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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Liverpool Writer ()
Date: March 08, 2007 05:15AM

I have now posted the information about knitted relationships at the website, here and [=http].

To summarise, the documents I have (which you can read for yourself at the website) warn of several things:

* Nervous breakdown
* Total loss of privacy, as far as "thoughts" and "sin" go
* Threat to other relationships in your life
* Intense, "in your face" nature of knitted relationships
* "Unbearable pain" and losing your relationship with God if you keep things from your knitted partner

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Liverpool Writer ()
Date: March 08, 2007 05:17AM

(RR/Mod, please remove my previous post, as I got the link wrong!)

I have now posted the information about knitted relationships at the website, here and here.

To summarise, the documents I have (which you can read for yourself at the website) warn of several things:

* Nervous breakdown
* Total loss of privacy, as far as "thoughts" and "sin" go
* Threat to other relationships in your life
* Intense, "in your face" nature of knitted relationships
* "Unbearable pain" and losing your relationship with God if you keep things from your knitted partner

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: yetigoosemonster ()
Date: March 08, 2007 06:17AM

Well said Rev I for one wouldnt have needed to come on this and be truthful if certain members had treated me with kindness and genuine love.
Something also occured to me any teachers on this sight will know the term "loco parentis" which basically mean when teacher look after kids they have to be responsible and assume the postion of effectively being the childrens parents ,in the parents absence. I was wondering if the same applys for Sunday School Teachers? Does anyone know?

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: reverandlovejoy ()
Date: March 08, 2007 06:46AM

Thankyou Dave and Liverpool Writer,
I would like to know what impact these so called"knitted" relationships" have had on peoples marriages. Gods plan is that the number 1 "knitted" relationship we have is with him. The next "knitted" relationship and the ultimate one with another human is marriage. Also children need a secure and loving relationship with their parents to grow ,develop and be socialised properly. I actually have met Bill Turner and found him to be a nice person. The worrying thing about the excerpts on your website Liverpool is "want to be together all the time cos God is more real when together". We were designed to have fellowship with our fellowmen mixing with all mankind keeps us outward looking, and takes our minds off ourselves. Friendships are essential to the enriching of our journey with God. But as a christian there is a need to be able to stand before God on your own as well . To develop a personal prayer-life to have a one to one relationship with God and its good to be together in fellowship but like a balanced diet there need to be a mixture of many different spiritual activities in our lives. So we grow up as independent and balanced but dependent on God. Liverpool writer and BBC mentioned co-dependence before does that make us truly free in the spirit and truly happy. God is concerned with such things as our happiness.
Then the text goes on to say "Provokes termendous jealousy and opposition both among Gods People and Principalities and Powers".
To be honest if I was spending all my time with one of my friends and neglecting the rest. Im sure they would feel neglected and rejected and even jealous I think that is a natural reaction. But is it right to effectively make one human being like a "God" in your life. When God has put his love in our hearts to give away God is fair and just and is not in the habit of pouring all his love and attentions one "special" person otherwise we would all be in trouble..
As for the principality and power stuff there has always been an over emphasis on spiritual warfare and fighting demons in KCF. I would open this to all of you to come in and share on what you think about this topic..

Many Thanks

God bless you all,


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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: firefly ()
Date: March 08, 2007 07:21AM

What is so shockin is that they just out an out say- ur gonna get messed up, and people just went along with it!

Ive had a look on the charity commisions website and I'm almost certain we have more than sufficient grounds to make a complaint to start an investigation. This forum alone is evidence enough that they are harmful to the community and should never have been registered as a charity in the first place. The charity commision takes it seriously so it says on their site- its just a matter of contacting them with the information they ask for.
I can link u to the website if you wanna have a look at what you need to do, pm me or just reply and ask.

Much love to y'all!

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: March 08, 2007 08:03AM

Any one who reads their bible regularly can see that the scriptures used in support of" knitted relationships" are totally taken out of context.....
What does everyone else think?

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: March 08, 2007 08:16AM

I know I have been loud about my experiences in KCF ...
That is to expose unjust experiences and dark secrets to the light so that people will identify and not feel alone...
However I could not speak a bad word about Bill Turner. I know him well and he has always been there for me in my darkest times. I have always found him to be a humble and kind man , full of Gods unconditional love with a genuine word of knowledge ministry.and I know he trys hard to always do the best he can before God.
You are always in my prayers Bill...
God bless you

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: rosebud ()
Date: March 09, 2007 01:38AM

I love Billy T. Out of every christian I have ever met, Billy is the only one who never judged me for leaving the fellowship,he had patience even when I would make him feel unwelcome when he would come and see my mum and dad. He knew I was pregnant with Callum before I admitted it to any one. He told me Callum was my gift from god. Even tho he was concieved out of wedlock. And he was right, not only was he my gift from God he was also the reason I took my finger off the self destruct button.He also knew how much I had suffered in my marraige. He knew how much my ex husband had abused me and how much I had suffered. He gave my mum and dad comfort when I was drinking a bottle of Jack Daniels a night, by telling them that God had provided a way to deliver me from drink. Honest to God, the day it was confirmed that I was pregnant I didn't touch a drop of drink. And now I drink very rarley.When Callum was born, Billy came to see him. He knew I was worried about going it alone by being a single mum. He said that god had someone special for me. And he was right about that too. Me and Peter have been together for eight years now. It is strange, I believed him completly when he told me these things, even tho I was cynical about every other person whom I had known from the fellowship.

Knitted relationships? Is that what they are into now. It sounds like another divide and conquer technique to me. If you are married how would that affect your partnership with your husband/wife?.What is the scriptural basis of this? It is just absoulte self inflicted mental torture.Instigated just to give her control over her "Empire" ,but we all know what happened to the Roman Empire. She is a fruit loop, a modern day Caligula, just playing with peoples lives just for her amusement.I am so glad I am not there now. I just hope we can find a way to stop them soon.

If anyone currently still in the fellowship reads this post. Here is a Question for you. Why hasn't any leader been on this website to call us liars or to defend the church or to admit mistakes? Because if I was accused of the things that people have said on this forum and it was lies, I would be calling people liars . If I had done something wrong I would admit it and try to make amends. But no..... so far we have heard diddly squat from any one. Also if it was my church and I thought people were saying a load of crap about it I would defend it. Strange how you do not isn't it. Your silence speaks volumes me thinks.

Love and hugs to all Trina xxxxx

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: March 09, 2007 01:48AM

Hi Trina,
Good to hear from you! It was Billy who too prayed with me after my divorce he had about 11 words of knowledge for me about my ex-husband. They were absolutely spot on. They went in to how my husband had almost killed me strangling me but the phone went and I got out of his grip. How he had had affairs behind my back etc stuff that nobody else knew. Another man I am grateful to is Gary Stephenson he always looked after me cos the Lord showed him how I was being abused at home, he was always kind and a great mate. I really missed him when he was dropped by them.


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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: John W ()
Date: March 09, 2007 02:27AM

Firefly, I agree that the contains of this site would be grounds for opening an investigation. The next step would be prove to back up any claim’s we would make. Personal statements by ex-members would be a good start.

I remember talking to Dav when he was writing the account of the annual board meeting, which he was making up because their was never a meeting. I cann’t prove this of course.

As I understand a charity must have a mission statement and this must be free to be seen by anyone that want’s to. Do you known their charity number and a way to see this statement. It would be good to tie any prove into their statement rather than some general guidelines. Can you put a link to these so I can have a read, I can give it some time. Evidence / prove is the thing here – anybody any ideas.

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