Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 19, 2019 09:49AM

A post from Tmason January of 2017:

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Tmason
Date: January 08, 2017 05:56AM

I recall my father getting "confirmation" for us to move to the middle of the desert and attempt to mine gold from the Nevada sand. He sought confirmation for every move we ever made; like a good soldier would.
When the effort in the MEADOW VALLEY WASH failed we were literally left stranded and broke. We lived in a motel in Tucson and scrapped by until we moved east. We had made a break from TLW only to rejoin in DC where Dan Statton was the pastor.
My father endured a long illness prior to his death and do you think TLW did anything (a visit from the leader) for his 40 years of dedicated service?
One would think that if God gave direction to you via JRS and "confirmation"that he would not forsake you in your time of need. Indeed I don't believe God would forsake his children but TLW surely would.
Even as a child it occurred to me that this "confirmation" must not be the will of God or we would not have been left hanging.
To Lily's point, it didn't take an astronaut to spot the flaws in the system.
If I could get paid now (plus interest) for the hours I spent detasseling corn, stuffing chickens, bailing hay, sorting and stacking paint brush bristles, cooking and cleaning, laying carpet......oh the commune life.
That was just the work of one child. I can't imagine what some of you put into the effort. Unbelievable.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 19, 2019 09:55AM

NancyB Wrote:
> Who recalls a past post alleging $200 bottles of
> wine charged on church credit cards? ( I was not
> there- so I don't)

Neither was I, but here is the reference:

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Onion ()
Date: May 08, 2019

And then there is always:

Work for the Kingdom Business for little or no wages because it will bring in the Kingdom (which is never to be defined) and if you can't afford to feed your children, remember there is always that soybean crock pot.

Enjoy your poverty knowing the leaders can use the business credit card for their enormous alcohol bills and fine dining with $200 bottles of wine. Isn't that the Kingdom?

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 19, 2019 12:06PM

Richard M. from February of this year:

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Richard M.
Date: February 28, 2019

While reading everything here on page 840, including comments by Tmason, this whole thing, "JRS, Marilyn, Gary and Rick," reminds me of an organized crime syndicate, but finds me with great trepidation for the unknowing victims now caught as willing or unwilling witnesses questioning whether or not to testify to an enlightened truth of the past intent on ousting the guilty while saving the innocent, an ominous but righteous task . . . . What has always miffed me, but what is strikingly obvious in these present pages, is how such a high level of intelligence of so many people could have been duped for so long . . . . .

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 19, 2019 10:00PM

An accurate observation by Puddington--the abdication of parental responsibility of raising children and instead 'donating' their lives to 'Kingdom' authorities, who rarely had their best interests at heart. This attitude was encouraged and permeated the entire organization. The usual result was that the 'word' of an 'apostle, pastor, shepherd, designated relationship' etc. had more clout in the kid's minds than that of his/her own biological parents--assuming the parents ever dared to disagree with the authorities on any directive. Most of them wouldn't take that chance since the backlash could so severe and disruptive to their lives.

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: puddington
Date: May 09, 2019

And so you “give” your children to those in a kingdom facility where they learn to work hard for zero wages. They learn to devalue a college education. And they learn (as teenagers) how to drink alcohol.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 19, 2019 11:40PM

The manic energy surrounding John, and the constant pressure exerted on his followers to measure up to his expectations (later continued and amplified under the reign of G & M) likely contributed a great deal to the widespread substance abuse that existed within the fellowship. Living constantly on the psychological edge while working incessantly for the church's benefit took its toll, and many people (unfortunately) looked to alcohol/drugs for a reprieve. The fact that some of the leaders were open about their own binge drinking (not having a "religious spirit" and all that sh*t) didn't set the best example, especially for the younger generations. John was on to something when he constantly emphasized that people would be "ruined by his ministry" (paraphrased).

p.s. I am no longer driving around with a bumper sticker that says "My Boss is a Drunk Carpenter"--in case anyone was wondering. Sarcasm has its limits :)

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: 40yearsin2016
Date: January 21, 2019

Talking about alcoholics...

A few years after I'd left the walk, in the mid-80's or so I think, I looked up Winston Nunes, the famous layer on of hands from JRS's Latter Rain days in the event in Seattle that supposedly began JRS's unique revelations (later we found out he'd plagiarized most of it from a variety of sources, especially Latter Rain). Rev Nunes was still alive and preaching. and I as I remember he had jet black hair while in his 80's (what's up with evangelical preacher's and their hair color). I joined the congregation for a season, but being so PTSD over the Walk, I never got up the nerve to ask Nunes if he remembered JRS.

Anyway, I distinctly remember one sermon Nunes was talking about substance abuse (don't remember why). He talked about aggressive and charismatic evangelical preachers he had known over the years, "preaching 8 - 10 times in a week, sometimes 4 - 5 times on a Sunday", he commented that no human being could keep up that kind of pace without chemical support, either cocaine or alcohol. The whole thing stuck with me because I couldn't help thinking he was talking about JRS... I'd heard rumors but never knew for sure... imagine that..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/19/2019 11:43PM by changedagain.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 20, 2019 12:30AM

1,079,388 page views to date...
I hope some people are not reading this forum seeking pointers on how to start their own religious cult, make big bucks & avoid paying taxes. That would be a serious bummer.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: NancyB ()
Date: June 20, 2019 02:36AM

changedagain Wrote:
> Richard M. from February of this year:
> Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John
> Robert Stevens
> Posted by: Richard M.
> Date: February 28, 2019

> While reading everything here on page 840,
> including comments by Tmason, this whole thing,
> "JRS, Marilyn, Gary and Rick," reminds me of an
> organized crime syndicate, but finds me with great
> trepidation for the unknowing victims now caught
> as willing or unwilling witnesses questioning
> whether or not to testify to an enlightened truth
> of the past intent on ousting the guilty while
> saving the innocent, an ominous but righteous task
> . . . . What has always miffed me, but what is
> strikingly obvious in these present pages, is how
> such a high level of intelligence of so many
> people could have been duped for so long . . . . .

