Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Date: July 31, 2012 01:27AM
I have been silent about this for so long, but I feel compelled to write a response to the misleadingly named 'BalancedView', who is obviously a member (and I suspect a master) of Ki Health - sorry, I mean Innersound - or are you calling yourselves something new now? SO hard to keep up! Please accept my most humble, grovelling and sincere apologies if I'm not using your most recent name!
Firstly BV, you really should doubt your judgments and experiences. You SHOULD question them. Questioning is GOOD.
"I wasn't surprised to read the swathe of critical postings as this kind of site attracts those with a gripe". You mean a site that educates people about cults and thought-control? A site that warns people of how cults like the Moonies, Scientologists, Heaven's Gate, Children of God, Innersound and Heaven's Gathering (sorry - mentioned your lot twice!) etc. operate? A site that warns people about con-artists and crooks, who employ psychological tricks and tactics to control and get money out of people? Yes, I suppose it does attract people with a, as you say, 'gripe'.
"The larger majority....who have had positive experiences". I am not questioning this - I know that a lot of people go and have gone to Innersound for treatments, and pay smaller sums of money without being indoctrinated or fully expoited. They never find out what Innersound are. And the poeple who recieve 'treatments' from the minimal amount of charity workdone for tax and PR reasons. Sure, many people have positive experiences. It's part of the clever PR marchine. Master Oh (from now on I will only refer to him as Oh - I cannot stand to use a term of reverence for him) and gang are not stupid - they only target a minority of unlucky people who they believe will be most susceptible to their methods. And lucrative to them. I fully agree that the large majority have positive experiences, due to the clever front of the cult. That's how I was taken in.
I am also in my later years, and have also lived all over the world and experienced many cultures and religions. I too have also tried many therapies and been involved with different spiritual practises. But I do not include Innersound, who are not a spiritual religion. One day Oh and gang want to be as powerful as the Moonies, their Korean Cult Cousins! £100s of millions of pounds!
If you stay long enough at the centre, and enter the Innersound inner-circle, Oh will reveal to you that he is a GOD!!! And all the indoctrinated masters are gods!
Oh, you blaspheme. Shame on you. You are not a God. This fact is only revealed to people when they are 'ready'. Park Gui Dal, the Korean Innersound Grandmaster with a criminal record, is GOD. That's right, not even 'a' god, but 'The!'. The Creator using her body as a vessel. Park, shame on you, this is sacrilege of the highest order. Unsurprisingly, cults often have 'gods', 'prophets' and 'messiahs' leading their groups. Rev Moon is apparently also God. David Koresh was the Messiah. This list goes on and on...... Innersound is by no means unique in this.
BV, of course Innersound's brainwashing/mind-control techniques can be easily be looked at quite differently. They wouldn't work if they were obvious to the people that they are applied to and used on! And it's all about the techniques being applied together, in skilled application, on people in a vulnerable state (they target people like this through health fairs and exhibitions, where they can find potentials in a transitional, vulnerable, and often desperate, stage in life). That's when they work.
"Uniforms for example are worn throughout martial arts practises, Buddhist monstaries, as well as by airline crew, restuarant staff etc to name just a few." Yes, this is true, but as above, it's when these techniques are applied together that mind-control can be applied.
"Dormitory sleeping exists in student life worldwide, and in many parts of the world to have your own room is unheard of an many communities and families share rooms, houses etc." Yes, this is true. Ditto the above.
"From my knowledge of this organisation, there is no sleep deprivation. The masters always look remarkably healthy and awake. If they were only sleeping 3 hrs a night it would be very obvious" Masters are on around 4 hours a night sleep. If you are unfortunate enough to be sent to Korea for the completion of Master Training, you only receive about 3 hours sleep a night - for 7 weeks! You are fed 3 low protein meals a day, given hard labour, working in the fields, and you have to chant for 4 hour long sessions, and longer! Due to the lack of sleep and fatigue, you hallucinate - which according to Innersound Cult, are 'heavenly visions' that testify to the holiness of the Korean brainwashing factory.
"Diet control - the masters from my eyes seem to eat quite a varied diet, and are not even vegetarian". This is true. As above, low-protein applies to the Korean 'training'.
