Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Date: September 24, 2012 12:15AM
Hi guys
Happy Sunday!
Obviously there was a LOT of money lost when the stock market crashed and many people were, quite rightly, outraged by the betrayal although for the most part I think even those who left forgave Mr. Black his humanity. But it seems to me that many have not really learned any lessons from the disaster. The major lesson being that if you hold a human being up so high they're going to have a pretty bad fall eventually. However, SMC still seem to be giving some of the leaders a higher place in their lives than they are giving to God and, in the long run, this will eventually be disastrous again.
God commanded us to look after our spiritual lives by loving and caring and shining a light where there's darkness, are these the values held by those in power in SMC? Are they loving and caring? Do they support and encourage in times of need and despair? Are they the first to reach out to comfort a torn soul?
Far from being loving and caring these leaders prefer to ignore or shun the very ones who need some nurturing; as for support and ecourage in times of need and despair... well we all know that some of these people have been the direct cause of the need and despair in the first place; so they get a big fat ZERO for that one too and the only tool they seem to have to cover my final question is to go into some bizarre rituals of 'deliverance' tearing the soul up even more rather than mending it and blaming the individual's level of faith for the level of soul-healing they actually feel.
The gift of love is the most important gift we have, I mean love of the whole of humanity not just those we choose to love but, it seems love gets left at the doors of SMC. What passes for love is given to those deemed worthy or holy enough and those who don't conform are sidelined and ignored.
I was reminded recently of the days when there were so many people attending the Saturday night meetings in Greenock that they had to use downstairs and upstairs halls, with the sermon being piped through speakers to the upstairs hall. I wonder how many are in attendance on a Saturday night now. I also remember when they had to run two separate summer camps at Wiston Lodge because there were too many people for just one camp.
The vastly reduced membership of the church has probably been the worst blow for SMC financially, since the stock market crash, and they would probably have been in a much better postition now if they had not let down so many people so badly. There has been great harm done, over the years, to so many people and for no other reason than to try to keep control of the remaining 'loyals'. Of the remaining members who are still waiting around for the promised revival, that was crushed a long time ago by the leaders of the church and it carried on past SMC to other churches all over the world. It's still going on now if you just get out of SMC and find out the truth of what's going on around you in the real world. Young and old alike, all over the world, are celebrating their love of God and caring for and nurturing each other and, more importantly, growing in the spirit.
Those of the congregation who are actually reading this site, keep asking questions and study the biblical references for ALL claims made by your ministers and, above all, wonder about why you have been told so many lies about others, from those who are purportedly more holy than you?
As always Biiiiiiig huge hugs and love to all
God bless xxxx