The demand is rather obvious. China is too strong, it needs someone to leverage it. Preferably India because they already have more people. But then it may turn out that as India grows stronger and China weakens, India will have to be leveraged ... with China. Of course, somewhere Russia in the background. An emaciated bear but with numerous atomic claws.
But for now, the first plan - the national hero - Hindu. The best, however, is our Hindu. From Hawaii, it is best where rich Americans have properties. Get along with the Japanese, etc.
Do people on this planet get along? There are different mechanisms. When there is too much land to the sea, there is a discussion in spirit - to move the borders of dominion to the sea or not - for security. And if not for safety, then out of a sense of competition - because someone else will cut coupons from this area. And it will cut off our sea route anyway. But, King, there are not enough of us for such extended lines of communication - so we'll go along narrow lanes and bunker the coast...
Another need for the elites with their false representatives is the declining American middle class. Well, because Asia is getting stronger, less money has to be taken from someone. mediocre. But more morlocks. And if there is no middle class, educated, then the army is weak.
That's why Tulsi Gabbard, that's why Sadh Guru talks to rabbis in public. What a great alliance. Who will wonder if they are from Sumer, or maybe it's another faction of Gypsies from Egypt, because Vladimir Putin says that there are no traces of Jews in Egypt ... And Gypsies - the caste of dancers - were thrown out of India ...
The game is transparent and naive at the same time.
The crap Tulsi Gabbard is telling. Let's not be a world hegemon, let's not keep our soldiers and bases everywhere, it costs money. Let's spend money on treatment, because medical care is not cheap and it is not available.
Oh sweetie, the military always follows business. There will be no army, there will be no dollar as the world currency. There will be no taxation by printing the dollar and there will be poverty ... Well, unless you take care of the middle class and kick the speculators in the ass who snatch profits from the blood of the average worker on the stock exchange ...
Indology has its advantages. Not only samkhya. Padartha too. Discussion classification - vada, jalpa, vitanda. A simple reference to mathematical game theory: discussion with positive, zero and negative sum.
Or a reference to artificial intelligence - one super specialist we say - it works but we don't know why. Well, because so many connections in the brain, so many complex networks, it works, but we don't know why.
So many connections? Honey, you are ignorant. You do not know all the areas of mathematics, so be aware that there is no such freedom. But this knowledge costs... If you try to get it and at the same time you are in a sect, the "guru" will tell you - what mathematics is for - only those who count money know it....
A kind educating sanyasi asks you - are you a free thinker? As a speculator? No, I appreciate reducers and reductionisms. I study reality. I'm getting manipulative like Ripley in her Alien-Queen robo-suit....You know the scene. But I respect Vedic knowledge in its educational role.Only these changes, distortions. The target is also not mathematical.
Any way, she, Tulsi Gabbard, common citizen common soldier but hero. Greatest american middle class hero. Wait...what about those 21 million bucks...
To live is to act. To act is to set a goal and act. Two actors means they collide somewhere sometime somehow..
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 07/20/2023 03:56AM by Culthusiast.