Thanks for the video, and thanks for keeping on posting. I thought I was going mad for a long time after leaving KCF and questioned my own experiences, my own memories. Reading others' experiences has felt validating. Sad that its all happened, angry that there's never been any acknowledgement, but there is a comfort in knowing that there are others out there too.
One of the things that has baffled me over the years is that KCF always set itself out to be something special, something more than other churches. They have had chance after chance to prove that they are something special. Even this forum is a chance to prove that, but they have behaved like any other self preserving, self seeking, bunch of humans. If you haven't already read it I can recommend
Terror Love and Brainwashing by Alexandra Stein. It explains some of the reasons we get involved and stay involved with groups like this. There's a really disturbing testimony from someone who was in a political cult, not faith based at all. They were told to choose between the cult or their own child and they chose the cult. Its a stark illustration that this isn't anything to do with faith, religion, or special purpose but control and manipulation.
Glad the forum is still here as a warning to others, whether they take it or not. Best wishes to all.