Apart from the "God's true Church" teaching, I think the reason people stay is all about the anointing and the presence of God.
This is a vast subject... but what I have learned is that anointing does NOT guarantee that the truth is being taught and the presence of God (as experienced in Struthers) does NOT guarantee that truth is being taught. I believe the presence of God and the anointing come from spending a lot of time in prayer with God.
Forgive me for being ever so slightly sceptical about this presence and anointing business, but there seems to be a total cognitive disconnect here.
Do you think god approves of SMC or and its behaviour and teachings or not ? What people here seem unwilling to admit in any way whatsoever is that maybe all these spiritual experiences didn't emanate from god.
Maybe SMC and its style of preaching and worship just lends itself to heightened emotional experiences. From my memories of their meetings and leaders long ago there was a very effected vocal style of prayer/prophesy carried out which even an outsider will sense, setting up a mood of fear and “awe”. It is simply naive to think that all of this wouldn’t induce psychological experiences.
To suggest that the holy spirit on the one hand has somehow has continually decided to flood this sect with anointing and “presence” while at the same time disapproving of the leadership style and its modus operandi makes no
sense at all. Its as if people here are admitting that SMC have some access to some magic holy spirit elixir or spell that comes from god, But at the same time claiming that god doesn’t approve of the church that invokes that spell.
I am assuming here that if you people have misgivings about SMC and thus left the church - you therefore believe that god DOESNT approve of the SMC sect.
Or is there no connection at all between what a congregation does and believes and god deciding to give them the “presence” ? Is god happy to make Hindus and mormons feel his presence too, even though they worship the wrong god ?
Have you all suddenly turned ecumenical or Unitarian ?.
Maybe you need to go to India and talk to all the followers of gurus over there who will also happily recount their tales of their gods presences. Its a very simple thing guys. Every person who gets a spiritual experience links it to whatever religion and religious leadership they were in when they experienced it. And the experience is nearly always used to back up the authority of the religious leadership they happen to be following.
Do you people seriously not think that god is fully able to decide for himself when to give his people anointings or not ?
Lets go one stage further and invoke godwins law here. Its as if god thoroughly hated Hitler and the Nazi party - yet is perfectly happy to carry on giving its Nazi part members wonderful experience of himself, EVEN if those same Nazi members who get this experience don’t repent in any way and continue to be loyal Nazis right up to when they die.
Remember that the conclusion that the current SMC congregation that still worships there hold to right now is that the reason they get so “Blessed” with these wonderful religious experiences - Presence, etc - is because they ARE in the will of god. The SMC believe all their in fillings and presence are a vindication from god. Period.
Either admit that maybe youre all actually in the wrong and left the church for the WRONG reasons, or be honest and admit that maybe these feelings didn’t come fro god in the first place. Is it so hard to admit that maybe
we humans are able to experience all these things merely by psychological and emotional manipulation and how our brains are wired ?
Oh and of course there is the other option - which I doubt many of you will consider either - since no-one likes to admit they were so deceived - maybe SATAN did this. Maybe these feelings of anointing, presence and the like
actually come from Lucifer himself.
Maybe those hard line calvinists and anti-pentecostal protestants have a point....
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2012 12:20AM by Clive.