Learningpoint, I'm glad that you posted this. I think that I feel much like noone...I've not enjoyed the satire videos. I don't think I've watched a single one all the way through. I thought perhaps it was just me (and my lack of a sense of humor, lol). Honestly, I was relieved when I saw that others didn't like the videos either, and noone wasn't the first. But I think that your perspective is makes sense, I can understand it, even if I don't agree with the maker of the videos.
Yes, Nooneofanyimportance and Brokenhearted, I agree that the satires are difficult to watch. But I think even more painful than the profanity and exaggerations are the accurate insights--the nuggets of truth in them. This is what causes me to realize that the problems are not as veiled as we might think and that it's more a matter of people inside having gotten used to the dysfunctions than it is of having the problems appearing "out of left field." We've been the proverbial frogs in a kettle at TP.
In case you haven't viewed them, the last three video links Sam posted were not satires. They are straightforward talks; the third one was about how Sam sees Turning Point having all the marks of a cult. Some evidence he presents seemed skewed or exaggerated to me, but again, it's coming from an outsider's perspective. The truth probably lies somewhere between his viewpoint and my own. And since I think these three videos are his answer to our "why" questions, I feel they deserve a viewing to help us understand his motivation behind the satires.
I appreciate the way you both foster good discussion. I think it helps everyone to talk these things out. If you watch or have watched the last three, let me/us know what you think. Thanks!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/21/2009 04:07AM by LearningPoint.