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Today I want to share with you some of the theory I have learnt about traditional eastern medicine and how it helps our health. I expect many of you are aware of this, but I wasn't until I came to Innersound Ancestry, and if you don't know about it I think you will find it interesting and useful.
Traditional oriental medicine works on the principle that the body has energy channels and centres through which Qi energy circulates. When there is a lack of energy in this system , blockages or an imbalance of yin and yang energy then Qi doesn't circulate properly resulting in stagnation. It is the circulation of Qi which governs the circulation of blood. So when the Qi doesn't circulate well then blood doesn't circulate well meaning that our cells are starved of oxygen and nutrients and less able to detoxify. This coupled with the change in temperature to the body results in our myriad diseases.
So it is poor circulation of blood produced by poor circulation of Qi which causes disease. But this is not the end of the story. According to the Ancients it is the mind which governs the circulation of Qi. So when we experience emotions too frequently it imbalances the mind. Of course our emotions are there for a reason, if we had no emotions we would be dead, they are a survival mechanism. For instance without fear I would not worrying about avoiding an oncoming bus. The problem is when we feel emotions too often. So
a really good doctor never needs to treat his patients as he helps them through spiritual cultivation to control their mind and their health. With the Innersound Ancestry system we help people to realx their minds and control their emotions through chanting, meditation and movements akin to chi gung.
So to recap disease is caused by poor circlation of blood which is caused by poor circulation of Qi which in turn is caused by a mind troubled too frequently by desires and emotions. Through spiritual practise the emotions can be calmed by controlling the five desires which give rise to them : food, sex, power, wealth and fame.
Sometimes people are not able to control their minds through meditation alone. This brings us on to the deep cause of disease which is karma. This is what we are dealing with at Innersound Ancestry. In Traditional Chinese Medicine the kidneys are referred to as the seat of the Ancestors. This shows that the doctors of ancient times understood that the actions of our Ancestors creates our good luck and bad luck, our health and wellbeing. By removing our Ancestral karma we can make much quicker progress with spiritual practise and make our energetic foundations strong. This is why the Taoists, Buddhists, Hindu's and most cultures around the world engage in respecting Ancestors through ceremonial practise.
Innersound ancestry
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/12/2012 06:13PM by Innersoundwatch.