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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: richiekgb ()
Date: December 12, 2010 01:30AM

Heres Mel Max's Take on this: []

"While I am 1,000 percent in favor of religious freedom, I don't see how anyone can take the Church of Satan, or the Temple of Vampires, seriously. Too many of their former members have come out with stories that make those organizations seem more like cults and pyramid schemes, than any religion. Logically, any organization being sincere about a religion based on pagan principles, would have picked another name. In my mind, anyone choosing to include the Christian nemesis, "Satan," in their name, could only be pulling a publicity stunt. Isn't it obvious that only someone in dire need of attention, would make that choice? I'm not saying everyone involved in the COS and TOV are needy publicity hounds; some of them appear to be a rather fun bunch, engaging in the silly "frat-boy" activities of youth, while not harming anyone. (Look at photos of Styles hanging out with his COS and TOV buddies, and you'll see what appears to be a happy young man; look at photos of him pretending to be a leader of a medical science endeavor, and you'll see a very uncomfortable person playing out of his league.)"

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Re: Cryonics, Church of Venturism, Mike Perry, David Pizer
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 13, 2010 01:26AM

more Church of Venturism

Venturists : A Community of Cryonicists, Shannon Vyff

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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: richiekgb ()
Date: December 13, 2010 02:05AM

hmm how interesting - lots of familiar names in that little group

Sven Bulterijs
Ghent Uni + Immortality institute director who also expressed a desire to join the vampires (according to David Styles)

Mark Plus - Director I believe and Manager of Ventureville also keen on the idea child euthanasia to forward the feild of cryonics

R Michael Perry - Reverend Perry of course chief nullo ( and performs marridge ceromanys.

Nuno Martins
Singularity University - And Portuguese Head of the Eucrio "standby scam"

Regina M. Pancake - Was on "that" documentary runs a stand by team for alcor or did

Chana de Wolf - Ah the lovely Chana with her pill pushing cryonics meme website Depressed Metabolism - works part time for one of the cryo companys can't rember which

Erik Bourgeois - Temple of Vampire Adept and also involved in marketing Eucrio and cryonics in dutch and belgian languages.

Ben Best - Recently kinda freaked out again on cold filter - []

Rudi Richard Hoffman - Insurance sales man - controls 83% (his claim) of the cryoncists arrangements WORLDWIDE!

Aschwin de Wolf - Other Half of Chana with her pill pushing cryonics meme website Depressed Metabolism also works part time - is it suspended animation they work?

Shannon Vyff - With her "stimulating" book for teens and owner of that group - Says shes not really involved the venturist movement - Yeah right.

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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: December 13, 2010 03:04AM

I like Ben Best's grandiose statement aligning themselves with medics:

'Like physicians we should not withhold our care from anyone.'

I think he will find that there are many who would be horrified at the idea of 'care' from these deluded non-physicians.

While I don't care if I am shoved in the ground, shoved in the crem or cut up in the interests of science, I do not want my grisly remains to be parked on a tuna tin and periodically fished out of the dry ice to provide sport for these wannabe medics when they are bored.

If the Vampires and Satanists are involved, that 'sport' could take some very nasty directions.

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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: KenW ()
Date: December 13, 2010 06:56AM

As far as I know when ToV members enter any level of membership, they make a binding promise to obey all laws of their country and behave in a socially responsible manner.

So if the folks posing here have solid evidence of David Styles engaging in fraud or illegal activities, I suggest to publicize them and let the ToV know. He can be expelled from membership (or if the ToV is harboring criminals and/or "in on it," the organization can be under fire legally). 

There has also been mention of abuse in the ToV by Styles and Smith. Any more details? What kind of abuse? How long did it last, and when? Was it when G was leaving the organization, or throughout his time there (or both)? Were there more individuals involved in this abuse? Would G be willing to testify in court against those two named individuals and/or the organization?

Also, if David is really running a swindle and engages in illegal activity, why haven't legal actions been taken against him?