It is risky to make statements against TLW leaders. For me I feel the risk is worth finally have peace. My story has never changed- I tell the truth as I see it. I don;t expect everyone to agree with me or my wording. ( I am always willing to re-word for clarity or more appropriate.)

Anything threats that come by mail or on-line can be turned over to the FBI or Post master General depending on how the threat is sent.

There are many very intelligent people that are/were involved. Everyone has reason for staying s long as they did. for some - where do you go from here with no outside support nor job history that you want to put on a resume': as a an example.

We are educating ourselves on the tactics of narcissistic leaders...healing is in progress.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 20, 2019 05:35AM

And now, from our moderator:

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: rrmoderator
Date: November 10, 2018

I am very sorry for the children that were raised in destructive cults. You are right they have no choice and this is a terrible thing.

But there is such a thing as coercive persuasion and influence used to gain undue influence over people. The leadership, which knowingly used such techniques to break down the critical thinking of members did that.

Blaming the victims of such coercive persuasion schemes, or inferring that they are somehow enablers rather than victims is factually incorrect and misses the pivotal point of destructive cults. That is, the deliberate deception and manipulation of people without their informed consent.

No one that becomes involved with a destructive cult is informed from the beginning what they are really getting involved in. They are not told what demands and/or ethical compromises will be required of them in the long run. Instead, it's a "bait a switch" con. The bait is typically very attractive, idealistic and appealing. But once people are hooked through coercive persuasion they find out that the bait to get them in is not what they end up with ultimately.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/20/2019 05:37AM by changedagain.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 20, 2019 11:18AM

Posted by Invisible over 5 years ago:

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Invisible ()
Date: March 17, 2014 09:34AM

Do the members of the church really believe that the ex-members of the church are the reason Marilyn is ill?

Not long after John Stevens died, Bob McClane was told that he was the reason John Stevens died.

Bob had served in the ministry for years and any one who had any contact with Bob knows that he never said an ill word about John. I don't think you will find one person among all the members who can give one account where Bob did anything against John Stevens.

I have heard that other people besides Bob were blamed for John Stevens death too at that time. But I am using Bob as an example because every one knew of his love for John Stevens.

He was given no reason for why he was being blamed. This is not only irresponsible but it is a cruel thing to do to any member of the church. If you remember back to those years- Bob did not function as a ministry in the church after John's death.

Bob was innocent of what he had been accused of and blamed for. He was not the reason John Stevens died.

John Stevens died because he had prostate cancer and that disease ran it's course in his body until he died. Marilyn has been diagnosed with cancer and she ill because she has cancer.

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Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: changedagain ()
Date: June 20, 2019 09:14PM

Willing homes to TLW?
Asked to provide detailed personal financial statements?

Re: The Living Word Fellowship, The Walk, John Robert Stevens
Posted by: Invisible
Date: April 29, 2017

My point in mentioning the ballroom gowns was to show how naive I was. In reality the divorce was about business. But what later surprised me was that Martha wanted 1/2 of what the people thought belonged to them. That was reality. According to the law she was entitled in the eyes of the court, if possible to continue living the lifestyle she had enjoyed and grown accustomed to while married to John.

I believe we did not realize we were sacrificing to make John and Martha personally well off. This is not what we were fed or the atmosphere that was created for us to be givers. I think most members thought the leaders were like us - that we were all on the same page and in the same boat together.

Many of us continued to be naive for much of our youth - we discounted ourselves as much less important than what we believed we were supporting and investing our years, our lives and our finances in - for the vision that had been given to us, as a people.

As church members we naively believed that the years of our personal sacrifice, our free voluntary labor, frequent offerings, double tithing, and the pledges we made over the years to pay off the South Gate church property - we thought what we were giving to and towards - personally belonged to all of us - together. It was a state of heart but it was not realistic, prudent, or sensible.

In reality, we really did not have a say in whatever was decided by those who owned the South Gate church. We did not have any real say in what the owners of the property should or should not do, could or could not do with the property.

By giving most of our all to the church for years, many of us did not buy homes for ourselves or our families, we did not build for ourselves or our own individual futures - but those of us who did own or were purchasing homes - the leadership in the late 1980's had the gall to ask and to inspire any one who would be willing to will and to give their homes to TLW upon their death. They asked for their homes be given to TLW - for FREE with out saying the words (for free). Also stating that the services of the law offices would help draw up the necessary legal paper work for these members.

Prior to asking the members to will their homes to TLW - with enough time lapsing between--was that the ministry asked the members of the church at a South Gate service to give them a detailed personal financial statement - letting them know how much money they were earning - including details of what they were tithing, including all the debts and expenses they were paying out each month.

Some of the members must not have been turning in a financial statement to the ministry because it was brought up again at another service that every one needed to turn this in. Stupid, naive me! I had already turned my hand written statement in!

Of course it was until years later that I realized that they had no business asking me or any one else as a member of a church - for a personal financial statement. When you are naive, you don't think to be offended or taken a back by such a request by the ministry.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/20/2019 09:37PM by changedagain.

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