As far as i know, the cd's are still available but call me paranoid, if someone does put the sermons online, the first suspects are going to be the people that have a cd?
I think it would be extremely helpful to have an "insider" like yourself keeping us abreast of things. I suppose the deciding factor is when and if it would ever come to you or other insiders having to lie or deceive to
continue remaining undercover. Before it comes to that it could be of value to stay. Maybe you can attend a few meetings in other churches on other occasions.
I don't think your'e being paranoid regarding CDs etc. Best to be careful.
What I would strongly suggest for now, is that you never report immediately on any significant event or saying right after it happens. Instead just write it down, then after a randomly varying delay of a few months mention it here if you feel it worthwhile.
Regarding music, as someone who used to be a musician in worship groups I can absolutely confirm that there are musical techniques and devices that we used, either consciously or instinctively that were guaranteed to achieve certain emotional effects, even states in the congregation. Not that i'm against music in worship at all, but one ought to know that music is often used as a "tool" to manipulate a congregation into certain states. It can be to prepare - as in megastar faith healer events - to achieve altar calls, or - more sinisterly to get old gullible ladies to reach for the cheque book or credit card number.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2012 07:14PM by Clive.