Hi TheGreek, and good to hear your insightful thoughts.
Yes, one of the features of the controlling setup in Struthers is that they can say one thing to the congregation and a quite different thing to those outside.
If you are outside the organisation you can see this contradiction, as you can hear stories and comments from the folk inside and can also see comments from those outside, for example on this forum.
If you are however inside, you are told not to read the forum or speak to these terrible people that are outside of the church, so it does not matter what is said to those outside, you will never hear it and you will not be able to see that there are different messages.
This is part of the problem with how they handle complaints. Even if they tell the complainant privately that the complaint is upheld (and say the same to organisations like 31:8) they can simply stand up in the pulpit and say, “all these complaints were a load of rubbish that come from terrible people trying to destroy our reputation.” That is of course a total contradiction and lacks any moral integrity, but that does not seem to bother them, all they care about is keeping the congregation trapped. They know they can say this from the pulpit and no-one in the organisation can complain: if they do, they just get a row for reading the forum or listening to outsiders.
That is most likely what will happen over the next few weeks. People who have been brave enough to come forward and make a complaint and in some cases to tell their story openly here on the forum, will get a private letter saying ”mistakes were made”. At the same time, as TheGreek describes, the Struthers propaganda machine will go into overdrive to discredit anyone who has complained and blame it on those who have complained, those they associate with or other issues like mental health or bad motives.
This also reminds me of a story in the news this very evening. Rowena Pailing resigned from her ministry role in the Church of England because of how they dealt with the issues around Canon Hindley, saying:, “I couldn’t work for an organisation which puts its own reputation and the protection of alleged abusers above the protection of and care and listening to victims and survivors.”
Note the two things which she says are prioritised:
[*] The church’s reputation, and
[*] The protection of alleged abusers
And the three things she would expect to have higher priority:
[*] The protection of victims and survivors.
[*] The care of victims and survivors.
[*] Listening to victims and survivors.
I suspect some of the same will be said about Struthers in a few weeks. I hope that, if that is the case then some honest people will, like Rowena Pailing, have the guts to stand up and talk openly about the priorities Struthers are demonstrating.
I have recently seen evidence of this in a related context. A message (not to Struthers) raising some serious concerns and questioning priorities was answered with a reply defending the organisation’s reputation but saying nothing about the issues raised. Just the way of the world I guess, but churches and Christian organisations should be better than this.
Trying to deliver a different internal and external message is a bit harder when it comes to practical matters though. As noted by Blackwatch, the church is now closing the school. As I said on October 22 (see p157)
Hudson Taylor (often quoted by Mr Black): “God's work, done in God's way, will never lack God's supply.”
Chris Jewell: “Largely due to Covid and the present cost of living crisis, together with major increases in food costs, the directors of the charity have very reluctantly agreed to close the shop.”
Compare also with what was said by a parent (whom I am led to believe also attends Struthers) last week (see article about Cedars School in The Herald) “A lot of schools in trouble now are the faith schools.”
God’s work, done in God’s way, will never lack God’s supply. So that must mean… er…
Another thing Mr Black was fond of saying was: “The mills of God grind slowly, but they grind exceeding small” which is actually part of an older saying translated by Wordsworth as:
Though the mills of God grind slowly; Yet they grind exceeding small;
Though with patience He stands waiting, With exactness grinds He all.
I think that is what is happening here. What Struthers is experiencing is what happens in the Bible all the time – God tells people to turn back to Him but they do not, so He sends judgement upon them to wake them up and make them notice. If they still do not respond, there is further judgement. This increasing judgement appears in a condensed form in the story of Pharoh refusing to let God’s people go, but also happens on many other occasions.
As Amazing Grace says, they problem is however that the leaders in Struthers have absolutely no Biblical or theological training. If they did, they would see that this is what is happening and that the Bible makes it clear that they (the leaders, not the congregation!) are the ones who are responsible. How can they however even see this when they are not prepared to sit under proper training under sound expositional ministry?
Their (unbiblical) answer is of course that God speaks to them directly but that simply does not accord with the evidence.
For example, some of the things that seems to be happening this year are:
[*] A number of formal complaints have been submitted.
[*] The school has collapsed and is about to close
[*] The BBC are gathering info for a documentary
So, what was the New Year Word for this year – did it predict this? Did it perhaps say this would be a year of trial and difficulty? That the smooth paths would become lumpy and that the waters would be rough? I will leave you to check that for yourselves, then to consider:
Deuteronomy 18v21,22
You may say to yourselves, “How can we know when a message has not been spoken by the Lord?” If what a prophet proclaims in the name of the Lord does not take place or come true, that is a message the Lord has not spoken.