I got a real heads-up recently when I watched a video my Mum sent me and I would recommend it to anyone. It's a video of a speaker called Louie Giglio and it features some of the pictures sent back to earth by the Hubble. One particular picture will take your breath away; just before the telescope went out of range of being able to send earth any more data, the controllers programmed it to turn it's camera around and look back at the earth..
Hi all,
And in particular, Blackwatch, who recently informed us that at least one person is making recordings of SMC sermons, which is encouraging. Maybe once the person has gotten enough of these together they could be sent to Latigo so everyone can examine them. Wonder how long it will be before the SMC "stasi" put out a warning that anyone caught making recordings will be shunned. Thing is, if they have nothing to hide why discourage recordings ? Or are they afraid that one of their pastors will make some statement considered outrageous and bigoted by most sane people but not by the "inner circles" - i.e. like Pat Robertson does all the time ?.
Just one small correction however regarding the pictures of the "pale blue dot" - they were not made by Hubble, but by Voyager as it left the solar system. Hubble is very much still in use and in orbit around our little blue planet :)
Regardless though, the picture is a classic.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2012 09:22PM by Clive.