I also love Clive’s idea that members of SMC keep a record of prophesies and their fulfillment.
Good to know, but just as a reminder, I would like to reiterate that i’m encouraging concerned SMC member to record _anything_ that an SMC leader says that could be cause for concern, not just prophesies ( although that is relevant too ) , so that includes anything said in defence of themselves ( such as Mrs Diana or other might do - for example entreaties and threats pertaining to this forum, attempts to justify their actions with regard to person who have posted here.
So basically , concerned SMC member, just make a mental note to write down what you’ve just heard or experienced, as soon as something strikes you as being odd, worrying, or cause for concern. But yes - of course its important to note down prophesies, and any other utterances that might indicate and inconsistency.
For example in my dim and distant past, I can recall many times when something was said one week very emphatically by someone on the “platform” but a few weeks later it was clear that the whole thing had been forgotten.
Sermonisers and visiting preachers in charismatic churches seem to very often depend on their hearers having very short memories for their “ministries” to remain popular !
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/22/2012 01:50AM by Clive.