or singing.
> Corinthians 14:15, it is singing before the Lord
> under the anointing and inspiration of the Holy
> Spirit. It is not singing from a hymnal. It is an
> inspired and anointed utterance by the Holy
> Spirit.
> THE LORDSHIP OF CHRIST. In Philippians 2:9-11
> Christ Jesus is to be our Lord. He is our head in
> Everything. Colossians 1:16-18. We speak much of
> His Lordship in these days for the Spirit
> emphasizes the dethronement of self, and man-rule
> that Christ might be our only Lord.
> THE FLESH: The bodily nature as distinguished
> from the spiritual nature. The New Testament
> speaks of the flesh, as the old nature full of
> disobedience to the Lord.
> CARNAL: Adjective describing that which is of
> the fleshly nature.
> SOULISH: Adjective describing that which is of
> the Soul, i.e. his emotions, his will, his
> intellect. Much religious effort is born in the
> soulish realm of man, not in the realm of his
> spirit. Hence, in Hebrews 4:12, the Word of God
> divides in us between soul and spirit.
> THE SIGNS: Many omens or portents come to
> God’s people today by the Holy Spirit. Some find
> their hands burning under the anointing of the
> Spirit, others find that burning on their lips
> when they are to prophesy or minister. Others
> find that the symptoms of the sick are given to
> them so that they have identical symptoms with the
> afflicted one to assure them of God’s will in
> healing the sick. We do not follow such
> “signs”--they follow us. Mark 16:15.
> PENTECOSTAL: Pentecost was a Jewish festival
> kept the 50th day after the 2nd day of the
> Passover. On this feast day the Holy Spirit was
> given. Acts 2:1-4. Now the term Pentecostal has
> come to refer to the experience described in Acts
> 2, where they were filled with the Holy Spirit and
> spoke with other tongues. When most people say
> “Pentecostal” they have a movement of Christianity
> in mind, which has embraced the experience of Acts
> 2, but have also proceeded to become very
> sectarian and denominational in organization and
> procedure. Soon the term “Pentecostal” will refer
> to a very sectarian and denominational movement of
> Christianity instead of a spiritual experience
> with the Lord. The term should be avoided
> therefore, and another less abused term used.
> FUNDAMENTAL: The foundational or necessary
> principles or teachings of the Word of God. The
> term “Fundamental” has come to refer to certain
> denominations and sectarian movements. All of
> these denominations and organizations called
> fundamental avoid giving any place or teaching
> about the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, the Gifts of
> the Holy Spirit, or Apostolic ministries, etc.
> Actually they have denied many of the
> “fundamental” truths. The term should be avoided
> as much as possible because of its abuse.
> MOVE OF GOD: A term recently coined to cover
> all that God is doing to restore the churches and
> the ministries to the original New Testament power
> and pattern. Actually so many leaders today have
> called themselves “move of God”, while they were
> building an organization that was not scriptural,
> that the term has been abused. “Move of God” in
> the eyes of most discerning believers today is a
> term with self-imposed reproach, and should be
> avoided. Thus the revelation of the Holy Spirit
> has been, “Say no more, the move of God”.
> LATTER RAIN: This is a scriptural term
> referring to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit,
> promised for the latter days. James 5:7. So many
> movements, claiming to have the “Latter Rain” have
> come forth in recent years, and none of them
> really possessed the true Latter Rain as described
> in the prophets, that now, “Latter Rain” is also
> an abused term to be avoided it does not mean to
> most people today what it means in the Scriptures.