Is this the book the story is from?
This story is an important find -- thank you! And, as a story, it really stinks.
It shows that Prabhupada taught a tradition that was, by our standards, toxic by his time. It is a story that the Hare Krishnas do not tell prospective recruits.
Even if this incident did
not happen, it is truthful at another level -- information about cultural values implicit in the story. For it was a story was and retold to justify male fear and hatred of women.
It is possible this story was 'brand advertising" a story created to make an implicit claim that the newly created Chaitanya order was more virtuous because its male followers had superior chastity because they shunned females more than other lineages did.
In other Hindu monastic orders, it was NORMAL for male monks to go on begging rounds and accept food donations from women. Women took care of food stores and would have had cooked food ready at hand. The men would have been out at work, women cooked the meals at home.
To this day wandering Hindu and Buddhist monks and Muslim Sufi mendicants carry begging bowls.
Krishna devotion was a bhakti (devotional) movement. The various bhakti movements began comparatively late in Indian history and developed among the non Brahmins, among the lower castes who were barred from elite rituals.
As the bhakti movements gained followers and prestige, only then did the Brahmins move in to co-opt them. Chaitanya, if he was a Brahmin, was an opportunist. Or it was a story told to claim that Chaitanya, a non Brahmin, had actually been a Brahmin.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/05/2023 09:05PM by corboy.