Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Date: August 16, 2012 03:36AM
Wow, this forum really does “wake up, have a big stretch and spring into life again" (paraphrasing Rensil) doesn’t it! I have seen new comments being posted and thought I would reply, then, by the time I get round to it, someone else has made another interesting point. I can’t keep up!
One of the things I really do love about the comments is how gracious they are. Sure there is hurt and criticism, anger even, but I do not see anyone displaying any bitterness or hate – what everyone is doing is displaying care and love. Most people are even willing to say there are good things about Struthers - and people can agree or disagree without fear. Wonderful! (And, if you have been in Struthers, really refreshing. I guess people with no contact with Struthers might be surprised that some of us find that unexpected and empowering, but perhaps that just shows what a warped place we were in.)
It is also interesting to note that a huge number of people on this forum are Christians with a positive story to tell about how God has helped them through difficulties. I am not trying to preach here or in any way suggest that should be the only story people have to tell, my point is more about how this would be welcomed in most churches. I am thinking of one in particular (a Church of Scotland) which I have visited about 6 times over the last 10 or 20 years. Every time I have been there, missionaries or other Christian workers have been returning for a visit and spoke of how they had received their own calling while in that church.
Wouldn’t it have been great if Struthers had done the same? I reckon there are at least 10 ministers out there in different denominations who started out in Struthers. There are certainly about 40 people who have on this site said they have found a place of peace with God, people who talk about love and grace. What if the leaders in Struthers welcomed these people in love rather than rejected them? They could invite one to speak each week about how they found peace and love after a time of trauma. Would that not be a good Christian witness to all? To look at it another way, what if these people are invited to give their testimony in heaven? What will the leaders of Struthers do then – shout “blasphemy” and stop their ears? Again, I am not trying to make a doctrinal point – someone will no doubt tell me there will not be testimonies in heaven – but I am trying to point out the contradictions in the Struthers position. They claim to be part of the broader church. Some people on this forum would also make that claim, and are saying God has helped them through trauma. Should the Struthers leaders not rejoice in this? The leaders might be able to ban their followers from reading these testimonies here but, according to their own set of beliefs, they will meet these same people in heaven. Bit of problem there folks!
Cbarb – thanks for commenting on my quote from Mr Black. That is exactly the point, isn’t it – the sheep in Struthers don’t know if they are allowed to agree with a statement until they know who is comes from. I have often thought of posting a new question every week with the same challenge. For example, should people take a holiday and lie on the beach to relax every year? Is that right, wrong, or only right if Mr Black said it? (Once again, happy to let people know whether this came from Mr Black or whether I made it up if they wish.)
Lintar – I really relate to your frustration and pain – I spent years struggling with many of the questions and did not particularly find that time was a great healer. I have found that your idea of “strength of character” is important however. I think that in my case, I did not particularly inherit it, but developed it though applying my belief in the importance of integrity in employment situations and even as a result of my very bad experience in Struthers. Perhaps not an easy path, but one that has given me real confidence and resilience (as well as a secure belief in God) in the long term.
On your final question, “how can that be allowed to happen?” I think part of the answer is something Mr Black used to quote quite often – for evil to abound, all it takes is good men(sic) to do nothing. I have for example seen a recent letter to Chris Jewell asking him to speak to an ex-member of Struthers. According to the online evidence, Chris is involved in a whole variety of good works in Greenock. By all accounts, he is a “good man” but he seems to be doing nothing to resolve the situation. That is the power of the leaders – even a “good man” is afraid to do what is right. There is however some safety in numbers, and it is great that so many people have now felt able to speak so freely. Thanks especially to those who first spoke up and made it easier for the rest of us.
Blackwatch – Rensil says, “You say you are not leaving because maybe God might use you there”. I agree with Rensil’s comment on this, but would also add my own – look around you. Look at the people who were in your position 30 years ago and are still in Struthers waiting for God to use them. Many of these people joined Struthers in their teens or early twenties and remained because they were told that was where God wanted them, and that God would bring revival through Struthers. Look at them now. Have they grown into confident ambassadors for Christ? Are they being used by God? Has God used them to bring revival? Are people attracted to them because of the peace, joy and love they personify? Or are they depressed and staid, lacking in confidence and ambition and considered by their peers at work and society to be a bit odd? I have not been in Struthers for years, but I think I know the answer to these questions.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/16/2012 03:39AM by ThePetitor.