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Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Innersoundwatch ()
Date: March 13, 2013 09:33PM

Did you enjoy your inspection Innersound- gotta be pretty stressful having to hide 15 peoples sleeping materials on an ongoing basis.

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Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Innersoundwatch ()
Date: March 21, 2013 08:49PM

From 1 April 2013, the law is changing in the UK in terms of how clients can finance their lawyers. A new form of agreement called a DBA (Damages Based Agreement) will allow your lawyer to work for you only for % of the damages you win (i.e. you don't have to pay anything upfornt). For many of you Innersound has taken most of your life savings so litigation is unaffordable. However DBA's will now make it possible for you to pursue Innersound legally to recover you money. Therefore I recommend you begin investigating which firms might represent you using a DBA. What have you got to lose? Go after them.

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Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: August 02, 2013 08:14PM

See []

The Rick A. Ross Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups, and Movements has officially changed its name to The Cult Education Institute for the Study of Destructive Cults, Controversial Groups and Movements.

The new domain name entry point and gateway to the Internet archives of the institute will soon be

The Cult Education Institute archives is a library of information about destructive cults, controversial groups and movements, which was initially launched in 1996 and has continued to be under construction and expansion for the past 17 years.

The public message board attached to the The Cult Education Institute will soon only be accessible through the domain name More than 100,000 entries from the former members of destructive cults, controversial groups and movements and others concerned has accumulated at the board over the past decade. The message board content continues to grow daily and it serves as a free speech zone for those who wish to share their insights and concerns about the topics listed.

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Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Peter Daley ()
Date: June 07, 2014 04:10PM

It's great to see all the lost material in this thread restored. Thank you Rick and co.
Just a little update. The cult's London branch has, according to them at least, moved to 43-45 Dorset Street. Entirely appropriate as several women were murdered on Dorset Street in the early 1900s.

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Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: June 09, 2014 08:55PM

Data lost through a backup failure some months ago has now been restored to this message board.

This board is also now open for indexing by search engines such as Google.

Information posted on the board should soon be appearing in searches as this is a public resource.

The data recovered and restored included many individual posts and some threads.

Lost membership registratio was not restored. Old members not currently listed must register as new members again in order to become active members of the message board.

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Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Posted by: MacYirs ()
Date: September 26, 2014 02:53PM

