A few days ago was the disappearance day of
Bindeshwar Pathak (https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/16/bindeshwar-pathak-toilet-man-who-revolutionised-sanitation-in-india-dies-at-80), who has accomplished more than Chaitanya, the 6 Goswamis, Bhaktivedanta swami, and Butler combined... [
You know what India has always struggled with and lacked? Toilet access. This prabhu helped to try to solve that.
You know what India has not had a shortage of or struggled with? Cults, chanting of random mantras and myths out the wazoo. Eve in the time of the epileptic chaitanya saint there was no shortage of kirtan, chanting or overt expressions of fanatical devotion in assorted religious groups. so it's not like he was starting something unique or useful that was not already going on.
What chaitanya did prompt is much of the same neo-vedic BS that was already rampant in India at the time anyway. Things like mysogonistic views on women that are still being dealt with to this very day: [
Ironically most if not all such language and ideology about women has its origins in the scriptures. Bhaktivedanta and his guru were no strangers to saying the most toxic bullshit about women, black people, gay people etc etc...
Ironically, their own cult is full of controversial women leader figures like the so-called wife (one of a few) of Nityananda, Janahva Devi who was divergent on her husbands "siddhanta" as soon as he was dead. In fact, all the faction off-shoots of the so-called Gaiudiya Vaishnava tradition were all divergent on major siddhantic points almost before the chaitanya saint even died (even unable to agree on how exactly he died, when he died and if he was even a divinity etc etc...
It took little to no time at all before sex-crazed babajis used the very words of the disciples of chaitanya (a strong word since he was not a formal diksha guru with no record of actual initiations—parampara anyone? Unbroken lineages anyone????) to create sahajoya sects. YET, it is undeniable that at the core and the final word of this cult is "majari bhava". The big "hush hush" ideology that everyone wants to talk about, but can't, but does anyway, blah blah blah...
The point is, enjoy the scrambled eggs religion this is. But for our purposes, today, it is like any other religion, more concerned about money making and building temples than anything truly unique or esoteric.
RUN... or walk quickly, whatever works, just create distance before they swallow you whole and make a hole in your head.