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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: August 28, 2007 03:43AM

You can take the person out of KCF, (But without work on the persons part) You cant take KCF out of the man.....

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: firefly ()
Date: September 04, 2007 01:55AM

I can certainly identify with some of the things you say littleyellow. Getting out of mindsets and patterns is incredibly hard to do. I don't know how long you've been out but i've found as time has moved on and i've integrated into the real world and decent churches that its lessened.
When I came out if I saw anybody get up in the front at a church who wasnt the minister i'd immeadiately think they were up there to big up their own virtues and get extra credit with the leaders.
But you know I realised that it was wrong, and there were other stuff to that i had to/still am working out and 'fixing'. It's a process of recovery, it does get easier over time.


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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: September 21, 2007 04:01AM

Isn’t it strange, After all the wacky things we hear about kcf, they still surprise me with their off the wall approach to church.

What’s your idea of a good holiday? Is it two weeks in the sun by the sea, is it exploring some scenic location not usually visited by the masses, or is it a caravan in Barmouth were you can just relax?

Or is your idea of a holiday this: not going with your husband or wife, leave the kids at home and do a jolly jaunt with a group of blokes if you’re a man or a group of ladies if your female? from the church you belong to?

My memories of my holidays are filled with what I did with my wife and my children by my side. They are very happy memories and I’ll treaure them forever. The thought of not being with my spouse on holiday or my children, fills me with horror.

I pity you people who went on holiday this year (and last) and your partner and kids weren’t there to fill your life-long memory book with happy days by the sea and ice creams and sand. I really do.

I know why you do this, it’s a shame no one in kcf realises why.

I bet you enjoy sharing your experiences with your work colleagues

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: September 21, 2007 04:07AM

Notice to Kirkby Christian Fellowship:

This thread will not be allowed to drop out of sight.

Whislt you continue to behave in the way you do, and forget the flim-flam you put on your web site.

It's how you treat these people here with contempt, that show's what sort of church you really are

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: dragonflyer ()
Date: September 24, 2007 01:33AM

Hello playmates!! Well it has been a long time has'nt it?Holidays! your not supposed to go on holiday at the fellowship i can remember cheryl telling people ,especially leaders,she must have had more 'revelation'.What must they look like all going away with their pale knees and knotted hankies.Why cant you go with your wife and children? very odd!!

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: October 11, 2007 12:04PM

This is an epitaph to the memory of the man who has just passed on, the husband of a relative of KCF.....
If any KCF members try and attend his funeral..

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: dragonflyer ()
Date: October 12, 2007 03:54AM

Hiya bbc,sorry about your loss.Hope you are keeping well these days.I'm sure kcf wouldnt show their face at the funeral,hope all goes well,take care,God bless.dragon xx

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: October 12, 2007 10:14AM

Thanks Dragon!!!
I hardly think it is appropriate for any one from KCF to be there as my Family are not best pleased ,about what they have heard happened to me and the others on this site. For KCF to come will be like a red rag to a bull. Do you know what I mean Dragon? But they have been warned!!!!

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Liverpool Writer ()
Date: November 23, 2007 02:23PM

Hi, all, hope you are keeping well.

Thought I would stop by to share a message that was left on my blog this morning.


You people are so PATHETIC.
I went to that church all my life, and left a few years ago, and my family are still involved, and i've never experienced any of this spiritual/emotional/sexual abuse that you talk about so often. You haven't even spoke to these people in so long, how do you even know who they are anymore, or what they're like?
It looks like a grudge carried too far to me.
Also, it's a form of discrimination to label a whole church, you don't even know many of the people in there anymore. And I for one will admit it's changed. I think I have some ideas of who's wrote this and y'know, I think you should all be ashamed of yourselves. I'm 17 and I think i'm more grown up than the lot of you.
Do feel free to email :)
oh, and i'm gunna make a point to post things like this on all the silly forums you guys post on

By the way, the blog is still there, but not at the old domain. The address is

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: rhymeswithdross ()
Date: December 06, 2007 05:00AM

Hello everyone on here. I know some of you although I'm not sure who others of you are. I seem to have come along quite late to this discussion so I don't know if it's still going.

I read through all the messages before posting and you'll guess who I am from my nickname! My first name rhymes with truth by the way!!

I have to say, before I start going into my story I do want to get one thing straight. I'm an Atheist now, and I really don't want to be judged for this. I'm sure all of you who have been through the KCF (I do so keep wanting to write KFC lol!) will understand this and whatever your beliefs or faiths won't judge me. I hope so, but I just want some confirmation that this is the case first please ladies and gents.

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