Innersoundwatch Wrote:
> See below some of their doctrine about them being
> Human Gods who will rule the world- clearly this
> organisation is not a health organisation or a
> charity.
> II. The 5787 year- cycle
> According to the divine revelation sent down from
> the heart of the universe (the Creator, God) to
> the Chunjon Foundation through its founder, who
> mastered the Law of Mother Nature, the earth moves
> in a 5787 year-cycle; the last cycle ended on the
> 26th of December 1985 in the lunar calendar and
> the earth has now entered a new cycle.
> The cycle is indicative of the changes in the
> spiritual energy that encase the solar system.
> From the spiritual level, the earth is entering
> the new spring season as the universal winter has
> ended.
> Revelations come from the world of intuition and
> thus defy logic. Nevertheless, if we infer the
> matter according to the natural law, the following
> explanation becomes possible.
> The theory that civilization proceeds from the
> East to the West, just as the sun comes up in the
> east and goes down in the west, becomes valid when
> we consider the law of natural cycle. The validity
> of the theory is also evident when we refer to the
> chronicle of world history, which indicates that
> the centre of civilization moved towards the West
> with time.
> It is a wide-accepted theory within the academic
> circle that the East was the cradle of
> civilization. 'Book of Changes', which
> systematized the law of nature, revealed that the
> beginning and the end would be overseen by 'Gan
> Bang'; Gan Bang refers to the north-eastern land,
> which is the Korean peninsula.
> The Korean peninsula is the land of beginning,
> where one cycle of the human race is completed
> before another one begins. According to the
> Records of the Grand Historian (written by Sima
> Qian), the Eun dynasty that ruled over the Yellow
> river region was established by Dong Yi people and
> the Yellow emperor, a legendary Chinese sovereign
> who invented means of measurements and the Chinese
> calendar, is said to have initiated the Chinese
> civilization after acquiring miraculous powers
> from a book called 'Sam Hwang Ne Moon' given to
> him by a teacher named 'Jabu' who lived in the
> Korean peninsula. According to [Hwan Dan Go Gi]
> (although its authenticity is being questioned),
> 'Tae ho' Bok Hee, who reportedly invented the book
> of changes, went to China after serving as an
> astronomer called 'the Lord of rain' in the Holy
> city of Gojosun. Before China was referred as
> 'Jung Hwa', which means the centre of the world,
> another country in the east seemed to have played
> the same role; hence the name 'Dong Hwa' existed
> in the ancient times, suggesting that the Korean
> peninsula initiated civilization before China.
> On the other hand, it is often emphasized that the
> civilization in the Korean peninsula began around
> 5000 - 6000 years ago. According to 'The
> organization of the Holy City', which focuses on
> various organizations of Gojosun on the basis of
> 'Hwan Dan Go Gi' and 'Sam Guk Yu Sa', the author
> suggests that the Holy city was built in BC 3897,
> 5887 years ago from 1990. This means nearly 6000
> years ago and the number is indeed close to 5787
> years.
> The earth has already ended its life cycle of 5787
> years and as of November 1999, it is currently in
> the 15th year of the new cycle. Then, in which
> form the new cycle will unravel itself?
> The doctrine of the Chunjon foundation fully
> reveals the course of universal developments to be
> witnessed in the future;
> "We declare the coming of Heaven on earth,
> Heavenly morality that transcends life and death,
> Earthy morality that replaces everything with
> nothing and Human morality based on loyalty, love
> for one's parents and courtesy (the way of
> self-perfection through Taoism, Confucianism and
> Buddhism).
> A group of humans who mastered the law of Mother
> Nature by acquiring truth and power in the form of
> yin and yang will appear in the world to create
> Paradise on Earth, and it will continue for a
> thousand years".
> - The doctrine says that since Heaven came down on
> earth, the appearance of a group equipped with
> great moral principles means that the global
> village will enjoy Paradise on Earth for 1000
> years.
> "This event alone will form the great history,
> fully agreed and participated by three entities -
> Heaven, Earth and Human. This is the Great Opening
> that people in your land have talked about for
> thousands of years. Although you talk of the Great
> Opening, how would you possibly know that it
> refers to the time when the skies and lands open
> up to create Paradise on Earth, the era of human
> and God, and all living creatures flourish in
> their natural beauty that I bestowed upon them?"
> "The coming era will again see the dawn of the
> human race. It will be the time when people can
> live as true human beings in love and harmony
> while enjoying the age of peace with no division
> or barriers. Not only the human race but the whole
> nature is about to face evolution."
> Religions born out of the Korean peninsula
> invariably advocate the concept of the Great
> Opening and claim that the Saviour of the human
> race will come from this land, which will then
> position itself to rule the rest of the world.
> It could be said that the Chunjon foundation is
> also in line with such claims. However, they
> believe that change is brought about by the
> replacement of the spiritual energy enclosing the
> solar system, while the invisible fundamental
> principle that drive the wind of change is
> interpreted in relation to the law of nature.

it was very exciting post but I still dont believe in it.. Our solar system is changing due to wrong human activities and nature too.. We are heading towards devastation..

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Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Posted by: Peter Daley ()
Date: November 06, 2014 11:31PM

MacYirs Wrote:

> it was very exciting post but I still dont believe
> in it.. Our solar system is changing due to wrong
> human activities and nature too.. We are heading
> towards devastation..

I don't think human activities have much influence on the solar system as a whole^.
Your comment about us heading towards devastation is certainly consistent with Jungshim/Innersound etc teachings about doomsday. Would you mind describing your experiences with the group? I'd love to know where and when you first encountered the group and your experiences since whether good or bad.


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Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Peter Daley ()
Date: January 26, 2017 11:21AM

I recently came across this reference to the base of the this group, a place called Daerachun which north east of Seoul.

