Master Oh has now been telling his London masters, who of course are passing it on to all the members, that the Mother Grandmaster and Jungshim have been pardoned by the Korean government.
Speaking of Jungshim, here's an interesting PDF file produced by them identifying the convicted criminals as founder and it also mentions that they were chosen by the Supreme God as humanity's saviors. They later got divorced though, right?
The same site has a brief article and low and behold, despite claims accompanied by threats to the contrary, it seems Jungshim and Ki Health/Innersound are one in the same after all. Now isn't that a surprise.
Page 7 of the above PDF, the Jungshim members interviewed gave the Kihealth website for those looking for more information about Jungshim. Oops. Didn't they get the "Let's deny we're related" memo?
And regarding "Master" Oh's claims they were pardoned, well let's just review what was said in the Korean and international press at the time of their convictions and ask ourselves if that's at all likely. I'd say it's as likely as the "Supreme God" of the universe choosing those criminals for anything other than an eternity in a very very hot place.
It may take a while, but eventually we will get official confirmation one way or the other about "Master" Oh's claims his criminal messiah woman was pardoned. Frankly I don't think it changes anything anyway.
Prosecutors announced Sunday that they have arrested forty-two members of a doomsday cult called Cheonjonhoe, including its highly deified husband and wife leadership.... Once arrested, however, the couple announced through their lawyer, now also under arrest, that the end of the world had been delayed ten years. The organization has a W150 billion temple in Hongcheong, Kangwon Province.
I wonder if the lawyer was also convicted and later pardoned?
And one more.
There are other articles, but they've been mentioned already.
And this is also interesting. A 1998 request for information from a concerned friend of a member:
For those not aware, Chun Do Sun Bup was Innersound's original name.
I am inquiring whether anyone is familiar with a South Korean
group called Chun Do Sun Bup that has recently spread into
the US. They have been around for approximately 30 years
but claim that their beliefs are based on 6000 years of Taoist,
naturalist and Buddhist belief. However, I have called the
Korean Consulate, the Korean American Association, the
Korean Times and numerous Buddhist and New Age
places and only two people had ever heard of them. One said
they are a fringe group he didn't know much about and the other
met them when they came to his store to advertise their
massage therapy. Basically, they advertise $30 healing
massages and $5 one-hour meditation classes.
However, a close friend of mine has been going since January.
They encouraged him to go to the center Monday through
Saturday for as many classes as he could. Eventually they
invited him to participate in their Sunday feast ritual where
they make lots of food for the angels and ancestors and
earthlings, chant and pray and then eat. So,
for two months he was going 7 days a week. Then they
told him that for $135 a week, for 7 weeks, they will help
him perform his own feast ritual for his mother,
who recently passed away. For these rituals he is to make a 9 course
meal. The more elaborate the meal, the more meaningful it is supposed to
be. The number 3 is significant, so it is quite a lot of food. The times
for the meditation classes are also significant, I recently found out that
the angels will get upset if the classes are late unless they intervene
with prayers.
This group is supposed to be more established in Australia and their
spokesmen in Chicago, LA and New York are Australian men. The Chicago
business has 2-3 "masters" or teachers and only 6-7 students. The
teachers don't seem to have any relationships outside the group and are at
the center most of the time. The spokesman at the
Chicago branch admitted that he gave up his business for this group.
I am not familiar with Asian religions and I am concerned that this group
may be dangerous. My friend concedes that they appear to be a cult, but
he doesn't feel that they are dangerous and wants to continue the rituals
for his mom and classes. Does anyone know anything about them or where I
might inquire?