Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
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Date: February 16, 2021 02:55PM
I understand that people from the current set-up of the fellowship do read this forum.
I think I’d say this to them.
You’re members of a church - a fellowship - that has its own section in a cult education forum. How do you feel about that?
Perhaps you believe it’s no longer a cult, or cult-like. Maybe it isn’t! Has there been any acknowledgement from the leaders about their part in the incidents mentioned in this forum? Or has it all been blamed on former elders?
Maybe you’ve been told this is all just angry backslidden former members. Maybe you’ve even been told that it’s malicious lies. What do you think these posters on here stand to gain by lying or ‘gossiping’ about their experiences in the fellowship? Is it possible that everyone on here is telling the truth, or at the very least, their own version of events that actually happened?
It’s possible you’ve been told that the people on here are mentally ill in some way. Maybe you’ve been warned that this is the cost of backsliding, of leaving the fellowship. But have you thought about it another way - if those on here seem ‘mad’, is it possible that this is as a result of how people are treated at KCF?
If you feel contented and spiritually fulfilled at KCF, whilst also feeling completely free to leave any time you want without repercussions, should you wish, then that’s good. It’s obviously the right place for you. I’m happy for you.
If you feel that something isn’t quite right - if you have a nagging feeling at the back of your head - if you do like it there but sometimes wish the intensity could be dialled down - if you feel that everything is fine right now but if you wanted to leave, or even miss a couple of meetings, people would talk about you behind your back, or you’d have people knocking at your door out of concern that might not actually be concern - if you feel any of those things, then ask yourself if it’s the right church for you.
Kirkby Christian Fellowship doesn’t have a monopoly on Jesus, or faith. Now, I’m not a christian in any ‘born again’ sense any more, so feel free to take this with a pinch of salt, but there are definitely some people who have left KCF but have continued in their faith, continued with the gifts of the spirit, continued evangelising and believing very strongly in the literal truth of the bible. But they’ve done this in churches that are much less controlling of the flock.
If you’re frightened that if you leave, you’ll lose your faith all together, that doesn’t have to happen. Of course, some people do - I’m one of them, to a large extent, but believe it or not, I’m perfectly happy with where I’m at in my journey. Some people become quite militant atheists and they’re happy with that - it doesn’t mean it’s a path you have to take. Some become liberal anglicans; some become strict catholics and again, these are options that are open to you but not paths you have to choose. Some become agnostic but keep searching for the truth.
And some stay as charismatic evangelical born-again Christians, but in a more accepting and outward-looking church.
I think, in all honesty, I’ve basically moved on now. I don’t know if I’ll post again (never say never I suppose). So I’m just leaving that there for anyone currently in the Fellowship. Is it right for you? Only you can answer that.
Peace be with you.