Re: Ki Health International = Money Grabbing Cult run by Criminals
Date: September 26, 2014 02:53PM
Innersoundwatch Wrote:
> See below some of their doctrine about them being
> Human Gods who will rule the world- clearly this
> organisation is not a health organisation or a
> charity.
> II. The 5787 year- cycle
> According to the divine revelation sent down from
> the heart of the universe (the Creator, God) to
> the Chunjon Foundation through its founder, who
> mastered the Law of Mother Nature, the earth moves
> in a 5787 year-cycle; the last cycle ended on the
> 26th of December 1985 in the lunar calendar and
> the earth has now entered a new cycle.
> The cycle is indicative of the changes in the
> spiritual energy that encase the solar system.
> From the spiritual level, the earth is entering
> the new spring season as the universal winter has
> ended.
> Revelations come from the world of intuition and
> thus defy logic. Nevertheless, if we infer the
> matter according to the natural law, the following
> explanation becomes possible.
> The theory that civilization proceeds from the
> East to the West, just as the sun comes up in the
> east and goes down in the west, becomes valid when
> we consider the law of natural cycle. The validity
> of the theory is also evident when we refer to the
> chronicle of world history, which indicates that
> the centre of civilization moved towards the West
> with time.
> It is a wide-accepted theory within the academic
> circle that the East was the cradle of
> civilization. 'Book of Changes', which
> systematized the law of nature, revealed that the
> beginning and the end would be overseen by 'Gan
> Bang'; Gan Bang refers to the north-eastern land,
> which is the Korean peninsula.
> The Korean peninsula is the land of beginning,
> where one cycle of the human race is completed
> before another one begins. According to the
> Records of the Grand Historian (written by Sima
> Qian), the Eun dynasty that ruled over the Yellow
> river region was established by Dong Yi people and
> the Yellow emperor, a legendary Chinese sovereign
> who invented means of measurements and the Chinese
> calendar, is said to have initiated the Chinese
> civilization after acquiring miraculous powers
> from a book called 'Sam Hwang Ne Moon' given to
> him by a teacher named 'Jabu' who lived in the
> Korean peninsula. According to [Hwan Dan Go Gi]
> (although its authenticity is being questioned),
> 'Tae ho' Bok Hee, who reportedly invented the book
> of changes, went to China after serving as an
> astronomer called 'the Lord of rain' in the Holy
> city of Gojosun. Before China was referred as
> 'Jung Hwa', which means the centre of the world,
> another country in the east seemed to have played
> the same role; hence the name 'Dong Hwa' existed
> in the ancient times, suggesting that the Korean
> peninsula initiated civilization before China.
> On the other hand, it is often emphasized that the
> civilization in the Korean peninsula began around
> 5000 - 6000 years ago. According to 'The
> organization of the Holy City', which focuses on
> various organizations of Gojosun on the basis of
> 'Hwan Dan Go Gi' and 'Sam Guk Yu Sa', the author
> suggests that the Holy city was built in BC 3897,
> 5887 years ago from 1990. This means nearly 6000
> years ago and the number is indeed close to 5787
> years.
> The earth has already ended its life cycle of 5787
> years and as of November 1999, it is currently in
> the 15th year of the new cycle. Then, in which
> form the new cycle will unravel itself?
> The doctrine of the Chunjon foundation fully
> reveals the course of universal developments to be
> witnessed in the future;
> "We declare the coming of Heaven on earth,
> Heavenly morality that transcends life and death,
> Earthy morality that replaces everything with
> nothing and Human morality based on loyalty, love
> for one's parents and courtesy (the way of
> self-perfection through Taoism, Confucianism and
> Buddhism).
> A group of humans who mastered the law of Mother
> Nature by acquiring truth and power in the form of
> yin and yang will appear in the world to create
> Paradise on Earth, and it will continue for a
> thousand years".
> - The doctrine says that since Heaven came down on
> earth, the appearance of a group equipped with
> great moral principles means that the global
> village will enjoy Paradise on Earth for 1000
> years.
> "This event alone will form the great history,
> fully agreed and participated by three entities -
> Heaven, Earth and Human. This is the Great Opening
> that people in your land have talked about for
> thousands of years. Although you talk of the Great
> Opening, how would you possibly know that it
> refers to the time when the skies and lands open
> up to create Paradise on Earth, the era of human
> and God, and all living creatures flourish in
> their natural beauty that I bestowed upon them?"
> "The coming era will again see the dawn of the
> human race. It will be the time when people can
> live as true human beings in love and harmony
> while enjoying the age of peace with no division
> or barriers. Not only the human race but the whole
> nature is about to face evolution."
> Religions born out of the Korean peninsula
> invariably advocate the concept of the Great
> Opening and claim that the Saviour of the human
> race will come from this land, which will then
> position itself to rule the rest of the world.
> It could be said that the Chunjon foundation is
> also in line with such claims. However, they
> believe that change is brought about by the
> replacement of the spiritual energy enclosing the
> solar system, while the invisible fundamental
> principle that drive the wind of change is
> interpreted in relation to the law of nature.
it was very exciting post but I still dont believe in it.. Our solar system is changing due to wrong human activities and nature too.. We are heading towards devastation..