Growing up in Australia in the 70s and 80s, I remember well the music of the rock band Dragon and knew the name Marc Hunter. Unfortunatley, he died of throat cancer at the age of 44. His quest for a cure led him to Daerachun in 1998, the year before the arrest of the founders:

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Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Peter Daley ()
Date: January 22, 2018 08:07AM

Another rock star, this time Oasis's Liam Gallagher. Reference here:


Meaningless noise emanating from Liam Gallagher’s mouth? Who ever would have thought it!

The former Oasis frontman has been attending Korean ‘Qi energy’ chanting classes at the Jung Shim centre in Marylebone, London.

The 40-minute sessions involve ‘repeating vibrational sounds that have no translatable meaning’ but ‘declutter the mind’.

And Jung Shim is the group's latest name in London. Ten years ago, I received threats to sue me for posting on my site that Ki Health - it's name at the time - was a branch of Jung Shim. And now they use the same name. Hilarious. I guess an apology is in the works?

New site: []

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Re: Is "Ki Health [aka Innersound, Qi Wellness...]run by Criminals"?
Posted by: Maria85 ()
Date: April 20, 2024 06:13PM

Visité a Sun Kyeong para algunas sesiones y al principio quedé impresionado por su actitud y los tratamientos, que me ayudaron con mi circulación y mi falta de energía, después de una larga enfermedad.
Sin embargo, después de desprenderme de importantes sumas de dinero, comencé a sentir que algo no estaba bien. Mi familia nunca se sintió cómoda con que yo fuera y gastara tanto dinero y tiempo allí, y un día me mostraron la investigación que habían hecho sobre el grupo.

En los últimos años, se han rebautizado como Ki Health, Innersound, Junghim y Qi Wellness y ahora se denominan 'Sun Kyeong' para escapar de su prensa negativa. Hay informes como que el Maestro Oh le dice a la gente que no se someta a quimioterapia y que, en cambio, entreguen sus ahorros al grupo, y muchas personas a las que les han quitado fortunas. Busque en línea si no lo cree.

Los fundadores del grupo fueron a prisión por fraude (fueron sorprendidos en el aeropuerto huyendo con maletas llenas de dinero en efectivo), así lo informó la BBC.

Si está enfermo, tiene poca energía o alguna otra afección, le dirán que necesita tratamientos para ayudarlo. Luego te dirán que un ancestro o pariente muerto está causando tu enfermedad y que debes realizar su programa de "Curación de Ancestros".

Una vez que hayas hecho esto, te dirán que otro ancestro te está enfermando a ti (y a tu familia), y luego otro ancestro, y luego otro, y así sucesivamente. Es una gran estafa que explota a los vulnerables y a las personas que buscan desesperadamente esperanza. También están ganando mucho dinero.

Hay largas sesiones de canto, seguidas de conferencias del Maestro Oh. El canto es hipnótico y te pone en un estado sugestivo, por lo que estás abierto a lo que dice.

Los Maestros son en realidad personas buenas, pero engañadas y explotadas, que creen que están salvando el mundo. Es muy triste que estén desperdiciando sus vidas en una peligrosa secta apocalíptica. Los Maestros están siendo manipulados, y el principal manipulador es el Maestro Oh: se parece al Dalai Lama, pero en realidad es un narcisista encubierto y tiene más en común con el diablo que con Dios. Cuando digo dios, eso es lo que él dice que es, ¡¡aunque no te lo dirán en la primera sesión!! Esperarán hasta que hayas sido manipulado lo suficiente como para creer esas tonterías, como todas las demás sectas.

Tenga MUCHO, MUCHO cuidado si lo visita, y si tiene un ser querido que está siendo absorbido y explotado por el grupo, busque ayuda profesional INMEDIATAMENTE.

El Maestro Oh está esparciendo su veneno por México y es necesario detenerlo urgentemente. Debería ser enviado de regreso a Corea (idealmente al Norte). Advierte a tus amigos, familiares.

Si usted también ha tenido experiencias negativas y está preocupado por el grupo en México, publique sus experiencias aquí.

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