had to google that...Popov? Popoff?....the faith healer guy? or some reference to Rentaghost? though am not sure why either would spring to mind
Peter Popoff is a disgraced pentecostal preacher who was exposed for faking "words of wisdom" at his supposed faith healing ministries. How ? he was found to be getting the lowdown on
people in the audience through a wireless feed to his earpiece, from - i seem to recall his wife.
After he was found out, as one would expect he was forced out of his "ministry".
But now he's back. Amazingly he still had loyal followers even though he was proven to be running an utter scam.
Rather than abandoning such people, it seems that only a few followers of such pentecostal "fallen celebrities" ever decide to actually bite the bullet and admit that they might just have put their faith in the wrong religious personality or movement, far more common is that people just find some way to rationalise these peoples "mistakes" and accept them back into the fold.
And now he is back, selling small vials of "miracle spring water" and debt cancellation kits, then asks his viewers to send small donations. In return, Popoff promises -- as a messenger of God -- to heal and unlock the secrets of financial security and wipe out all debt.
I also came across this article today which I think sheds some light on matters..
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/06/2012 04:17AM by Clive.