The ToV has also been claimed to be a pyramid scheme, which are illegal in most countries. Any details and evidence on that? If so, any evidence of it sharing assests with cryonics organizations, or vice-versa? How about starting a law suit on them?

The most efficient way to look at this thread and the overall issue is: can this make a solid court case?

If that essential question isn't taken into account this will continue to be silly ad hominems, religious discrimination, and worse: libel. 

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Re: Cryonics, Satan, Vampires, money and other scams.
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 13, 2010 10:12PM

Many people are asking for EUCRIO to show proof of all the supposed fancy cryonics doctors and supposed medical experts they claim to employ and have access to 24/7 on standby all over Europe, on their website.
That is up to EUCRIO to prove. Where is the proof? Many have asked for that proof, and have gotten none.
Its obviously a laughable claim, meant to Bamboozle naive people with absurd marketing.

And it was the Cryonics Vampire himself, who was trying to keep secret the ties to the Vampires Inc, and Satan.
Its obviously not religious discrimination to ask questions, that is absolutely absurd and deceptive, and frankly a PATHETIC lame tactic trying to be employed by a few people on Cold Filter...trying to claim "religious discrimination".
The main Transhumanists are the ones who are the MOST against junk vitalist nonsense beliefs like Vampirism.
If someone wants to be in a Vampire cult, and/or worship Satan, that is up to them.
But if they try to conceal that, and then it comes out, then that is their problem created by their own behavior.

And cryonics is obviously full of financial swindles as seen posted all over the place.

The real overall issue, is can you TRUST these cryonics salespeople, and their false claims, sneaky behaviors, manipulative dishonest tactics?
No, absolutely not.

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Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: December 13, 2010 10:16PM

'The most efficient way to look at this thread and the overall issue is: can this make a solid court case?

If that essential question isn't taken into account this will continue to be silly ad hominems, religious discrimination, and worse: libel. '

The most sane way to look at this thread and the overall issue is that this is a discussion forum on cult education. (see the banner headline)

Perhaps you would like to start a new dedicated thread for the discussion of the questions that you raise regarding the ToV?
Having never before been much interested in make-believe Vampires, I am beginning to find the subject fascinating.

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Cryonics, Society/Church of Venturism, Satan, Vampires
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 13, 2010 11:06PM

Its almost amusing, the way the main cryonics players are trying to reframe the cryonics Satan/Vampire issue.
They attempt to claim those making criticism are religious bigots, or something. In fact, there is no religious bigotry anywhere on it! Where has anyone anywhere claimed a religious objection? Its been the exact opposite.
"Religious discrimination" is just a talking-point dreamed up by someone in cryonics PR.

Its really about dishonesty, someone talking about deliberately concealing that information, and manipulating others in cryonics.
Its also about someone in a Vampire sect, using their leverage in that sect to force their members to buy cryonics contracts from them.

Its also about lack of critical thinking, and a lack of any valid scientific credibility whatsoever.

In that way, Vampires and Cryonics are perfect bedfellows, they are both fiction.
New Age Vampires apparently believe they can suck the life-force out of people, and use it to their own advantage. Many cultish groups are like a "vampire" in that they exploit and manipulate their own members, and drain them of their resources. As a metaphor, financial vampires exist.
Cryonics, with its prices getting jacked up 30% to over $200K, is a form a financial vampirism, its never enough. They always have a new way to get more money out of people, to the point of getting cryonics customers to sign over their entire Estate and their power of attorney.

If cryonics companies want Satan-worshiping self-described Vampires to represent their businesses, then that is up to them. Unless they try to conceal that, as its bad PR.
If they want to cross-market cryonics into some Vampire cults, as they see a way to make money there, again, that is their choice.

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Videos for CryoGirl "I can destroy Cryonics"
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 13, 2010 11:20PM

Search Google for:

CryoGirl "I can destroy Cryonics"

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Can Brian Wowk Support His Statements about Larry Johnson? (cryonics)
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 13, 2010 11:24PM

"Sunday, December 12, 2010
Can Brian Wowk Support His Statements about Larry Johnson?"

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