"A rigid and packed routine!" Absolutely. You get up at about 5am, and go to bed at around 12.30am. In between, it is non-stop cleaning, chores, chanting, and meditating. Classic text-book cult stuff.
"Unfortunately in the corporate world, I have seen too many people working under extreme pressure and stress, who feel bullied and afraid to speak up because they are afraid of losing their job". This is unfortunately true - but Innersound is not the answer. It's something that they also exploit.
"The masters' lifestyle and beliefs may not be what most people are used to but I can see they are happy and I have seen how much they lift other people who are struggling with their lives". Most (but not all!) of the masters are good people who are being exploited. It's very sad that their lives are being ruined. And their poor families (who Innersound cults members are told 'don't understand', and are 'being helped' by their ancestor work). As a former member, it breaks my heart to think what my family and friends went through.
I cannot comment on the situation in Korea, but regretfully there are may people around the world who are imprisoned or persecuted for their beliefs, not to mention wrongfully imprisoned." Yes there are. However, Park and gang were not wrongfully imprisoned. They are crooks. I wish that they were still on the other side of the bars! If they were, I wouldn't have given so much money and - more importantly- time to them.
"I am old enough and wise enough to know that there are many slides and many slants to a story". So am I! And they nearly ruined my life!!!! In this case there are 3 slants. 1. Oh's and Park's criminal slant. 2. The manipulated members benevolent slant. 3. Ex-members who realise what they have done, and sadly continue to do.
"It has also been mentioned throughout this site about the many names of Innersound in the UK, but if this kind of negative publicity follows you it may seem like a sensible choice if you have little knowledge of how to manage a reputation and develop a brand. I don't see this as criminal, more as naive." BalancedView, this is a crazy statement. They are not naive and I'm not going to even argue this. Just read the threads. For Heaven's sake.
"I have done and paid for ancestor ceremonies. I have also used the money I earn for my children's education, my mortgage, holidays, courses, investments." So have I. My children's education, mortgage, holidays, courses etc. were good investments though! Honestly, I would literally rather burn money, than line Oh's pockets again.
"I value the importance of spiritual healing for ancestors and believe in it." This is fair enough. Beliefs are important, but should not be exploited - as Innersound do.
"The changes in my family have been impressive as well, especially a very close relative whose chronic depression has lifted and is clearly a happier person since I completed the programme". Glad to hear it. It isn't because of the 'programme' though. If our ancestors really are floating around us, giving us cancer, migraines, depression etc etc, surely our ancestors hundreds/thousands of years ago would have been living 100 years plus. Given that the average lifespan during the Roman Empire was 25 years, and now life expectancy is 80.4 years in the UK, with so many more ancestors floating around us, surely it should be the other way around?
"I haven't seen members being pressured to do ancestor ceremonies, I just see the masters passion and belief in what they are doing and their wish to help others. There will always be those that are dissatisfied or who do things for the wrong reasons. There is no company that doesn't have some dissatisfied customers". This is absurd!!! Just read the threads BV, and look at the amount of 'dissatisfied customers' affected. Do you get this with most companies? NO. do you get this with ALL cults? YES. Boy, that coffee really smells - please wakeup BV, for your own sake, and -no doubt- your family's.
"I think that much of what is written about the ancestor programme shows a lack of understanding of the concept and the cost. I was already aware of ancestor worship in Asian countries". Yes, it happens in Asian countries. This is not about our ancestors (who are actually being shamefully exploited and dishonoured by Innersound). This is about a cult run by ruthless, ambitious people who will destroy lives to get what they want - power and money.
"I also believe that the comments are not a true reflection of the experiences of most people who have followed the programme and considered it a sacred and highly spiritual undertaking. The effort the masters put into the ceremonies many days a week should assure anyone of how genuine they are". Most of the masters are geniune, and believe that they're doing good.
"Again spiritual practice is not about results and I have heard the masters emphasise this." Do cult leaders Oh and Park concur with this? Does ££££ not fall under the term 'results'?
I hope that the masters and the centre will continue to help many people. They have my full support". Unfortunately they used to have mine too. How I wish that I had read this website before I joined them.